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Sunday, September 08, 2013

Assateague Horse Struck, Killed By Vehicle On Labor Day

ASSATEAGUE – An otherwise perfect Labor Day on Assateague on the symbolic end of the summer season ended on a sad note on Monday night when one of the wild ponies that inhabit the island was struck and killed by a vehicle near the approach to the Verrazano Bridge.

Around 8 p.m. on Monday, a wild pony was struck by a vehicle leaving the parks on the causeway approaching the bridge. The horse, identified as T3KR, an alpha-numeric designation used to name the 100-plus wild inhabitants of the island, was a 20-year-old bay mare. The horse reportedly stepped into the path of a moving vehicle, according to Assateague Island National Seashore officials.


  1. no way that you can not see a horse in that area, it's wide open. Also it is a no stopping or parking area, but cars are always stopping making a mess of traffic. It's like they have never seen a horse! Thank God it is the end of summer, they can all go home!

  2. There is no sense in that happening. If the pony was that close to the road the driver should have slowed or stopped. Driver is a non-caring idiot.

  3. Ban vehicles from Assateague.

  4. Pennsylvania or Delaware, bet you! Oh shoot, can’t forget about Virginia too!

  5. 5:56 Your comment was on the money. I'll bet the driver voted for Obama because he or she has no common sense. What a moron!

  6. 6:56: how in the hell did a pony being struck & killed on assateague have anything to do with politics? UGH!

  7. Does it make sense to blame the horse??? The mare lived here for 20 years, but fault to the innocent as usual. How fast was the idiot driving; that needed to be home an hour before he was actually leaving????? Should be fined big time!!!!!

  8. Horses are so hard to see when they cross the road, kind of like elephants. I think it's their color, which is brown, much like the grey road they are crossing. Their size is distracting as well, much like the size of a car, which everyone can agree is hard to see, especially at the speed at which horses seem to travel. It's just inevitable that there will be a collision!

  9. 7:04 My statement was not so much about politics as it was about being stupid. Only a stupid driver would hit a pony that was standing next to the road. My point is that driver probably voted for Obama because only stupid people did.

  10. ...and the car was unable to stop? You have to crawl through that place. It's faster to walk.

  11. Driver had his or her up his ass - texting or speeding or both.

  12. It was 8pm. The sunset at 7:30pm. The horses are dark colored. Is it possible it was an accident?

    Use your brains before you blindly consume the news. Then regurgitate your opinions as if they are infallible.

    knee jerk reactionaries and people dying for validation.

  13. 2:50

    Most vehicles are equipped with modern technology called headlights. They tend to do a pretty good job of illuminating what is in front of you.


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