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Sunday, September 08, 2013

Baltimore Ravens To Promote Obamacare In Maryland

The Baltimore Ravens will partner with the Obama administration to help implement Obamacare in Maryland, the Maryland health department announced on Tuesday.

According to The Hill, this is the "first official partnership formed with a sports franchise to encourage participation in President Obama's signature healthcare law."

The White House had sought Obamcare partnerships with the NBA and NFL, but "both leagues backed away under pressure from congressional Republicans."

The Obama administration believes the law will only succeed if healthy young men buy into the program, and that demographic watches sports, especially football.



  1. Good time to become a Steeler fan!
    Come on board with a winning team.

  2. They just lost this fan!

  3. Well, there goes my backing. I don't support idiocy, sorry.

  4. OMG seriously!!!! Guess ill be picking a new team.

  5. Hail to the redskins! Even snyder knew better than that!

  6. Good By Ravens, Hello Redskins!

  7. Obama Crooked MotorsSeptember 4, 2013 at 9:26 PM

    WTH. Who from the Ravens would even sign up for this crap? Did Marty OweMalley "get involved"? Did somebody "greased few squeeky Wheels"? Something smells like a rotten fish there.

  8. "Healthy young men" are smarter than that. They spend their money on beer and chips, not losers like Obama!

  9. Just went from one of my favorites to bottom of the list. Hope they are last place like Obamacare.

  10. they now suck on a whole new level!

  11. OMalley Congrats! Now, I can become a Ravens fan! Please Ray to do the dance on the next affordable care act commercial!

  12. obamacare is such a piece of trash, our "leaders" have to spend MILLIONS of OUR dollars to convince us that it's not trash, but a work of art. Pass a bill AFTER you read it, pay attention in session, and work for the interests of our country - not for the interests of campaign contributors. If you (Congress) did THAT, you wouldn't need the endorsement of people like the Ravens players, most of whom couldn't name the Vice-President or spell any word longer than 5 letters.

  13. God, I miss the Colts...


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