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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

VP Biden's Son Evaluated At Texas Cancer Center

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Beau Biden, the Delaware attorney general and the son of Vice President Joe Biden, is being evaluated at a cancer center in Texas, according to people with knowledge of his condition.

Two people familiar with the situation said Biden was being evaluated Tuesday at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, one of the leading cancer centers in the nation. The people spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak in an official capacity.

Biden's wife and other family members, including the vice president, were with him. The vice president's office said he planned to remain in Houston on Wednesday. A hospital spokeswoman said she did not have any information.



  1. Good thing he's not covered by Obamacare, he be treated at a local clinic by a Nurse PA and sent home. Can't afford to treat things like cancer. (Cancer Centers of America are already turning away Medicare patients.

  2. Prayers for Beau.

  3. My prayers are for Beau, I certainly dont want see him mentally incompetent like his Dad


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