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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

NY Welfare Recipients Eligible For More In Benefits Than Teachers Earn

A new study finds that a New York mother of two is eligible for $38,004 in welfare benefits--a sum more than the annual salary of a New York entry-level school teacher.

The study, conducted by the CATO Institute, says in many states welfare pays better than work. Topping the list of wage-equivalent benefits for a mother and two children was Hawaii at $60,590. Idaho came in last with $11,150.



  1. and we wonder why we are broke these kind of situations make you want to vomit..

  2. How does MD compare?

  3. Wicomico County teacher starts out at 42,140.....Keep in mind... They also have 4 years of college debt, and have a few years to earn a masters degree

  4. NO ONE on any state welfare system should be 'entitled' to this kind of money. They are also teaching the children this is the way to live, why work?
    A very sad commentary for this country.


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