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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Federal Student "Aid" Demand Soars

A stunning 57% of undergraduates used federal student aid to help pay for college in 2012; dramatically higher than the 47% in the pre-crisis 2007 year. As the WSJ reports [2], an average of $8,200 per recipient is paid out by the government coinciding with climbing tuition costs (credit fuels growth?). The report, via the Education Department, noted that "even students from households we would consider middle-income are increasingly eligible and are increasingly taking advantage of Pell grants," as the number of full-time students who received Pell grants in families with incomes between $60,000 to $80,000 shot up to 18% in 2011-12 from 2% in 2007-08. Just another wealth transfer scheme or moar better bargains for the middle class.



  1. Another example of our tax dollars supporting socialist, liberal college people who couldn't get a real job if they had to.

  2. Do you mean real jobs like Teachers, Nurses, Doctors, Lawyers, Physical Therapists, Nutritionists,Accountants and Pharmacists. All of which need college degrees?
    Students can work all summer and not earn enough money to pay for one semester of an in-state school. Parents can only save so much. Tuition and housing at a MD in state school averages $18,000 per year. An educated country is a better country. I would rather see the government help with education than Obama phones.


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