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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Teens Killed College Athlete 'For The Fun Of It'

Oklahoma police say three teenagers randomly targeted Chris Lane in a drive-by shooting.



  1. This sucks to high HeavenAugust 20, 2013 at 9:16 PM

    I can bet you their parents are Obama lovers too.

  2. An eye for an eye......All three of the punks....

  3. So why isn't this a big deal in the MSM? I mean what is so different between this and the Travon Martin case? Oh yeah, that's right, the victim was WHITE.

    Racism at its finest.

  4. Paging Jesse & Al!
    Paging Jesse & Al!

    Call your office for airplane flight details.

  5. 9:40 - check the link - ABC News. Check the headline for most of the day on CNN. It is being covered by that evil MSM. Run along child.

  6. I think it is time to go hunting,

  7. Anonymous This sucks to high Heaven said...
    I can bet you their parents are Obama lovers too.

    August 20, 2013 at 9:16 PM

    Your "name" defines what your idiotic statement is.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So why isn't this a big deal in the MSM? I mean what is so different between this and the Travon Martin case? Oh yeah, that's right, the victim was WHITE.

    Racism at its finest.

    August 20, 2013 at 9:40 PM

    One of the punks was white dumdum. Trash is trash no matter the color of their skin.

  8. 2:52 AM WRONG. They were ALL black thugs. Dumdum. Look at the picture.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    2:52 AM WRONG. They were ALL black thugs. Dumdum. Look at the picture.

    August 21, 2013 at 8:35 AM

    READ the article dumdum and clean ur glasses

  10. America doesnt have a gun problem, it has a feral black problem.

  11. Learn to read, Kevin. The poster did not claim that this case was not being covered by the MSM. He asked why they weren't making a 'big deal' of it. We got slammed with Trayvon 24/7 for weeks. Complete with doctored 911 tapes and outright fraudulent photographs. 9:40 made it fairly plain that was his basis for comparison.

  12. "One of the punks was white dumdum."

    Maybe his skin is white, but culturally, he's all thug.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "One of the punks was white dumdum."

    Maybe his skin is white, but culturally, he's all thug.

    August 21, 2013 at 4:52 PM


  14. Kevin, you @$$. This is 9:20PM from the previous night.

    I have read the MSM media and as you are so "nice" to point out, they do have stories on it....or should I say, they have "A STORY" on it.

    On the Travon Martin case, for weeks it was all you heard about on the MSM.

    Kevin, get your friggin' facts right before you go slamming others, just because they don't agree with you.

    If someone needs to get a clue "kid", it's you...


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