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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Meet Sunny: The Obamas' New Puppy

Sunny was born in Michigan in June 2012, and arrived at the White House today. Just like Bo, she’s a Portuguese Water Dog, which works great for the Obamas because of allergies in their family.

Sunny is the perfect little sister for Bo – full of energy and very affectionate – and the First Family picked her name because it fit her cheerful personality.

In the past, Bo has been eager to help the First Family with their official duties, from visiting Walter Reed and the Children’s National Medical Center, to inspecting the Holiday decorations at the White House, to greeting guests at the White House on tours and during the Easter Egg Roll, but in October, the First Lady told reporters that she hosted a “doggie play date” because “Bo doesn't have enough dog interaction.” So now, in addition to helping with those official duties, Bo takes on the important role of big brother!



  1. Just as ugly as the first family

  2. No, actually like this story! At least they can take care of dogs...i hope!

  3. I thought the tours were stopped so what are both dogs going to do but play together?

    I love dogs, and both of them are cute!

  4. Come on out to the yard, I'll show you a new game! It's called "Bow and Arrow"!

  5. If I had a dog, Sunny would look like me.

  6. Currently b/c Obama is a Muslim...his dog is flown in a separate planeAugust 20, 2013 at 9:20 PM

    Does this mean a third Airplane?

  7. Will both dogs be allowed on the same plane, or must they travel separately at the taxpayer's expense?

  8. This story is a freakin joke. Trying to make the Muslim first family look like a American who actually likes animals. They don't!! They have no interaction with the dog at all.

  9. One dog is all black while the other has some white in him. What a coincidence.

  10. Taxpayers pay a handler more than $100,000.00 to take care of Bo. Do you think they are going to need more help now?


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