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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Study Suggests Employee Raises In Salisbury

SALISBURY — A recently completed employee pay study for Salisbury has found that employees are about 14-percent below market averages and that current policy is “no longer competitive with its overall [pay] ranges and structures.”

The agency that conducted the study, Evergreen Solutions, LLC, recommended a three-step, nearly $750,000 approach to bring the city pay structure back to a competitive place in the market.
Looking at 381 employees across 10 departments, Salisbury is lagging slightly behind the market, said Brian Wolfe, manager of Evergreen. “You’ve got 80 percent of your employees who are below their pay grade mid-point which points to some issue, perhaps, with funding of the STEPs.”

Evergreen compared Salisbury to locations across the Eastern Shore, including Ocean City, Snow Hill, Annapolis and Cambridge in Maryland and Seaford, Dover and Georgetown in Delaware among many others. There were 49 positions in the city that were used as benchmarks and were found to be an average of 14-percent below the market range at mid-point.



  1. They are not worth one penny more. Cut the waste, eliminate multiple positions, making it easier for us (the consumer) to get permits, etc.

    As a business owner, if I want a permit, I typically have to go through 4-5 people, all working for different "departments" of salisbury, and each one doesn't have a clue WHY I would have been transferred to them. When it's all said and done, I end up talking to the original person anyway.

    It's like they're "too busy" with their iphones to help a business. YOU WORK FOR US, a$$holes.

  2. Laden with fallacies:

    Annapolis area data should be discarded; nobody commutes there for the jobs under review. Without even seeing the data, we know A'plis is there just to skew the survey higher.

    Were these public or private sector jobs?

    How many hours per week were worked vs. salary earned?

    How is productivity measured, and rewarded?

    There is only so much pie at each employer. How were the value of present and future benefits weighed? Are they in the mix?

    John Q Taxpayer - It's a set-up; grab the lube.

    Higher than average retention may mean that current staff are collecting 'rents' (are paid over actual value of job, which they know and thus don't leave).

    Compare to previous exodus of cops for measurably better wages/conditions as they (ex cops) viewed comparison.

  3. Why don't you self righteous people go to work for Salisbury and see how awful it really is. Go ahead. They have tons of open positions because the staff is leaving in droves.

    1. It's more than that for some of the staff. Fair wages should be for all including government workers.

  4. Anon 10:22 Remember what you said when your being robbed, your house catches on fire or having a heart attack. Our employees are valuable and you cant do what they do. You think its a good idea for you until you need their help and then reality sets in for your ignorant comment.

  5. The number is 8.5 percent due to no raises in 7 years Would you stay and work for less Joe ?

    1. For some it was over 30%. For all the crap public staff takes would you do it?

  6. Jake Day and Laura Mitchell are out of control. They are working for popularity of the slum lords and rich. There may be some who are deserving of a raise but I see alot of city employees around town with one working and several others leaning on their shovels. I think there should be some thinning in many departments!

  7. 2:08-What will the first responders say when they reach his house? Will they say "oh it's 10:22,just let him burn"?

  8. There is no money for raises when the gov is spending it on "creating" more useless government jobs.

    1. Useless?? Why don't you work for years of furloughs that were not warranted and then 2% increase...really?

    2. 10:09. If someone is so stupid as to stay in that job for for"years" then they deserve the 2%. Get smart, find a better job.

  9. Is this just a study? Yes Are employees getting a raise? No Cool your jets everyone.

  10. Ignant I say. I've gone from 60k/yr to 8. Cry me a river.

  11. All that money for a study to tell us what we already knew...

  12. Anonymous said...
    Why don't you self righteous people go to work for Salisbury and see how awful it really is. Go ahead. They have tons of open positions because the staff is leaving in droves.

    August 23, 2013 at 2:07 PM

    I think most of us are a little smarter than that Moron!

  13. Anonymous said...
    Why don't you self righteous people go to work for Salisbury and see how awful it really is. Go ahead. They have tons of open positions because the staff is leaving in droves.

    August 23, 2013 at 2:07 PM

    Business Development Specialist Open Until Filled
    CAD Drafter Open Until Filled
    Construction Inspector Open Until Filled
    Crime Data Analyst Open Until Filled
    GIS Technician Open Until Filled
    IT – Network Administrator 8/31/2013
    Motor Equip Oper. 1 Open Until Filled
    Meter Tech 1 Open Until Filled
    O&M Superintendent 8/30/2013
    Police Secretary/Records Clerk Open Until Filled
    Project Engineer Open Until Filled
    Project Manager Open Until Filled
    Water Plant Maintenance Operator 9/13/13
    WWTP Shift Supervisor Open Until Filled
    Application Packet – Salisbury PD Open Until Filled

    This does not constitute tons of positions open. As a matter of fact several of these are newly created positions by Jimbeau and Fake Jake.

  14. What happened to the Hendricks Study just a couple of years ago that said most city employees were adequately paid?

    Goes to show you that consultants tell you what you want to hear.. at an enormous price.

    By the way there wasn't much work put into this study because most consultants keep info on file from previous studies. Not hard to collect. They just change the names and dates.

  15. I haven't worked for years. And I have plenty money thanks to Government Programs. And I also hear were getting another increase in subsidies.

  16. didnt the city pay the hendricks study staff "extra" to say the employees were paid correctly? Why is the city pay for studies if they wont follow through with the results. Wasting money to even have the study.


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