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Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Letter To The Editor: County Council Meeting

Mr Albero, 

I feel I need to write you about the Daily Times coverage of Tuesdays Wicomico County Council meeting, being an avid viewer of Pac 14 and having watched this most recent meeting I was appalled that the only story the Times could write on the council meeting was about the oyster program. 

So many more things were on the agenda that to do a 2nd page story on this one item seemed to me that the Daily Times is doing its best to suppress any of the actions of the council, news that needs to reach the people of Wicomico County. 

While Worchester County made the front page about poultry regulations the Wicomico County Council also addressed this matter, also discussed were the speed cameras and Councilman Joe Holloway brought up a $35.000.00 study that was done last year and had never been discussed by the council. 

It is well known that one Pat Peterson now serves on the Times editorial board, Ms Peterson was Rick Pollitts finance guru at one time and was one of the department heads that received a secret raise a few years ago. This poor reporting would lead one to think that maybe Rick Pollitt has the Times in his pocket, after all just a few weeks ago there were two puff stories done on Rick Pollitt in a matter of days. If what I've said is true shame on them if not maybe they need to hire a more ambitious reporter and bring us facts instead of fluff.

Mr Albero thank you for what you do.


  1. Rick Pollitt is a career bureaucrat whose only interest is furthering his career in politics.

  2. People, Stop blaming our leaders ! We vote them into office and then we don't hold them accountable. Our society has created selfish people. The mass majority of Americans are selfish. We the people have to start taking the blame! What do think our leaders are going to do? Worry about the people or themselves? I don't blame them at all. All my life I have been one to worry about the people I could help. Recently I woke up! I worry about my wife, kids and parents. That's it. I've joined the club! I know, it sounds terrible doesn't it? But im telling you the truth. We have created this. We have to deal with it. I recently read a letter to the editor on this site. I challenged the complainers (close to 100 comments ) to post anonymous or not that they would attend the next county council meeting to voice their concerns. I read the blog every day hoping to see many post. I saw none ! See what I mean? If your like me older, conservative, religious, family man you are living in the past. Stop holding on to it. It's over. You will drive yourself crazy urning for something that will never be again.

  3. The daily rag will only print things that make Pollitt look good. They didn't even cover this years budget or the large increase in taxes. Great paper to wrap fish in.

  4. 10:18, you're partially correct. i'm just like you but i'm a woman. having worked in the political scene for many of my younger years; I will Never give up. I can't attend the meeting because of caring for a family member and my age, but I will Forever make calls, send emails and make contacts to let my voice be heard. I will try to educate my family, friends, associates and neighbors whenever possible.

    we can make a difference. my husband and I continue to vote and encourage all to do the same.

    please don't give up...your voice must be heard.

  5. the only reason the county council is "visiting" this issue now, instead of last October is because we are now far away in time from the budgeting process. ricky didn't want the public to know what this study said.

    their findings, bottom line, Wicomico county is taxed too high. who knew...

  6. Just paid my taxes went up $180.00 home worth less why?

  7. Share your concerns, but there is no county in Maryland named Worchester.

  8. Everything connected with Slicky Tricky Ricky is puffed up!

  9. You can thank the three Rino's Hall, Prettyman, and Matt Holloway for your tax increase,Everyone knew Sample-Hughes would support it.

  10. I moved to Delaware years ago suckers

  11. One thing Ive learned since moving to the shore several years ago. 1.Nepotism is the common rule here,2. the average local person doesnt care about anything here but mindlessly defends everything here and nothing changes because of this. Progress on the shore is a joke. Its easier to move and be happy where people actually care about their hometown. Just look at the amount of ppl that vote in the local elections. Its pathetic.

  12. Guess I have to repeat myself! 12:25pm. The entire council voted to raise the taxes! Looks like you only have it out for the other three you mention, or, is it if you say it enough times it then becomes the truth.

  13. How many eligible voters watch the Council on PAC 14?
    How many eligible voters bother to read articles concerning Council meetings in the Daily Times?
    How many eligible voters attend Council meetings?
    You get on here and gripe but cannot bother to do a dang thing to make change, including voting.

  14. Some of you have the right idea......people don't get involved anymore. I believe that the people that ran for local elected office, did so because they care about their community. Why else would they do it? If people don't want to get involved, and show up to meetings, and give input, or contact a council person, or at least bother to vote, then they need to shut their pie holes and accept the decisions of the people in elected office. If you don't like those decisions, get off your lazy but and become involved. As far as a tax increase, part of the responsibility of any council is to look after the best interests of the citizens and the county/town/ etc. It may be irresponsible in their opinion to not raise the tax rate to fund what they view as core services that they were elected to ensure that keep in place. At any rate...if you didn't vote, go to a meeting, make a phone call, etc...shut your pie hole.


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