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Sunday, August 11, 2013

OMG, Downtown Salisbury Has Been Revitalized

Salisbury Mayor James Ireton, Jr. is pleased to announce that the first of the new Salisbury bike racks will be installed downtown on the Plaza. Join Mayor Ireton on Wednesday, August 7, 2013 at 10:30 am in front of Main Roots Coffee for the unveiling. 

This Salisbury bike rack is one of 6 that are planned to be installed in the downtown area. Salisbury
is working diligently to become a “bike friendly” city. There are a number of projects in the works to make Salisbury more bicycle accessible, especially to Salisbury University students. 

“The City of Salisbury is excited to be installing the first Salisbury bike rack on the Downtown
Plaza. This rack is in close proximity to the new Camden Spine Route bike path which will be constructed shortly. Additionally, the City has applied for funding to provide additional bike racks in the downtown area,” said Amanda Pollack, Acting Director of Public Works. 

Matt Drew, co-founder of Bike-SBY said, “Bike-SBY supports efforts like this to make our city
a more Bicycle Friendly Community. Since May 2013, Main Roots has supported cycling by participating in Bike-SBY's Bicycle Friendly Merchant program. Customers who ride their bikes to Main Roots get a 15% discount on purchases, and this incentive helps promote cycling in our  community. Adding bike racks in front of businesses will bring more cyclists downtown and promote the area as a destination for merchants and customers.”


  1. I still lol at the bike lain on Rt13. Now that was smart...

  2. OMG....he's saved our town!

  3. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 6, 2013 at 1:25 PM

    WHOA! Are you kidding? More cyclists will bring more business to local merchants? Hey Pollack, why not add new bike route for those "cyclists" from Church Street to hangout at Public Library. Make sure they wear protective bullett-prove wests when riding in downtown after sun goes down.

  4. Progressives are sooooo out of touch with reality...

  5. What a joke just like Jim Ireton!

    What good are the bike racks. Who is going to park downtown and what is there to see?

  6. How much shopping and purchasing can someone do if they are riding a bike? I have owned a lot of bikes but never had one with a trunk or even a backseat.

  7. How much money is Matt Drew making off of this little taxpayer funded venture? No wonder he was such a vocal advocate of the Day/Ireton ticket. FACISM.

  8. Can't wait to see Salisbury's version of a "bike spur" on narrow, busy Camden Avenue. Guess PRMC did not allow it on nice wide Waverly.

  9. People who ride bikes everywhere don't have any money for shopping. If they did they would own a car.

  10. OMG, go get WBOC, WMDT and The Daily Slime - this is a picture taking opportunity.

  11. Your kidding me is this their solution? what is there to buy? if they drink guess they can get some DWIs ..i love this blog..and really glad i dont live in salisbury..but i get tons of laughs at the parade of incompetent good ole boy back slapping fool politicans.....ya all keep electing..these mental midget idiots (who are obviously on the take with the usual suspects of slumlords,greedy developers, zoo libtards, art councils..and tax suckers)...who only offer stupid land deals rob the city blind with bad land deals...offer sec 8 housing /future slums / chase good manufactuers n bussiness away../ no hockey at civic center.twice...cause no beer??...why did you all not bulldoze the civic center then put up a multi floor parking garage there and built a new indoor outdoor stadium in the old mall parking lot? think of the revenue and the jobs that would bring..(i know civic center wico not smallsbury)but you get the gist..... bike racks you guys crack me up.salisbury is not barrie dunn gary lousie.jim and now this wanna be day..they are why this town has been and will continue to be nowhere....Day nothing but a suck up to the money politican in the making if i ever saw one..bike racks wow should bring in droves from nowwhere to a nothing of a down town..when i do ride thru on my harley on weekends nothings open.

  12. This is such a waste of hard earned honest money. What a waste. Downtown is dead why else would Ireton,Day want subsidized housing downtown? There is nothing worth going downtown for plus it isn't safe.

  13. I see all the homeless riding bikes. So it makes sence to me to bring them all downtown .

  14. HaHaHa LMAO Hardly no one was there. I saw the pics on his FB page.

    Last night clergy, from various houses of religion in Salisbury, joined Mayor Ireton at Parkway Church of God to join in song and prayer for our City and our emergency responders. This service is held the night before National Night Out which is a night to bring together citizens of the community and members of the Police and Fire Departments for an evening of fun and safety.

  15. Thats great new bike racks for downtown, are they going to have space tor the bikes to be able to bring their tow behind trailers to park? You know with all the shopping they will be doing, they will need a way to carry their purchases. OMG, whats wrong with me, there is no where to shop

  16. who wants to ride bikes on camden? they do ride on the sidewalks & won't yield to those who walk. you gotta move or get run over. i thought bikes on the sidewalks wasn't supposed to be.

  17. 1:18

    lol, very smart!

  18. Will there be parking meters attached ti the tire slots?


  19. There should be a rule that no one can post a negative comment unless they actually voted in the mayorial election.Something does not add up.Anti Jake Day and Ireton commentors have come out in force with each new post.Where were you all on election day? And don't say at the polls.

  20. #1 mode of transportation for drug dealers and customers in Salisbury? Bikes. Yes more bike racks, they make the best meeting points.

    Bet with see Jim, Jake, Rick, riding through the downtown on Saturday nights! (with police cars on both sides)

  21. I remember when there were bike racks downtown in the 1940's. Mine was stolen from one, later recovered by City Police, and I paid $3.00 storage fee to get it back. New bike would have been $15.00 ($3.00 in 1940's = $50.00 in 2013)...


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