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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Why Did Cops Kill This 95-Year-Old In Walker?

A 95-year-old man who served his country during World War II is now dead after police stormed his retirement home with riot shields, Tasered him and shot him with bean bag rounds – all because he adamantly refused to undergo high-risk surgery.

U.S. Army Air Corps veteran John Wrana, who was honorably discharged as a sergeant after he served in the India-Burma campaign, used a walker because family members said he was “wobbly” on his feet, according to the Chicago Tribune. The elderly veteran was shot down by enemy fire during the war.

On July 26, a doctor reportedly told Wrana if he survived surgery, he would likely be put on life support. The elderly man refused the operation, and paramedics attempted to involuntarily transport him for medical treatment. He was sitting in a chair, holding a cane and a shoe horn when police arrived at the Victory Centre senior living facility located just south of Chicago.

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  1. This is a man who decided he did not want high risk surgery, and did not want to be on life support for however much time God decided to give him...the choice was taken out of his hands by nothing less than gestapo type thugs, and he died as a result. This is what Obama care will do to our country...if it was reversed, and the man had decided that he DID want the surgery, and it had not been "approved" by the medical Nazi regime, then guess what? He would not have been allowed to have it, and would have been forced to try to fine a private facility to do it (which is unlikely) or leave the country to get it. This happens in England--a woman wanted a cancer drug-was denied it, and was not even allowed to pay for it herself. This is what we are on the cusp of--your medical treatment is OUT OF YOUR HANDS...we must stop this now or every American (except for the "elite" that have exempted themselves) will pay the price-which we as a country can not afford--the total control of your life.

  2. so what poster 6:53 am? so what?

    You all sit back idly by while all this shit happens...

    After all, we tried to tell you, warn you and get you into action... You refused... All you did was run your mouth on blogs and post comments and write emails... To the wrong people at that... You wasted your time by not acting and by going after the wrong people and for the wrong subject...

    you ignored our warnings and this is the result...

    Maybe you will listen now? perhaps?

    So you know, there will be no knight to come swooping in to save the day...it is upto us and you... with out you we can't fight...

  3. I'd like to hear more about this. I can't believe (a) that a doctor would promote a surgery which has a likely outcome of life support for ANY patient, let alone an elderly one; and (b) that anyone would be FORCED to have surgery. Was the man mentally incompetent? Was someone in the family authorized to make decisions for him about his medical care? I'm having a hard time buying this.

  4. Ditto 8:38.I'm not defending the police actions,but someone is putting the entire blame on the police when others were also responsible and unknown (to us) factors involved.

  5. so, the guy wanted to die (by refusing the surgery), he got his wish. wheres the problem?

  6. the entire blame SHOULD be put on the police. 5-7 cops were in the room ALONE with him. THEY are the ones who SHOT him. THEY are the ones who KILLED him.

    What other factor could there be, he didn't get his Ensure that morning?

  7. Didn't he suffer from dementia? If so, I'm sure he was hostile towards the officers, and they only shot him with a bean bag. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  8. This man of honor and integrity - A man who served his Country - A man of sound mind in the medical decision elected to die as he chose and was murdered by the very Country he served during WW2.

  9. There seems to be a major problem with people calling the cops.Why would anyone need police help with a poor,defenseless 95 year old man? And for that matter,why did the movie theater manager call for security (off duty deputies moonlighting)to assist with a poor defenseless special needs individual? Something does not add up when the police are always at fault,because they responded per request.

  10. @ 8:12 Since you know nothing about me, I will forgive your ignorance...I don't just "complain on blogs" I have written countless letters to the White House, Congress, the Senate--not just our own lame representatives, but Reid, Pulosi-you pick one, I have contacted them. Phone calls, which are sometimes answered by bored idiots, sometimes go straight to a voice messaging system, and I am very active in our local Tea Party, So don't throw poop unless you know where it will stick!

  11. damn shame! cops killing an 90 year old vet! heavens forbid I'm sure he had alot more training then them making him oh so dangerous! when are the american people going to say enough is enough and put a stop to this nazi bs!


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