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Sunday, August 11, 2013

INTERESTING FACTS...........The Democrats And Their Influence On Crime!

The United States is 3rd in Murders throughout the World.

But if you take out Chicago , Detroit , Washington DC and New Orleans , the United States is 4th from the Bottom for Murders.
These 4 Cities also have the toughest Gun Control Laws in the United States .

ALL are controlled by Democrats

Does this tell you anything?


  1. From my experience most dumbs I mean dems will look at you and completely discount any inconvenient facts.

  2. "Does this tell you anything?"

    Yes, it tells me that democratic policies do not work and anyone that votes for a democrat is grossly uniformed.

  3. Can we take out Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC and New Orleans?

  4. It tells me that another Democratic president will be elected in 2016.

  5. What about NYC? What about Boston? What about the entire state of Vermont and Iowa? These are democratic strongholds, yet they see incredibly low amounts of gun violence. The answer does not simply lie within a political party.

  6. 5:05 put head back in sand..libtard=democrat same thing

  7. Yea, Democrats are brainless idiots. See 5:05, being a victim of crime in these cities and states is expected, guns aren't required.

  8. 5:05 PM = Chuck Cook = Libtard

  9. I'm 5:05 and I have been a registered republican since I turned 18. But I think your head is stuck in the sand if you simply blame it on the liberals. Gun violence is too complex an issue. There are more factors at play here than political parties and it shames me to know that so many folks don't want to have that conversation.

    Boom I'm out in open. Come at me if you have anything constructive to say.

  10. Can we get a citation here? It would be interesting to know the source so we can get even more stats.

  11. Gun violence. That's funny. Just a lib term to allow them to include justified self defense and accidental shootings in on their gun death stats!

    Make up some numbers, dolts!

  12. 5:05-Boston's pretty rough. Ranks somewhere in the top 20 in high crime rates. As with most cities it's size, there are only a handful of neighborhoods considered safe.
    NYC rates a bit better but still in the high crime bracket.
    Vermont isn't necessarily democratic controlled. It's back and forth between the 2 major parties as is Iowa so with those states you are comparing apples to onions.
    All the cities mentioned in the post have been democratic strongholds for generations.

  13. The reason these cities have high murder rates is yes because they've been democratically controlled for generations and the simple solution so everyone thinks something is being done about it was to pass more and more gun control legislation. Why that didn't work is because that's not the root of the problem and dems will not address the root which started with the break down of the family.
    Sean, Personally I think your head is stuck in the sand because I totally see the manifestation of violence and those who commit it as products of the politically correct BS of the left.

  14. Sean, I am going to say you are incorrect. Since well over 90% of gun violence is committed within the inner cities where the anything goes, if it feels good do it, the government will take care of me, democratic/liberal attitudes prevail doesn't it then make sense that the problem was created by liberals?
    It's not one bit complex.
    When there are no morals, no value of life, no guiding principles everything goes downhill.

  15. 8:13
    First intelligent comment I've seen in a long time here. Better than calling the crazy dems libtards. Nobody takes you seriously when you spew that hate.

  16. @916
    You just named three things (no morals, no value of life, no guiding principles) that also contribute to the problem in addition to failed gun policies.

    Does that not make it a complex issue?

  17. No 10:09 it is not a complex issue at all. Only those who would lose their core voter base think so.
    Cut entitlements and make people have to suffer a bit and maybe personal responsibility would rear it's head once again. Or make entitlements a privilege that has to be earned.
    Besides losing their core voter base democrats would also lose their benefactors-large corps-who control them. The large corps are the ones making out hugely because of government handouts and the crime problem (they have prison/jail contracts.) Democrats including the politicians are followers and are controlled. The politicians by the corp executives and the voters by the politicians.
    9:13-Thank you for the comment but I have to admit I feel those who support democratic policies and vote democrat are intellectually inferior and weaklings who are followers. There is no other possible explanation for someone/anyone feeling that they aren't capable of taking care of themselves and need big government. Democrats do not think. They for whatever reason have lost that ability. They jump in and pass and support legislation without forward thinking it through. FDR for example and now it's come home to roost with the US deficit-his policies (Ponzi schemes) contributing majorly to it and obamacare another example.

  18. 1043:
    Exactly. Its more than just gun control policies. That is my point. Thank you for agreeing.


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