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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Officials Tour Berlin Dairy Farm

BERLIN — Maryland Lieutenant Governor and 2014 gubernatorial candidate Anthony G. Brown was stumping on the Eastern Shore last week with visits to Salisbury and Berlin to highlight a pair of agricultural success stories.

Brown first visited Perdue’s corporate offices in Salisbury to celebrate the company’s recent Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. As a result of a four-year, $10.5 million renovation, Perdue’s corporate office facility in Salisbury is the first LEED platinum building on the Eastern Shore and one of just 19 LEED platinum projects in all of Maryland. LEED certification provided independent third-part verification that a building, home or community was designed and built using strategies aimed at achieving high performance in key areas of human and environmental health.



  1. boy, their coffee bean vanilla is out of this world. yum

  2. I don't know why he is visiting the shore. We don't want this guy as our next governor!

  3. Holy crap he looks alot like OBama .

  4. I have a feeling those boys from Chesapeake Bay Farms couldn't wait for Brown to leave. He is not going to baffle them with his BS.

  5. These idiots down on the Shore acting all concerned? Must be coming up to election time.

  6. He's a Democrat like O'Malley and Obama so he is a liar.

  7. Good enough reason not to vote for him 6:34. Profiling? Maybe but who cares, that's how bammy got in.

  8. 11:20-It still amazes me how many only did vote for Obama because of his race as opposed to his accomplishments which are nil.
    This is why the black race and their neighborhoods are in shambles. They've been brainwashed into voting for a black candidate no matter the persons credentials. As in the case of Obama-he's done nothing positive or successful his entire life and they voted for him!

  9. since chesapeake bay farms doesn't seem to mind having their picture take with this clown! I suppose maybe either they think it's good for business or they truly support him either way I will not be stopping there any more!
    If one of these political clowns showed up at my door the picture the press would be showing would be my foot up his ass as I excorted him off my property!
    and brown has asked all of baltimopre to vote for him since he's black, guess that makes him more than qualified!

  10. I know the owners of Chesapeake and they had no idea this clown was going to show up!

  11. Yeah 8:01-They were a lot nicer than I would have been. They way I see it anyone connected or who supports omalley isn't worthy to breath the same air as me. omalley is an incompetent and a pathological liar and birds of a feather flock together. I refuse to even be near these types.

  12. Anonymous said...
    since chesapeake bay farms doesn't seem to mind having their picture take with this clown! I suppose maybe either they think it's good for business or they truly support him either way I will not be stopping there any more!
    If one of these political clowns showed up at my door the picture the press would be showing would be my foot up his ass as I excorted him off my property!
    and brown has asked all of baltimopre to vote for him since he's black, guess that makes him more than qualified!

    August 24, 2013 at 8:01 AM

    My feelings exactly!

  13. Really the ice cream isn't all that, we went there once and won't again!

  14. I don't think they knew the blowhard was going to show up either because no doubt they would have made up some excuse to be closed at that time. I don't know them but I do go and get cheese and sometimes meat and oysters at their stand.
    I think I'll drive on over tomorrow and pick up some cheese.

  15. I think on my next visit, I will ask them of their political awareness and preferences before I decide to deprive myself on organic foods. THINK, people, these are our friends helping us with good, wholesome products. If they are somehow against your political agenda, then when they personally tell you that, you have the option.

    For me, If Omalley and Brown and the press showed up at my house, I would allow a fair Q/A session and probably it would be nothing they could use except for a photo of me shaking hands with my visitors. I am polite and welcome my visitors.

    I don't always agree with them.

    Next time I go there, I will ask them about the visit. That will tell me all I have to know. It's that simple.

  16. I'll never stop there again.

  17. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 26, 2013 at 7:40 AM

    After 40 some New Taxes and Fees impsed on Bussineses by TWO CLOWNS - OweMalley and Brownie, it's a near miracle to STAY OPEN FOR BUSSINES. I would tell him Thanks for coming, but you can leave now.


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