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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Customer Pistol-Whips Dunkin’ Donuts Employee Over Iced Coffee Order

Most people when they’re upset with an incorrect order just ask for a refund or lodge a complaint with management.

But one Florida man decided Tuesday to take “customer dissatisfaction” to a whole new level by pistol-whipping a Dunkin’ Donuts employee while his wife shouted, “Shoot him, shoot him!”

Police in Lauderhill, Fla. on Wednesday released video purportedly showing Jeffrey Wright, 27, repeatedly striking Dunkin’ Donuts drive-through employee Rajay Hall, 19, on the head with a pistol.

The reason for the beating? Hall supposedly messed up Wright’s iced vanilla coffee order.

As customers rushed to break up the fight, Wright’s wife, 22-year-old Alexis Longo, allegedly encouraged her husband to shoot Hall:



  1. DD employee should have been armed and blew the pistol-whipping punk's brains out....End of case, however, DD employee would be arrested for carrying a concealed weapon for self defense....

  2. I have to laugh every time I see or hear about these idiots. The black race is slowly killing themselves. The old saying " give em an inch and they will take a mile" certainly applies . The hood all over the U.S. is full of murdering blacks killing their own.
    I didn't used to think it was funny , but , how can you not.

    When the crap hits the fan , and it will . Be prepared , it will come when you least expect it.
    The rivers will turn red with blood.

  3. Yes, too bad the employee didn't have a gun and put the trash 6 ft under like George Zimmerman did. Of course the brain-deads would have claimed the trash was just out getting some iced coffee and weren't doing anything wrong, like they claimed with the garbage Martin.

  4. It's understandable, the lazy DD employees don't even stir your coffee for you when going thru the drive thru, nor do they give you anything to stir it with yourself. If you have to wait til you get to work to stir and drink your coffee, you'd might as well save the money and make it there.

    Especially when the price keeps going up and up, and the flavor/quality keeps getting worse. Meanwhile you can go to McDs and get a Large coffee made just how you want for $1.

    1. So you are saying that a pistol whipping was justified ??? Go kill yourself

  5. 1:42 And it would be worth it, just to show others they better mind who they start $hit with.

    Coffee is serious business.

  6. I read this story with total horror. What is this country coming to. That seem like an awful lot to have to do to get a simple donut order straight.

  7. I quit buying coffee there because it isn't very good and the employees seem to not care. Rise Up coffee is more expensive, but the service and coffee is much better.

  8. How do you hit someone at the drive thru? Couldn't they just back up?

  9. Most people are hugely disappointed because an inadequate amount of filling is in DD doughnuts.The iced coffee one is new to me.

  10. 8:25-"It's understandable?"

    You've lost me on that one. Unstirred coffee-no stirrer isn't worth one second getting upset over- to me anyway.
    I'm a take charge forward thinking kind of person and it would take one time for them to forget a stirrer and I would have plastic spoons in my glove compartment just in case it happened again and I wanted to continue to go there.

  11. A perfect example of someone who should lose their right to carry a firearm. They make responsible gun owners look bad.

  12. So now a five day waiting period for donuts?

  13. Someone should have pistol wiped the girlfriends azz's. She was the instigator. However, this black on black crime really do need to stop.


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