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Sunday, August 25, 2013

McDonough To Propose 'Stand Your Ground' Law For Maryland

A Baltimore County lawmaker said Thursday that he plans to introduce legislation in the General Assembly that would bring to Maryland the “stand your ground” legal doctrine that became a central part of the debate over Florida’s Trayvon Martin case.

Critics of the outcome of the Trayvon Martin case contend Florida’s “stand your ground” law may have helped escalate the conflict when George Zimmerman came across Trayvon, an unarmed 17-year-old African American, while Zimmerman was patrolling his neighborhood. In the struggle that followed, Zimmerman shot Trayvon fatally.

Zimmerman, who is Hispanic, was acquitted of second-degree murder and manslaughter charges after claiming self-defense. While he did not formally raise “stand your ground” as a defense, the central premise of the law was part of the instructions to the jury.


  1. Good. But there is a law of self survival that is an instinct. I do not need a law that protects me from wild animals. Travon was a wild animal and druggy.

  2. We need more elected officials like this guy.

    He's seen what works and how...and he's willing to stand up for what's right!

  3. It will never pass because there are too many liberal free riding Democrats in Maryland. The only chance it will have is to be a referendum vote in 2014. I truly believe it could pass that vote.

  4. They keep taking our guns, what will we use to "stand our ground" with?

  5. The 2nd Americabn Revolution in progressAugust 23, 2013 at 5:11 PM

    Love this...We need to fight back you all...

    Benjamin Franklin stated the following:

    If we do not hand together on this we will be hanged separately...

  6. Previous Author was the 2nd American Revolution....sorry typo

  7. Good for him. At least we have someone on the General Assembly that has some intelligence.

  8. first you need to be able to carry the gun.

  9. 4:58 says "they keep taking our guns". Who took your guns? When? Has anyone ever had a gun taken from them?

  10. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 23, 2013 at 10:03 PM

    Great Idea. Finally someone with guts and balls. I vote Yes 100%.

  11. The zimmerman case had nothing to do with the SYG law, it's a made up talking point from the naacp and media.

    We shouldn't need a law that says I can protect myself, or family, from a threat.

  12. 4:53 considering how the referendums went last election careful what you wish for.


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