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Sunday, August 25, 2013

SFD Calls For Service 8-23-13

  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 21:07:49 Nature: Medical Assist Address: 5306 Eastwood Cir Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 20:56:45 Nature: Subject Fallen City: Salisbury
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 20:21:11 Nature: Subject Fallen City: Salisbury
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 19:24:41 Nature: Ems Assist City: Salisbury
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 19:11:34 Nature: Medical Assist Address: 631 Homer St Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 17:20:46 Nature: Subject Fallen City: Salisbury
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 16:37:21 Nature: Subject Fallen City: Salisbury
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 16:17:25 Nature: Subject Fallen City: Salisbury
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 15:58:30 Nature: Pro Qa Ems City: Salisbury
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 14:45:47 Nature: Sick Subject City: Salisbury
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 14:16:16 Nature: Unconscious Subject City: Salisbury
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 13:44:47 Nature: Seizure City: Salisbury
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 13:37:46 Nature: Laceration City: Salisbury
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 13:22:24 Nature: Sick Subject City: Salisbury
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 13:09:03 Nature: Difficulty Breathing City: Salisbury
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 13:02:53 Nature: Medical Assist Address: 124 Carolyn Ave Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 07:39:17 Nature: Difficulty Breathing City: Salisbury
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 06:54:44 Nature: Allergic Reaction City: Salisbury
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 05:29:34 Nature: Chest Pain City: Salisbury
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 02:42:07 Nature: Subject Fallen City: Salisbury
  • Friday August, 23 2013 @ 00:35:44 Nature: Seizure City: Salisbury


  1. In all the SFD postings I have YET TO READ A FIRE RESPONSE.

  2. I am confused where are all the fires that justified hiring all those new firemen with that free grant money?

  3. Actually there was a fire in one of the reports about 3 weeks ago. There was another last week but I think it was just a drill. But your point is still valid.

  4. I got an ambulance bill the other day and there was a charge for extra manpower from a fire truck?

  5. If I was a EMT I would be pissed. Bust your a$$ 24/7 while Jim's Boyz of metro drive around in circles and tell everyone how they wielding hard. Oh that's right they do change light bulbs.

  6. The fires aren't listed because you chose not to put them there. The firemen are currently on an accident scene where people are trapped. 8 victims total. They're working hard to help others while you you're running them down. Do or say something positive for once in your life.

  7. How many paid firemen does the SFD have sitting around compared to the busy as crap SPD?

  8. 11:51
    I'm sick of you all saying we are not posting the fires. We go to the SFD website and get our information off the live run log. If the fire is not listed there we can't post it here now can we?
    Enough of your lies.

  9. The volunteer firemen Rock . I would like to here what they think of the paid Boyz.

  10. They need the farmen , someone has to sleep in the bunks.
    My heroes , since 9/11 all far men are heroes , don't ya know.

  11. Free sewing lessons at station #1

    next week free eye make-up and finger-nail polish lessons.

  12. They even hire a yard service to cut grass at Station 1. They don't have time to do that type of maintenance.

  13. Instead of complaining about the paid firefighters why don’t you volunteer at your local Fire Department? This is what you need to get started.
    IS-00100 – 3 hours
    IS-00200 – 16 hours
    IS-00700 – 3 hours
    IS-00800 – 3 hours
    CPR – 3 hours
    Blood borne Pathogens – 3 hours
    Infection Control – 3 hours
    EMT – 165 hours
    Fire Fighter 1 – 108 hours
    Fire Fighter 2 – 60 hours
    Emergency Vehicle Operator Class – 39 hours
    Pumps – 30 hours
    Haz-Mat Operations – 24 hours
    That is 460 hours of training, you will need additional training to become an Officer.

  14. We all suport the volunteers, its the over paid no fire fighting , ambulance chaser's we can do without.

  15. I want to get paid to chase ambulances and look all official like at an accident scene, as if I were there to keep the cars from bursting into flames.

    Where do I apply?

  16. Anonymous said...
    We all suport the volunteers, its the over paid no fire fighting , ambulance chaser's we can do without.

    August 24, 2013 at 8:48 PM

    Here! Here!

  17. Anonymous said...
    They need the farmen , someone has to sleep in the bunks.
    My heroes , since 9/11 all far men are heroes , don't ya know.

    August 24, 2013 at 2:32 PM


  18. Anonymous said...
    Instead of complaining about the paid firefighters why don’t you volunteer at your local Fire Department? This is what you need to get started.
    IS-00100 – 3 hours
    IS-00200 – 16 hours
    IS-00700 – 3 hours
    IS-00800 – 3 hours
    CPR – 3 hours
    Blood borne Pathogens – 3 hours
    Infection Control – 3 hours
    EMT – 165 hours
    Fire Fighter 1 – 108 hours
    Fire Fighter 2 – 60 hours
    Emergency Vehicle Operator Class – 39 hours
    Pumps – 30 hours
    Haz-Mat Operations – 24 hours
    That is 460 hours of training, you will need additional training to become an Officer.

    August 24, 2013 at 5:13 PM

    Don't let this lying sack of crap tell you this is all you need to get started. And even if it was it can be taken over several years. It can't be taken all at once. Most firefighters only take about 3 hours of training a week once it does get started. This is just a scare tactic to prevent volunteers from joining. Scare tactics is the only thing paid firemen can do to really justify their jobs.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Free sewing lessons at station #1

    next week free eye make-up and finger-nail polish lessons.

    August 24, 2013 at 2:36 PM

    A paid farmin attacking the volunteers at Station 1. If we had a real mayor he would clean house starting at the top.

  20. How is a list of training hours a scare tactic? That list is the basics, it would be enough to function as a well rounded volunteer or paid fighter. Training hours will never replace experience, but you have to start with classes.

  21. Thanks to Morris Batdorf for clearing this up


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