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Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 8-16-13

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PRMC Hit With Another Major Blow Against Alleged S...":

Anonymous 10:14

Stop calling people "morons"! The people who are commenting on these posts about the quality problems at PRMC are not pushing for the institution to shut down. But what they are pushing for is a hospital with higher quality care, better doctors and staff, better management and more accountability! There are so many people venting about the hospital because PRMC fails to meet the mark in so many ways. In reality there are not many forums that one can engage in open discussion on this topic. PRMC "owns" this town including almost all the business leaders and certainly all of the media. Maybe the voices of those who comment will be heard by someone of power and influence who actually cares! The hospital, with half a billion dollars in revenue is such a large institution and they use that size to intimidate. But when (if ever) changes are made to improve the hospital it will be in a much better position to truly serve the community not just provide lip service. And Salisbury will be a better place to live.


  1. Well said! Just talk to anyone around Salisbury. Almost all of them can tell you a horror story about PRMC

  2. I just don't know how PRMC can't still be allowed to operate! My uncle contracted MRSA there (being hospitalized for pneumonia) and after PRMC tried for 18 days to treat him nearly killing him and with extreme high temps the whole time, they finally sent him to Johns Hopkins where they fixed him in 3 days.

    Just everyone I hear about that goes there for a "routine" operation, always ends up with MRSA or Staph or whatever that new one is called.

    I personally stayed in the ER and was left for a hour while the alarm for empty IV bag went off the whole time and the bag filled with blood. Was wheeled into the hallway for a CT scan with an Alzheimer patient that was left alone on urine soaked cot screaming while we were both left there unattended for 45minutes.

    I've been there for family members and never ONCE have I ever in probably 15 visits total EVER seen a single person CLEAN ANYTHING or WASH THEIR HANDS. NEVER!

    Meanwhile, my mom received a transplant at Christiana and I constantly saw janitors cleaning what already was a spotless hospital, every nurse, ever doctor washed their hands when they came in the room (not just hand sanitizer). Plus the staff is just amazing!

    I was so disgusted with PRMC that I had my kidney stone removed at Nanticoke, and even being a small hospital, I felt the staff was so much friendlier and everything was cleaner.

    Why has the state boards allowed PRMC to operate like this? Certainly all of the infections can't be swept under the rug?

  3. To the anon 10:14 who is the saying stop calling people morons, well GIVE ME A REASON TO NOT CALL YOU A MORON and I will!!!!, ALL YOU DO IS ACT LIKE A MORON SO THEREFORE YOU ARE A MORON!!!!!

    You all sit back running your mouth on here about this and that but never do anything to fix it or offer solutions to fix it, never join together to fix anything... Why? because it is out of sight and out of your mind... You don't want or care to have a fix or you would offer such but trust me when I say this, you would make a change if you were truly tired of the crap so by not changing it or fixing it your saying it is ok...

    Funny how all of you WERE TOLD THIS many many times... As the rest of america you ignored it, you ignored US, and called us names and the like... NOW LOOK AT YOU, NOW YOU ARE AFFECTED and NOW YOU WANT SOMETHING DONE, well go $%*& yourself because its to late... WE HAD A CHANCE TO FIX THIS, but NOW WE CAN NOT... That's obama care for you...

    The board wants money in their pockets to support their mistresses and anything else they want... How else do you suppose they do that?

    Oh that is right, rationing of care... Hmmm where did I hear that one before? oh thats right, from obama who said it WOULD NOT RATION CARE...

  4. Well said. Actually, I think that some of the doctors and nurses at PRMC are fabulous. It may be the 80/20 rule with the 20% who are bad actors tainting the reputations and outcomes for the others. It appears that the time has come for the board to reevaluate the senior management team and make some changes. Our hospital is something that we've been able to be proud of for a long time and it is slipping. We are concerned and want things turned around. Our hospital is a valuable resource for our local economy and for those who live, work and visit when they need medical assistance. I was also dismayed hear that Brian Lacompte is on the board of directors, if that's true, in my personal opinion, the benchmark for oversight may have also been lowered.

  5. No matter what town or state you live in people always have a story about the hospital in that particular town! People need to stick to the facts and stop the name calling and fix things that are broke and compromise when needed and eliminate if needed including people!

  6. The truth of the matter is that the Bd of Directors is made up "business people" that look at their positions as feathers in their caps...with little or no medical backgrounds...kinda like our POTUS....trying to run something that's way beyond his experience level or understanding.

  7. Brian is on the Foundatin board of directors.. which is the fundraising part of the hospital.. not the administrative part... big difference

  8. Is Brian LaCompte really on the board?!! Man, I'm glad I don't use that place!! I won't even let him cut my lawn!

  9. Well 25 lpn's got their notification by mail. Jobs are disappearing there.
    What next? Who next. Most were long term employees.

  10. I think the problems at the Medical Center are very deep and not just a few disgruntled staff and patients. I agree that almost everyone you speak to has had a BAD experience there. Almost every employee you speak to is unhappy and lives under the threat of losing their job if they speak up.

    This isn't the 80/20 rule. Problems are much more wide-spread.
    In the corporate world, a business like that would go under. Wake-up people! Losing neonatal rating may be just the beginning....

  11. Anonymous 10:52, since you have no problem demonstrating your impudence in insulting Mr. LaCompte in a public forum, why don't your have the decency to sign your name to your post? The answer is that you have no decency.

    The same goes for Anonymous 10:16.

  12. 3:3` would that be you Mrs LaCompte or is it you Brian? There must be some reason for such post.

  13. I've worked on that place in the ceilings changing equipment. The whole hospital, excluding the latest ER additions, is a "Plenum return HVAC system, meaning that although forced air is through clean ducts, return air just goes through grilles in the drop ceiling, past all the wires, pipes, and other dust covered ceiling mechanicals like steam piping that is all dust covered and most likely a breeding ground for MERSA. Filtering is just through cloth bags, and who knows what maintenance is done there.


  14. Right on!

    SBYNEWS is the best possible antidote to the propaganda by the Greater Salisbury Committee (aka the "House of Lords")!

  15. Have they canned that PIO named Foolabout yet?

  16. Husband contracted MRSA there. Just wait until VRSA hits here. Then PRMC will have that market cornered too. Bad news, bad hospital.

  17. The thing that concerns me is that PRMC seems to own everything in town. I mean if you want a second opinion here (in this town)you are out of luck. Everyone is either working for PRMC or in their pocket. It is a real concern of mine. I can say that I have a horror story of PRMC but is was 15 years ago and have had only one experience since and it wasn't that bad.

  18. 8:49. Thank you!!!! I have been telling my Director for years that there was a dust problem in our dept. and I thought it was from something like this! The amount of dust that accumulates on the equipment is crazy!


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