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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Salisbury Firefighters Flaming

The Salisbury Fire Department can be seen right now at the all you can eat Flaming Grill next to Sam's Club. Yes, they are once again using a Fire Truck. 


  1. I knew they were flammers!

  2. Good for them. As long as they are where it matters when it counts.

  3. Nobody cares. This is an accepted practice at firehouses around the nation. Get over it!

  4. That's a smorgasboard, isn't it? NO CARRY OUT? Sit down, relax, and enjoy a nice long meal?

  5. I thought they ate a restaurants close to the firehouse??? Has the GPS gone haywire???

    It is bad enough to be $hit on but to be $hit on and rubbed in is hard to comprehend

    Why our "government" allows this to happen is hateful!

  6. inb4 threats to Joe, and people who think it's ok.

  7. SO what, this won't fix anything nor will it motivate the right people who fix anything...

    Waste of time and breath and typing on a computer when you could be drinking margaritas somewhere not giving a shit about sby or MD for that matter...

    How about it joe?

    why not just get gone, and let the dumb @sses learn the hard way... Once it happens to them, I bet you the world they will want to fix it then...

  8. On my drive home at lunch time at 11:40 this morning, a fire truck was sitting in the parking lot where Maynes is (College Ave and Snow Hill Rd basically). Waste of taxpayers money.

  9. Got to get the miles up on those fire trucks. Can't get a new one until the old one is worn out.

    The suckers will pay for it all in the name of safety.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Nobody cares. This is an accepted practice at firehouses around the nation. Get over it!

    July 17, 2013 at 11:51 AM

    Obviously you are wrong. People DO care. You may not care as I suspect you are one of them abusing the trucks and the privilege. I don't see any other dept's trucks sitting in parking lots or riding around. Why don't you list some of these dept's that waste taxpayers monies across this nation?

  11. What's the big deal whether they eat lunch at the fire house or out somewhere? If their alarm sounds, I'm sure they'll run out to the truck. Seriously, aren't there more pressing issues in the news? Is there any history of firemen missing calls because they were eating lunch?

  12. Strait from the Lt., we are going to KEEP on doing it! They are flaunting this..Like a bunch of spoiled children.

  13. One would think that these business owners would start turning their business away fearing reprisals from the public, knowing the flaming (pun intended) debate raging over this issue.

  14. If you don't see other departments doing this you are not paying attention. This is a perk of being a firefighter. Too bad if you don't like it. Its not going to change. Period.

  15. Let's all boycott Taylor's BBQ and Flaming Grill, Red Door, and other places they camp out at. Maybe that would push then toward take-out.

  16. Anonymous said...
    If you don't see other departments doing this you are not paying attention. This is a perk of being a firefighter. Too bad if you don't like it. Its not going to change. Period.

    July 17, 2013 at 4:52 PM

    Help us out and name names. Just saying it does not make it so. I don't think anyone in a vol. dept. is going to ride to the station and pick out a truck just to go get lunch or ride around to impress their limited friends.

    And if a Lt. condones it and encourages it to continue, I guess I was right in an earlier post about lack of leadership. Sounds like children following children.

  17. Hoppes, the biggest brat of all the children! He feels "entitled"

  18. Anonymous said...
    Nobody cares. This is an accepted practice at firehouses around the nation. Get over it!

    July 17, 2013 at 11:51 AM

    Prove it! You are obviously a paid fireman.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Nobody cares. This is an accepted practice at firehouses around the nation. Get over it!

    July 17, 2013 at 11:51 AM

    Where it matters is where the tax payers pay for them to be. In the firehouse waiting for the next call.

  20. Anonymous said...
    SO what, this won't fix anything nor will it motivate the right people who fix anything...

    Waste of time and breath and typing on a computer when you could be drinking margaritas somewhere not giving a shit about sby or MD for that matter...

    How about it joe?

    why not just get gone, and let the dumb @sses learn the hard way... Once it happens to them, I bet you the world they will want to fix it then...

    July 17, 2013 at 12:22 PM

    Boy someone is trying their best to make you back off. I am sure it's a paid fireman or a family member. Stay on them please Joe.

  21. Anonymous said...
    On my drive home at lunch time at 11:40 this morning, a fire truck was sitting in the parking lot where Maynes is (College Ave and Snow Hill Rd basically). Waste of taxpayers money.

    July 17, 2013 at 12:48 PM

    Getting lunch again at Taylors I am sure.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Nobody cares. This is an accepted practice at firehouses around the nation. Get over it!

    July 17, 2013 at 11:51 AM

    This is not a firehouse??

  23. Anonymous said...
    Get over it.

    July 17, 2013 at 1:32 PM

    When you start paying taxes maybe we will get over it. Now quit playing on your laptop and qet back to work!

  24. Obviously Hoppes isn't going to do anything about it. He is in dereliction of his duties.

  25. Anonymous said...
    What's the big deal whether they eat lunch at the fire house or out somewhere? If their alarm sounds, I'm sure they'll run out to the truck. Seriously, aren't there more pressing issues in the news? Is there any history of firemen missing calls because they were eating lunch?

    July 17, 2013 at 3:37 PM

    Hey paid fireman I know this is to much for you to comprehend, but just running to the truck doesn't cut it. You see there is this thing called a firehouse and it is built where is sits right now because it is strategically located. Being five miles North of the station at an all you can eat buffet doesn't cut it if there is a house fire on Naylor Street with kids trapped.

    Oh, I am starting to get it now. Your lunch is more important than that child's life. I see how you guys are thinking.

  26. Many of these places deliver as well.

  27. Anonymous said...
    inb4 threats to Joe, and people who think it's ok.

    July 17, 2013 at 12:22 PM


  28. Anonymous said...
    What's the big deal whether they eat lunch at the fire house or out somewhere? If their alarm sounds, I'm sure they'll run out to the truck. Seriously, aren't there more pressing issues in the news? Is there any history of firemen missing calls because they were eating lunch?

    July 17, 2013 at 3:37 PM

    It's all about response time my friend all about response time and you are not getting it.

  29. Anonymous said...
    If you don't see other departments doing this you are not paying attention. This is a perk of being a firefighter. Too bad if you don't like it. Its not going to change. Period.

    July 17, 2013 at 4:52 PM

    DAMN SON!!! You told him didn't you. Well guess what I have read the job ad and the job description and I have yet to find where this abuse of authority is a job perk. So what you are telling me is I don't know what I am talking about or you are lying. Guess what? I do know what I am talking about so it must be you that is lying.

  30. I do know what I am talking about so it must be you that is lying.

    July 18, 2013 at 12:26 AM

    Of course he is lying. That is another trait of children.

  31. The fire truck was at the business conducting a pre-plan of the building. The members visit hundreds of businesses to gather vital information in case of an emergency. The information is placed in a data bank to be used by incident commanders. The information includes utility shutoff locations, building floor plans and emergency contact numbers. Thank you for your continued interest in our operations.

  32. I saw two of Salisbury fire department cars, one car, one SUV at the sushi restaurant at the Giant shopping center.

  33. 7:38 AM

    Good excuse as any I suppose. Actually it's a pretty good excuse. Unless someone was there with you and actually see what you claim you are doing there, who can deny it?

    brilliant. I bet you guys have plenty of excuses like that don't ya?

  34. The fire company is using taxpayer paid for equipment for their toys. i certainly don't feel secure with this department. in fact they are becoming the brunt of jokes now.

  35. I bet jimmy boy is telling them to do this

  36. I know its wasteful spending but think about it from this angle....your house is on fire and the fire men are at red door....now they have to go back to the station and get a truck....if they have it at the red door.....they can respond quicker! Still wasteful spending...

  37. If all the firefighters went to lunch separately and then got a call they would have to speed thru Salisbury to get back to the fire station to get the truck. I would much rather them be ready to go at any moment. I hope all these people who have said such rude comments don't need a firefighter to risk his life to save your family one day, cause you really don't deserve it.

  38. Why does everyone one here feel it's so inappropriate for the fire co. to use tax payer bought vehicles for lunch, as a group, ready for calls, still working but it's okay for police to show up to school functions, soccer games and so on with their whole family in the tax payer bought vehicle?

  39. When the economy is tough to save money you pack you lunch, because it is too expensive to eat out every day. Next time this fire company wants a raise paid by the taxpayer, they should first look at the money they spend on eating out every day. Perception with this is that the tax payer money is being wasted. Is there not someone above them to say "Hey this is very bad for our image right now"??

  40. Anon 5:39. I doubt very seriously that parking a fire truck outside a business or athletic event is going to prevent a crime. A criminal is more likely to move to a softer target when they see a police car parked outside an event. Besides the use if their police cars is a benefit that is part of their salary package. Equates to a deduction of around 5k a year in their salary. You fireman need to quit crying and use that commercial grade kitchen that we paid for go cook in. Do you think the firefighters in NYC drive their truck around to eat?

  41. These type of events are of paid fire companies not volunteers as are considered an entitlement granted by someone in the past. These actions started by previous mayor when she insisted her friend who was no longer welcome at his volunteer company be placed in charge here. Uluually the most you see of volunteers is packing their big suburban for lunch while at MFRE training or station detail. Rarely taking the big equipment to show off. Let's all remember the greatness of Salisbury volunteers of past like Shwartz,Sterling,Schnieder,Trivits and many others.

  42. Anon 10:19, Yes they do & everywhere else in the country!

  43. Anonymous said...
    If all the firefighters went to lunch separately and then got a call they would have to speed thru Salisbury to get back to the fire station to get the truck. I would much rather them be ready to go at any moment. I hope all these people who have said such rude comments don't need a firefighter to risk his life to save your family one day, cause you really don't deserve it.

    July 18, 2013 at 10:14 PM

    You sir, need to turn in your uniform post haste. You don't deserve to wear it. You are one of the ones who make the rest of ff's look bad.

    And I would suggest you work on being a better human being. Your attitude in not acceptable at all. Find a new career where you will get the high exalted praise you THINK you deserve.

  44. They're still doing this even with gas prices rising badly.

  45. Anonymous said...
    These type of events are of paid fire companies not volunteers as are considered an entitlement granted by someone in the past. These actions started by previous mayor when she insisted her friend who was no longer welcome at his volunteer company be placed in charge here. Uluually the most you see of volunteers is packing their big suburban for lunch while at MFRE training or station detail. Rarely taking the big equipment to show off. Let's all remember the greatness of Salisbury volunteers of past like Shwartz,Sterling,Schnieder,Trivits and many others.

    July 21, 2013 at 11:46 AM

    Are you referring to David See or Billy Gordy?

  46. The next time you take a discount coupon to Flaming,expect to have to sign it.Saturday was the first time I've ever seen that happen,but our server insisted on it.They still did not deduct the coupon amount from our check.The discount would have only totaled $3,but it was the principle of it.


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