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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Eagle Scout, Gavin Stephens, Arrested In Worcester County On 7 Charges

Citation Number:000000HU65611Case Status:ACTIVE CASE
Violation Date:07/12/2013Violation Time:10:11 PM
District Code:02Location Code:05
Officer ID:D565

Defendant Information
Address:1103 HARBOR POINT DR
City:SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801

Schedule Information
Trial Date:08/21/2013Trial Time:01:00 PMRoom:01

Charge Information
Location Stopped:109 ATLANTIC AVE., OCEAN CITY, MD
Contributed to Accident?:NOPersonal Injury?:NO
Fine:0Related Citation Number:0HU65612
Vehicle Tag:CL57639State:DEVehicle Description:CHEV PU

Event History Information

INIT2013-07-13071313;00005000.00;HDOB;100;UPB ;2102
BOND2013-07-13071313;00005000.00;UPB ; ; ;100
Eagle Scout, Gavin Stephens, who built the playground at Westside Little League Park? He was arrested for the armed robbery in Fruitland in mid May along with his brother and a couple more. I checked the Worcester County file on this young man and he has seven recent charges against him for what looks like hit and runs. Above is an example of one of those charges.


  1. This kid is trouble. Where are his parents in all of this? Already on bond and still allowing him to be as free as a bird in Ocean City at 10PM on a Friday night. They need to get a grip.

  2. Yeah, mine would be home. Chained up if need be lol.

  3. Wow I guess the scouts didn't teach him much.

  4. Is this dude still free? WTH

  5. Sad, sad story and a real blemish on the proud Eagle Scout program...he is NOT representative of who Eagle Scouts are.

    Other questions that need answering - the involvement of the County in promoting how great this kid was. Understand his father is a contractor with the County....hmmm. Is this the good ole boy network gone awry.

    He has been described by others as being a bully for quite some time among other things....did his "charm" fool all the adults into not seeing this kid was in trouble and needed help?

  6. His older brother is still in jail awaiting trial since his arrest in May- and now little brother too? HELLO IDIOTS.

    feel so badly for their parents.

  7. This dude must have had a mess of folks dupe. Can you believe an Eagle Scout with this behavior? His life is ruined.


  8. I hope they take his Eagle Scout status from him.

  9. Not too sure I feel badly for the parents. This kid has lived with their influence for his entire life. Who missed telling him that he needed to report an accident? Had he not tried to get away from accident without reporting it, it would have been just another accident. But instead he tried to avoid his lawful responsibility of reporting it. Something is really wrong with this picture.

  10. Is this kid's mother the one who works high up in the state government?

  11. "Character is doing what is right when no one is looking." J.C. Watts

  12. Too many parents in the 40something generation want to be their kids "friend" and not a parent. I don't know if they are re-living their teen years through their children or what. They seem to want to have 'cool" children and be 'cool" themselves. Not being a PARENT to your child/children is what is UNCOOL.

    There seems to be a epidemic of non-parenting in Wicomico County. Check your child's facebook and tweets - the vulgarity and sex is unreal. But, as long as the parents look like they are 'livin' the life...I guess they don't realize no one is raising their kid.

    Just in case there is a question, I'm talking about more kids like the Stephens boys are out there including a ton of girls who think being highly sexual is where it is at.

    Wake Up and do your job. Raise kids who have values. An Eagle Scout ran from the scene of an accident = not to mention his previous charges??!! and he was in Daddy's work truck?? That kid must have emotional or mental problems.

    Are the parents too self-absorbed to see he is a troubled young man?

  13. "Not too sure I feel badly for the parents."

    I tend to agree. Anti social behaviours begin in the home. Some children are easier to raise than others of course and if that's the case then the parents need to be extra diligent and nip things like lying and other seemingly minor things children do in the bud swiftly and with a punishment that means something. If things are quashed early on and consistently there's a less likely chance of the child moving up the crime ladder.

  14. The parents have always covered up his wrongdoings. Maybe someone should look into why he was kicked out of one of the local scout troops and his parents threatened legal action if anyone talked. He's been a bully in school and scouts for years. He's considered a predator by many (and I'm not just talking bully-wise, if you know what I mean).

    Isn't it funny how their golden child was bailed out while the older brother sits in jail? And now they've petitioned for him to be tried in juvenile court because he was under 18? 6 DAYS UNDER? Like he was going to act any better in 6 days? And the fact that he has obtained Eagle (which is screwy given his history), and has been involved in his church and school sports should show that he should be charged as an adult because he has been so "grown-up" while obtaining these achievements. If this goes to juvie, or he gets off because the older brother will take the fall for him, that my friends is a complete injustice to his victims of his current crimes, his previous victims, and all future victims (because we all know there will be more).

  15. Is this the same kid that was featured in the PRMC mag and this site last year???

    Such a shame.

  16. On the borderline between insanity and genius is a dangerous place to be.Who among us has not known or seen someone who fits into this category? In SBY for instance,some stellar academic students in high school fell off the radar screen somewhere between high school and a college scholarship.That kind of potential is sometimes a double edged sword.You ask someone how so and so is doing,knowing full well they've achieved some form of greatness,just to find out they've fallen from grace.Go figure.

  17. 11:50 - I agree. At a very young age he has learned to live a dual life. Actually kind of scary...

    He has exhibited bad behavior toward "girlfriends" too. He isn't a golden boy - maybe a sociopath in the making given his apparent "entitled" sense of being.

    Parents need lots of counseling too as obviously they don't get it!

  18. Hey Eagle Scouts reading this blog. Can't you get his Eagle Scout designation revoked? He clearly doesn't meet your standards. Kevin LesCallette the local Boy Scout honcho needs to be contacted.

  19. Hope the church he is involved in isn't one of the local ones that have had rampant adulterous actions between the clergy and parishioners which has resulted in removal from service, divorce and illegitimate children....

  20. So he hit a car and didn't report it makes him a criminal? okay.

  21. Hope States Attorneys office reads this blog. They need to throw his defiant, smartass butt in jail. Out on bail and this is how he acts?? nothing like thumbing his nose at law enforcement and authority. what will he do next? really hurt someone who gets in his way? how many others could get away with this and not be in jail?

  22. This punk needs to learn a lesson in life. Apparently, he ain't learning it living around his parents so maybe a stint in jail would give him a whole new perspective.

  23. I find it interesting to continue to learn about this so called legal action from anyone talking about what happened in the Boy Scouts. The scouts themselves I can't believe any reason to be quiet.. and so called gossip is rampant--so how could a parent threaten legal action.

    The parents are obviously oblivious as well... but if they ever threatened me--I would just laugh and say go ahead and try. It's one thing to publish something, another to just talk to other people about it.. No one ever signed a confidentiality agreement.. and if they did they were stupid

    btw... throw away the key on both of them

  24. Does this kid have any respect for anyone or anything? How can he be so stupid as to do a hit and run while on bail? He can't be that dumb. It has to be the lack of respect for the law. All the fool would have had to do was to report it. Now will anything happen to him like being put back in the slammer?

  25. "Anonymous said...
    So he hit a car and didn't report it makes him a criminal? okay.

    July 19, 2013 at 1:10 PM"

    Well....yeah.....dunce. A criminal is someone who breaks a law/commits a crime. Hitting a car and not reporting it is a crime commonly known as a hit and run which has been illegal long before any of us were born.
    This guy hit a car and ran thereby committing a crime which makes him a criminal. It's not rocket science!

  26. Send these people across the Bay to prison and see how they make out there. Bullies on the Eastern Shore but I bet not so much in prison. They will meet more than their match.

  27. Good Lord, folks! You think this a hanging offense? He's just an excitable boy! Sure, time to reign him in, but to remove every accomplishment he's ever gotten in his life and send him off to prison????????

    For real??????

  28. Sounds like this family isn't very well liked at all by many people on here.

  29. 4:13 Excuse me but I know nothing about this but what I have read on here and in the paper but it appears this kid is past reigning in. I would have thought if that was possible his parents would have put restrictions on him when he was out of bond. Obviously if they did, he didn't obey. If they didn't then shame on them. IMHO he needs to have his bond revoked and spend the time until his trial in jail. Maybe that will make him respect the freedom he enjoyed.

  30. Annonymous 4:13 PM ....

    it's a pattern of bad behavior. not "just" a hit and run. he is currently out on bail pending charges of kidnapping and armed assault with a deadly weapon. are YOU "for real?????"

  31. 4:13 - clearly you are unaware of his other charges in Fruitland - assault among many, many others. he is out on bail while his brother sits in jail on 1/2 million dollar bail. you need to wise up. he is bad news... this isn't just about the hit and run.

  32. There appears to be a lot of folks who are not fans of this family. I don't know the family but the reality of this situation is that these parents have two sons who have been given a lot of opportunities in life and both of them have gone astray with accusations of criminal behavior. One is accused of armed robbery to collect drug money and the other one helped with robbery. One is left in jail and one is bailed out. The one who is bailed out then does a hit and run in Ocean City and is arrested while on bond. These parents have to assume responsibility at least for the one who is out and is still misbehaving. The truth hurts but the facts indicate they have failed these kids.

  33. Joe = can you move this up closer to top please.

  34. Children live what they learn! Should investigate Mom and Dad's history.. Vegas is a real killer:( He's there with father-in-law and comes home proud!

  35. I do not think he was ever awarded Eagle. Revoked prior to presentation. He'll still claim it but that's his prerogative. The circumstances under which BSA was arm twisted into "agreeing" that his "project" was an Eagle project are just another chapter in the book titled, STEVENS PRIVLEDGE, LAWS BE DAMNED. Local scout troops stood up to the nonsense, council and national caved.

  36. This family sounds like one of the "Whos Whos'" of Salisbury and thinks they are better than anyone else! Ha! Caught up with them it seems!

  37. Was it because the county was involved with of this project that made the council and national cave? Search Gavin Stephens on the sbynews.blogspot.com it is an interesting read about the funding of the project. Makes one say HUMMMMMM.

  38. It all starts at home not every one of us agree with the parents and some of us even say they should have shown no partiality and let both of their law breaking children in jail! When you hand everything over to bully children and keep a blind eye on them you cannot expect much more out of them. Sooner or later mommy and daddy's money won't be enough to get them out of the trouble they are in. Most of the intelligent folks on the shore feel about the same way that there is no pitty for the parents and they should stop protecting their SPOILED rotten THUG children! Hey mom and dad here is a novel idea: TOUGH LOVE!

  39. Those commenting really seem to know details about this kid and the family. I wonder what the truth is about him and the Boy Scouts. I have read several times that he had to change troops and just now that the local BS didn't want his Eagle Scout project approved. Was it because people in the know already realized he didn't fit the profile of a real Eagle Scout?

  40. I'm concerned about the County's link to this kid and family. Dad has contracts with county. What other connections does he have? Dept Head Mackes helped this kid with his Eagle project. Took him to Annapolis to testify and get open space funds. This sounds a little fishy to me. Numerous sources say this kid has been a bully and troubled for years with family in denial. Why would Mackes make a hero of this kid without checking him out? Smacks of favors for friends.

  41. Can anyone confirm that the Eagle was never awarded? I would like to think that someone in this mess has some values and stuck by them.

    So hoping that the Boy Scouts stood up to this out of control kid.

  42. Is it true this kid had the opportunity to be at the Naval Academy this summer? That is what I had heard but that he is charged with the hit and run, maybe that didn't happen. One would wonder how he was able to get all of these opportunities and who were the ones recommending him? Inquiring minds want to know.

  43. 10:08 - Inquiring minds do want to know.

    Naval Academy usually requires strong recommendations. Is this the county connection at work here too - getting elected officials involved? Way too much favoritism. Why don't all Eagle Scouts get this kind of treatment from county? it is the buddy system at work AGAIN.

    This inquiring mind wants to know the father's connections to county. what contracts does he have. are they with Parks and Tourism who helped the kid so much? why did this kid get the red carpet rolled out for him? what is the rest of the story?

    Council members - you should be checking out this black eye embarrassment to the county. there are plenty of other deserving kids who don't have a rap sheet that go unnoticed. very poor decision made by county.

  44. 8:52 took your advice and searched this site for Gavin Stephens. Wow, even open space funds were given to this kid for the Eagle project to the tune of $135,000. Maybe that is the reason the local scouts weren't in favor of approving a project that he could claim fame with and be partly funded by the state. Who is really behind this project? I can't believe a 17 year old could dream this one up.

  45. I don't believe in loving a kid too much but I believe a parent must be a parent instead of being the kid's best friend. It is a narrow line but crossed then it becomes dangerous. I wonder if that is the situation with this family?

  46. A family unit is broken, the prestigious Eagle Scout Award is a bit tainted, those who from the government that aided have egg on their faces and at least one life is in total ruins. This is a sad chapter of the life story of Gavin Stephens. But why?

  47. Here's a good question. When Gavin got charged with 30+ felony counts and Daddy bonded him out on a $150k bond, did the judge take his passport? I would. He's well traveled and I think would again to avoid the dating prospects in prison. Then again, maybe not.... He has a history of "playful" behavior.

  48. armed robbery thats child play

  49. Kid gets a grant from open space funds with the help of Mackes. Dad sits on the Parks & Recs commission. Kid doesn't know how to act. This stinks.

  50. Ok now. The name Mackes keeps popping up in this article. Just exactly how much involvement has Mackes had to do with this accused criminal and has any others from the Parks, Rec, Tourism or civic center had involvement too?

  51. Another good question: is there criteria that has to be adhered too while on bond? Example: passport and travel, do they have to check in with the court, can they leave the state, and how about this arrest? I hope they are watching this punk.

  52. 5:46...couldn't agree with you more! WOW! Dad sits on one of Mackes commissions?!! it is all becoming clear now. You're right - it stinks.

    Still waiting for confirmation that Dad is a county contractor and for what departments. Can anyone confirm? Starting to reek!

  53. Being an "eagle scout" or "boy scout" doesn't make you immune to being a human. Look at the molestation that takes place in this group or their churches. Humans gonna human.

  54. What a loser !!!!!!! I feel sorry for any girl that a had to deal with such a liar..... You know what they say what goes around comes around.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  55. Ive read some of these posts and want to say that nobody should judge anything. This young man made some mistakes. He will have to pay with a severe penalty. His parents are great people. Good people make mistakes too. Stop judging and pray for this young man and his family. All these judgmental negative comments help NOBODY. Those that are so quick to judge have a look at yourselves.

  56. I am really disappointed in all of these negatie, nasty comments. You all are suppose to be adults here... Start acting like one. People make mistakes, some more than others, some worst than others, but since you want to bring churches and personal issues into this, "He without sin cast the first stone" and "He who judges shall be judged". This family needs support and pray.... Not little backstabbing, judgemental, gossiper... You all should be ashamed...I know Gavin and his parents very well and they are GREAT people and upstanding citizens of this community. We have all made some mistakes especial when it comes to raising children. You all need to get a life...And as far as the OC incident, it was and accident...

  57. @ John Murphy and Joyce Blackwell. The thing is, you don't know this kid. He doesn't make mistakes, he does actions that he knows is wrong because he wants to. Mommy and daddy can get him out of all the trouble he gets into no matter what. Not any more. This has been a long time coming. He's a thug that has the wool over everyone's eyes, until now.
    He finally got kicked out of the scout troop for beating tiny 6th graders, and bullying and countless other things, his dad did his eagle project for him, he put a shotgun up to someone's head because he didnt pay him and his brothers drug money, got bailed out, then does a hit and run. But yeah, everyone makes mistakes, he's probably a good kid right?


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