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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Question Of The Day 7-14-13

Are you satisfied with the verdict on the Zimmerman trial?


  1. State didn't prove their case, only eye witness backed up Zimmerman. It should have never wasted taxpayer money on a trial most in the legal profession thought was a stretch. Satisfied, but that won't cull the "emotional outbursts" from happening. I mean by that, going out and getting the latest and greatest electronics for a 5 finger discount.

  2. yes. it's a shame Obama and holder did what they could to incite violence from the beginning by sending people to Sanford as plants and funding training for demonstrators. when this was uncovered and reported this past week I was floored. these snakes will do anything to start a race war and of course confiscate guns. have they no shame.

  3. PUCK OBAMA AND HOLDEJuly 14, 2013 at 4:20 AM

    yes sir

  4. Our legal system has worked for now. I had my doubts at first , but am pleased with the verdict, t Holder and Obama had found him guilty before a trial.
    When our legal system fails we are in deep crap ladies and gents , we are very close to that now.

  5. Muslim countries have no legal system at all. That is why they are at war with each other and have been for thousands of years.

  6. No evidence; no charges should have been filed in the first place. Yes, I'm happy with the verdict, but now the State has to hand over a lot of cash.

  7. It was the only verdict to make...it was NEVER a race issue...UNTIL the media, and Obama made it one...why would Obama say "if I had a son he would look like Trayvon", and the Dept. of Justice (an oxymoron if I ever heard one) use TAXPAYER money to try to stir things up racially). I would think that a real American President would (if it was even appropriate to do so) would hold up one of the fallen black military heroes as his "son". Yes, it is awful that a young life is gone, but things spiraled out of control, and I believe that Zimmerman would have been dead or seriously injured if he had not defended himself as the LAW ALLOWED.

  8. Yes. They should have never charged him.

  9. I believe GZ did wrong, glad he got his day in court, and am satisfied. Of course there was enough suspicion there to warrant a trial, especially when the victim was a kid. Jury says not guilty, let the man be.

  10. 3:05. I was not surprised at all. Nobama and his crew have thrown race into ever issue. Florida has a stand your ground law, evidence backed his claim. The verdict was correct,

  11. The verdict was fair based on the EVIDENCE

  12. Yes. Very satisfied. A little sad though that there are folks who seem genuinely disappointed that there has been no violence or rioting in the streets (3:05).

  13. 3:05. Sounds like you are the one who would do (say) anything to incite a race war.

  14. Absolutely, yes.

  15. Justice is served ..."not guilty" .what concerns me is ..we may now see federal cival rights voilation charges...since the marxist did not get the results they sought...but it maybe a win win for them however.. as the riots soon to follow will bolster their agenda to smash liberty

  16. Not guilty, end of story.

  17. One of those sad acts, when Fate throws 2 players on life's stage without a script and neither has the improvisational skills to gracefully exit stage left. Both careers on the stage are ruined.
    BUT definitely a desirable judgement in light of the fact that the prosecution was racially motivated and guilt pre-determined by the media, influenced by the WH. Though non-white, GZ was close enough for the DOJ's definition of a hate crime - white on black ONLY. Had GZ been black, this would've perhaps made the local crime section of the FL newspapers.
    I'm hoping GZ gets civil justice in a malicious prosecution suit, but I doubt he'll want to keep the footlights on any longer than they have been.

  18. Absolutely!

    The witnesses backed up Zimmie's story. The fact that TM was a rope smoking hoodlum made it easier.

  19. Absolutely!
    People have an "inalienable" right to protect themselves, even from 17 year old drug using street scum.

  20. It boils down to this. Zimmerman was obligated on his watch,based on the recent events in the neighborhood to follow a stranger and notify the police. At somepoint in the course of events Zimmerman is getting pounded by the same person he was following. In order to stop the pounding Zimmerman uses his hand gun to end the aggression, which worked. No one should have to tolerate a pounding for what ever reason. I hope people think next time before they attempt to be aggressive.

  21. History repeats itself. Any historian can see the path Hitler followed to create racial unrest.

  22. The prosecution didn't prove Zimmerman guilty but instead the defense proved him innocent. That's not what our courts are suppose to be about. Thankful they were able too though.

  23. Yes. Justice prevailed.

  24. Absolutely. Should have never gone to trial. Only went to trial for political reasons. It looks like the Sanford police chief was right all along and should get his job back. Shame on the State of Florida for attempting a political lynching.

  25. I'm glad when trials are decided on evidence not emotions or agendas.

  26. Should never have come to trial, but at least he can't be tried again. Now watch for $ suits like "wrongful death" to begin. It's a veritable pot of gold for the sleazy lawyers and anyone who can think up an angle to get money out of this tragedy. Who will write the book? Who will be paid for the TV rights?? and on and on..

  27. Never should have been a Trial. Period!

  28. Yes based on evidence

  29. Any civil law suit will allow the defense to use Martin's text messages and facebook pictures as evidence that were not allowed in this trial. Best thing for all involved is to move on, put the hate behind us.

  30. Absolutely! It's not over yet. Civil suits to reimburse Sharpton and Jackson and the Tallahassee attorney's they hired for the Martins are soon to come.

  31. An appellate court would have reversed the ruling anyway,but the outcome was just.

  32. "Anonymous said...
    I believe GZ did wrong, glad he got his day in court, and am satisfied. Of course there was enough suspicion there to warrant a trial, especially when the victim was a kid. Jury says not guilty, let the man be.

    July 14, 2013 at 6:57 AM"

    "Suspicion" is not enough to ever warrant a trial-Period-End of story.
    No offense to you but I think one of the major problems with this whole thing was either people's lack of knowledge of how the justice system was designed to work or those who in order to promote an agenda decided to ignore the process.

  33. I only hope Zimmerman files his own lawsuits against NBC and the other networks that edited the 911 tapes, hid his injuries, Roseanne Barr and the others (whose names escape me at this moment) that published his home address--or what they though was his address) then his parents address..and lawsuit against the giant joke of the Dept of Justice for their tactics to try to stir things up, and the State of Florida for wrongful persecution..,Zimmerman will have to look over his shoulder for the rest of his life--I'm sure the Black Panthers are putting out their "reward" again for him...you don't see the DOJ investigating that do you?

  34. O'Mara was criticized for what some call his boring closing argument. To me it was brilliant compared to the state who yelled the whole time and I'm sure the shenanigans weren't lost on the jurors.
    Common sense dictates that TM laid in wait for GZ. He had over 4 minutes to get home which was literally approx 30 seconds away (60 yrd give or take). O'Mara used a stopwatch to show jurors how long 4 mins is.
    Not to mention it was brought out in trial that a burglary tool was found in the bushes where GZ says TM jumped out of.
    Things that make you go...hmmmmm.
    I guess it could be assumed that some other burglary dropped it.
    TM was looking for a fight. The testimony from the girlfriend proved he was completely pissed off and riled up over what he perceived to be the "crazy ass cracker" following him.
    Contrast his anger with GZ's demeanor while on the phone with 911 and it's only logical to think TM was the aggressor afterall it was only a few steps home.
    TM made poor choices, the same poor choices that has made an epidemic out of young black males killing each other. This is the only lesson that people need to learn. Attempting or wanting to live a high risk (thug/gansta) lifestyle is very likely to result in a shorten lifespan.

  35. missed feelings...I am saddened to think that I cannot feel comfortable walking or jogging through a neighborhood for fear that a GOOD CITIZEN will follow me out of their own fear, and that I will not be in my right to defend or protect myself

  36. Yes, it was definitely self defense. If it were a black on black or white on white, or hispanic on hispanic, this would never have gone to trial!
    I am sick and tired of every thing that goes wrong in the black community to be the whites mans fault! It is whites who are now being oppressed. We can't say or do anything without being called a racist! Travon deserved what happened to him and the verdict was just! This is no different that the OJ trial! If Zimmerman had been found guilty, it would have been an injustice!!!

  37. I'll tell you - this president and US Attorney general are the most divisive individuals this country has ever witnessed. Both, of them have done more harm to this nation than any other president. Both of them should be ashamed of themselves. As for the Florida State prosecutor - I hope Zimmerman's lawyers sue their _--sss off. The way they withheld evidence and fabricated evidence is a crime.

  38. It is really not safe for any white caucasian american anymore. Let this be a lesson and wake-up call to white, hispanic america. People like Sharpton, Jackson, Holder, and even the Presidente himself are as much to blame for the racism bating.

    If you are white - you had better be looking for another country to flee to soon as you have no rights as one could see thoughout this trial.

  39. 10:19-don't be silly. If in fact you are out jogging or walking and you feel someone is following you the logical thing to do is to politely ask them why they are following you or to call 911 or to go home.
    It's not rocket science. Even a 17 year old should have that much sense.
    Oh I forgot-autopsy did show TM had signs of brain damage (unusual for a 17 yr old and indicative of excessive drug use BTW) so maybe these 3 logical steps never occurred to him due to the brain damage. Another BTW-liver damage also indicating excessive drug use.

  40. 10:36
    I totally agree. If I had the money, I would leave for either Australia, New Zealand, or Western Canada. My Brother in law was Stationed in Germany for 10 years, and didn't want to go back to the U.S because the quality of life was so much better there than here!
    I still love my Country, I just don't care for the Government or the way things are being run!!!!

  41. Just wondering when the Riots will start in both Cambridge and Salisbury! Its not going to stop me from going shopping, but if my wife goes, I will be going with her.
    If the riots come to the suburbs, I and my neighbors will be ready!!!

  42. The nuts and bolts of this incident is to be careful who you screw with. They just might have a gun.

  43. There will be no riots locally by Eastern Shoremen. The native citizens of the Eastern Shore are mostly hard-working people who want a peaceful life. The high crime rate is due to the influx of "strangers" who have been kicked out of other places and/or looking for a new place to operate. Most are looking for free stuff/government subsidized.

  44. Not to worry - Obammy and Holder will get him now.

  45. Do MD and DEL have a stand your ground law like Florida's?

  46. If Bammy gets his bro Holder to prosecute GZ, they will be showing their true color (no fun intended)!

  47. Happy that the right verdict was found by the jury. Can't wait to see George go after the media outlets for posting his ss#, editing 911 call and photos to incite race war.

  48. TM should have gone home but instead he chose to profile GZ, who was only doing his duty as a member of a neighborhood watch u neighborhood that was becoming unsafe due to the crimes being committed by young black men. GZ is not to be blamed if he did profile which incidentally is within his right to do. Blame lies with the young black men who were coming into this neighborhood and committing crimes, If we are to be honest here and keep things real we can't ignore that elephant in the room.

    1. Smh u guys are idiots it won't become clear unless it happens to your son!

  49. No 12:08 but remember SYG didn't play into this trial-it wasn't a part of it at all. It was a traditional self defense.

  50. I am happy that gz was found innocent. There should not have been a trial to begin with.
    It is sad that tm lawyers are making this about race when it was not. Once again, the blacks have proven themselves as racist.
    God bless gz and family.

  51. Absolutely satisfied. I am dissatisfied with the way some of the news media, Sharpton, Naacp, etc. have tried to make it a race issue, and fan the flames to incite certain people.

  52. It was plain as day that TM was the aggressor and most likely started the fight by sucker punching GZ in the nose and breaking it. TM's had abrasions on his knuckles consistent with punching someone.
    GZ saw him wandering around the neighborhood and didn't recognize his as a resident. He called non emergency 911. Dispatcher asked for a description. At some point TM started running, dispatcher told GZ that he didn't need to follow him. GZ got back in his vehicle. You can tell by the lack of background noise in the tape recorded 911 call. Dispatcher asks for a better location description or something like that. GZ exits vehicle (background noise ia clearly heard. It was explained as wind.)
    4 minutes from the time GZ got out of his vehicle pass and then he is jumped. TM came to him because all this happened right as GZ's vehicle. State witness testified to hearing running then screaming and then the screams for help.

  53. If the crap keeps up , it will happen again and again.
    I'm happy with our legal system.
    Sorry about Trayvon , parents should have put him in church .

  54. I'm happy with the verdict.
    Didn't need another OJ Simpson type verdict , he was a true murderer and got off the criminal
    case. NO more of that crap!

  55. No. Trayvon would be alive today if not for the actions of George Zimmerman. He had no reason to get out of that car.

  56. Anonymous said...
    No. Trayvon would be alive today if not for the actions of George Zimmerman. He had no reason to get out of that car.

    July 15, 2013 at 9:36 AM

    I call bullshit. Z was under no obligation to stay in his vehicle, or anywhere else for that matter.

    Tray laid in wait for Z then attacked him. Tray was younger, bigger, stronger than Z. Tray thought he would show this creepy ass cracker a lesson and kick his ass.

    What Tray didn't realize was Z was carrying a gun for self defense from thugs just like tray.

    Tray had plenty of time to get away if he wanted to. He chose not to. He caused his own death. He had no reason to attack Z other than he wanted to.

    His lust cost him his life.

    1. You've said it well 9:36. The fan of racism blew from If I had a son's lips. He intentionally tried to make it into a black cause, Mr. Big Mouth trying to promote the false image of a poor little black child against the evil gun carrying whitey. There's only one difference between him, Jesse, Al The Mouth Sharpton and the NAACP, he's a brownie, a half and half, not a black. Media never shows us the inside Obama, but my guess is that he becomes a whitey when it serves him and black for publicity/black liberal votes/falsely aligning himself with black America. He's a brownie, not real fudge! The verdict in the trial was the correct one, race should have never entered in and Obama has promoted this justice for a thug protests with his over charged racist lips, constantly fanning the racial fire, which is in truth, just a vote getter of the uneducated poor, nothing else. You let some of those protesters stop getting their FREE money, FREE food, FREE ride in life and they'll turn on him like the pack of dogs that they really are, and the Demoncraps know it full well.

  57. This old white man says it is called neighborhhood WATCH for a reason. Let the cops do their job. GZ isn't a cracker by the way, he's a beaner. The whole thing is just a shame.

  58. Just another teenage thug. YES.

  59. Delighted

    Now leave the man alone!

  60. Yes, and if I hear one more person say Trayvon was an unarmed teenager I'm going to scream.
    Only a total and complete uneducated moronic fool would say this.
    If those saying this would use their brains (though it's debatable if they even have one) they would engage it and realize that Zimmerman had no way of knowing Martin was a teenager nor is he were armed or not.
    These people need to cut their BS cut their lying and face the facts once and for all (that's debatable also because they are proving they haven't an honest bone in their bodies) Martin was totally 100% responsible for his own death. He had more than enough time to go home but the anti social piece of garbage was mad as hell that Z. dared to "disrespect" him, doubled back around and started beating him up.
    All this goes full circle as to why the overwhelming majority of black neighborhood are cess pools of nothing more than crime and poverty. We are dealing with completely dishonest people who instead of doing what is right and what is moral always blame others.
    But good-let them. Young black men killing other young black money is saving those who pay taxes a lot of money because the "victim" would end up in prison at some point anyway or continue to spawn illegitimate children they can't pay for.
    So please, keep on killing each other the tax payers need a break!

  61. "Anonymous said...
    No. Trayvon would be alive today if not for the actions of George Zimmerman. He had no reason to get out of that car.

    July 15, 2013 at 9:36 AM"

    Don't turn it on Zimmerman. Use your head. He not only lived in the complex he was a member of the neighborhood watch both of which give him not only a reason but the right to follow and/or follow up on a strange face wandering around the complex.
    Martin had not only more than enough time to not only go home but to also call 911 if he were concerned. Instead he chose to keep talking smack with the girlfriend, lay in wait for Zimmerman and sucker punch him in the nose and when down continued to beat him.
    The lesson to be learned is for all the other anti social angry little SOB's like Martin. Act civil otherwise you may find a well deserved bullet to your chest.

  62. 9;16-please do not refer to obama as being half white. It's insulting. The blacks claim him and they can have him and they deserve him.

  63. And why do the media just go on and on and on, fanning the flames. Oh, I forgot... SOROS.


  65. That's an insult to dogs 9:16 who have more intelligence than to be so easily manipulated like the ones who are jumping on this faux bandwagon dreamed up by the race baiters.

  66. Yes I am satisfied. Jury was selected and said "not guilty". What are we supposed to do now; select another jury until the verdict comes in that some people want. Can't see that happening.
    Obama should have stayed out of it and anyone with a brain cell would have known better.

  67. Trayvon Martin would be alive today if not for the actions of Trayvon Martin!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. tHE SAME WAY TRAVON HAD A RIGHT TO BE THERE,tHE SAME WAY zimmerman had the right to be there.

  69. need to quit trying cases in the media!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  70. zimmerman should have never been charged

  71. I am an elderly reader that frequently visits SBYnews. I have tried my best to keep up with technology.

    When I was a younger man I vividly remember there were municipal signs posted on the sidewalks in N.C. and they read 'no colored allowed after sundown'.
    Think about it for a moment, this young life would have never occurred had the government allowed these type signs to continue. Now I am sure I will get some sharp rebukes on this subject, but there was a reason our forefathers placed these signs on virtually every street corner in the 50 & 60s. There was a lot less crime back then.

  72. "Anonymous said...

    July 21, 2013 at 12:32 PM"

    No MD does not. MD has the "castle doctrine" with a no duty to retreat exception when one is inside their home.
    Stand your Ground carries the "in your home" part into public areas. MD doesn't recognize this.

  73. The state should be charged with malicious prosecution.

  74. I could care less. I am more worried about our own backyard. Everyone around here is so drugged out its like being around zombies all the time.

  75. Yes, the American justice system did its job. Zimmerman was brought to trial due to a petition, remember, he was let go and not charged by the police of any wrong doing.May Trayvon find peace in death, may his parents remember him with love and find a positive outlet for their grief, not hate and negativity. The American public needs to let it go as well.

  76. Who gives a damn anymore really! This is all people have been talking about if his family wants to deal with a federal case do it. Leave the rest of America out of it that really don't care anymore about the case.

  77. 1:52 It would never happen to my son because i spanked him as a child and taught him right from wrong like my father taught me......

  78. Hell YES !! We need this law here in Salisbury, then watch the crime numbers fall!!!!!

  79. Absolutely not. We live in a sick society. Paranoid and gun happy.

  80. Are you living under a rock 9:06? Do you not watch the news or read a newspaper? Do you not care about your family? People have to be diligent. When you send you child off to college they have orientation. One thing stressed over and over is to stay out of certain neighborhoods. We all know what neighborhoods they are referring to. Is this being paranoid?
    A direct neighbor of Zimmerman's had an incident where 2 young African Americans broke into her home while she was there. She ran upstairs with her infant in one arm and a pair of scissors in her other hand.
    Are you living in such LaLa Land that you would be comfortable having this happen in your neighborhood much less directly next door to you?
    Are you the kind of parent who would just send their child out without telling them to be careful? Or do you consider this being 'paranoid?'
    Would you feel comfortable walking down a deserted street at night, in a neighborhood that had experienced numerous incidences of crime with only one other person around who incidentally fit the description to a tee of those who were terrorizing the neighborhood?

  81. What people are forgetting is that Martin wasn't "just" walking home from the store. He was still "walking home" 1/2 hour longer than it should have taken him to get home. Not only that Zimmerman observed him on the porches of the homes in the complex which is private property and this was confirmed at the trial by the girlfriend who said she thought he was walking on the porches to get out of the rain.
    I don't care who you are black or white or Hispanic when you see someone as Zimmerman did walking up on various porches you become suspicious of that person.
    It wasn't as if Trayvon was "just" walking down the street at all like a lot of people think.

  82. Violence breeds violence, pure and simple. What kind of weapon did Jesus carry? Maybe you should think about that the next time you assume someone is your enemy.

  83. A jury of his peers found Zimmerman "Not Guilty" of either charge. His head was being beaten in & he shot the little thug. Hell, YES, I agree with the verdict. Now the news should start to focus on something else & leave Zimmerman alone. Martin's mom is still so upset that she "copywritted his name". But she's not in it for the money???


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