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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Just What Did Happen Last Friday Between Mayor Jim Ireton And Lore' Chambers

Sources say it was not a pleasant sight, once again. Mayor Ireton has a record of being verbally abusive towards WOMEN. I had reported long ago about how I personally came across his former secretary crying in the hallway after Jim tore her up and down verbally.

It turns out Jim treated Lore' no differently. What we've been told was that Lore' has been on Family Medical Leave lately. She came in on Friday to go to Human Resources to drop off her resume for John Pick's job. She stopped in upstairs to say hello and that's when things went bad.

Once Jim Ireton learned Lore' had put in her resume for the job, Ireton immediately ordered Lore' to go back downstairs and take back her resume. Lore' refused to do so and Ireton started screaming and yelling at her. 

Because Lore' refused to take back her resume, Ireton told her to go and clean out her desk, she had been terminated/fired. 

Ladies & Gentlemen, I am NOT trying to make this Post about me. I simply want to say this. I tried. I worked very hard for a year to get out there and express to as many of you as I could that Salisbury could no longer afford this kind of leadership. I actually moved from my home and relocated to Salisbury for more than a year to HELP you out of a bad situation. 

Mind you, the election results are highly questionable. ALL news outlets were doing exit poll results and each one of them were stating all day long that I was up 2 to 1 over Ireton. Funny how just weeks before the election Ireton would commit what 99% of you would believe to be political suicide. He stated he wanted to sell off all the parking lots Downtown. He said he wanted to give away the EDU's from Linens of the Week to build subsidized housing units, 500 of them. He then announced a $19,000,000.00 annual Rain Tax. He then announced his lockout ordinance to shut down any business or residence that had 2 complaints in a 2 year period. He then announced he was openly gay in the Daily Times.

It was almost as if Ireton WANTED you to NOT vote for him. This is why the Republican Party wanted to challenge the election results. Funny, no matter who you talk to, I have YET to meet a single person who said they voted for Jim Ireton. Now mind you, life is VERY GOOD in Delmar. I have no regrets, none whatsoever. There are a select few who like to try to give me a hard time and even call me a loser. I'm no loser. When your local media takes the time to call me and say NO ONE at their location believes Jim Ireton won that election, (they did exit polls all day) that's saying a lot. 

I said this several weeks ago. While there are many of us who like Tom Stevenson, what Jim Ireton did to Lore' Chambers, (IMHO) was a slap in the face. When John Pick chose to take another job, Lore' should have filled his position immediately, that's a no brainer. I feel Jim Ireton has PURPOSELY put the taxpayers in a very bad position opening an immediate lawsuit just on that move alone, let alone his most recent move firing her . Lore' has a clear opportunity to challenge the City/Mayor and Jim Ireton should be removed from Office and I'm not kidding. 

You have a school teacher running a multi million dollar business. Think about this for a minute. We ALL know Jim throws hissy fits on a regular basis. Just imagine ALL of the other instances that you DON'T know about. Mojo's, Council Work Sessions, abusive e-mail messages. Jim Ireton is completely out of control. 

In closing let me say this. I started Salisbury News because of all the corruption I saw going on and the local media not covering it. Agree with me or not, I provide a service that makes you THINK. So do me a favor and THINK for just a minute. What would have happened if Joe Albero had been elected. Would there be investigations towards old deals in the City too many people couldn't afford to be exposed????? And just how far would some of these people go to make sure I wasn't elected. Trust me, I knew this going in. I felt the pulse of the community when I went door to door. I never once had a door slammed in my face. I saw the reception of the majority of voters with thumbs up at the polls. Finally, your local media knows for a fact that the election results are questionable. Don't YOU think it would make for an interesting interview to ask me personally how I felt about the final numbers after some time has passed. Salisbury is a very dangerous place to live Ladies & Gentlemen. I wish you and Lore', (and many more like her) a lot of luck.


  1. When I read this article, all I hear is a small man crying.

  2. The mayor is just mad he wasn't born a Woman.

  3. I live close to salis & can't vote in their elections; however i was a resident for over 50 yrs & am a resident of wicomico cty. I am soo disappointed in Jim. He has a wonderful opportunity to improve alis; but choose to squander it, make a fool of himself, salisbury, and to conduct himself in an unprofessional manner. I am ashamed of him & very disappointed. Mr Albero, thanks for your community support, and for informing the pubilic of the facts. I also felt strongly that u would win, & am sorry u did not.

  4. 9:08
    Can you give some more clarification? Who would that 'small man' be?

  5. You can't fire somebody that is on FMLA! That alone is reason for a lawsuit, let alone she's a woman, a black woman at that, open shut slam the door case! This will just help Cropper's lawsuit. We all knew Jim would have a serious meltdown, time was the only question.

  6. Joe it's a crying shame the people of sby couldn't even pull together and elect someone like you to replace Jim Ireton! He is incompetent in every way one can imagine and as you said a walking liability to the taxpayers! I don't feel sorry for the citizens at all they got what they voted for and maybe sby needs to go down the toilet in order to finally elect a real Mayor!

  7. The mayor has been an idiot all his life. And Chambers is a waste of breath. She's a terrible employee. Probably wouldn't have the job she had if she wasn't a black female. So, never is to be defended. We'd be better off without both of them.


  8. "I actually moved from my home and relocated to Salisbury for more than a year to HELP you out of a bad situation."

    You have beat that dead dog to death....and you still don't get it. The ones who voted Ireton in don't care or you would have won.

    I am a City resident who voted for you. To be honest I never saw any news outlets exit poll results that showed you were ahead of Ireton. If I were you I would gather up the exit poll documentation and get a lawyer and sue I wish you had taken that route right after the election, as it is probably too late now.

    As many have said, you can do more with SBYNews keeping readers informed than you might have accompliszhed as Mayor

  9. I have worked with Lore Chambers,this is the best move the mayor has made since he was elected.

  10. Joe would have been a great leader for Salisbury. But you have your brainwashed can't think for them self,liberal idiots that vote for homosexual no good idiots like mayor Ireton. The liberals remind of zombies.

  11. the trend in this great country continues to diappoint and concern many of us.....we need character and quality in our leaders and elected representatives.......they are not in washinton and they are not in salisbury. you are respected and appreciated joe...keep that in mind as you continue to stand up for us.

  12. I have been to 2 press conferences in my life - and both times I saw Jim Ireton BERATING fellow co-workers, literally stomping his feet and whining like a little girl. It's the only times I've ever seen Ireton and it's certainly left a lasting impression.

    NO ONE deserves to be treated the way I saw him treat people on those 2 occasions. The nicest word I can think of to describe him that you'll publish is Jackass, but really the "C" word is more fitting.

  13. Joe:

    Shanie is a witness to things -- call her for the real deal on this!

  14. I'll be a 6 figure settlement for sure!

  15. Wasn't he praising her for the job several weeks ago -- this episode will cost the City megabucks.

  16. The woman in him cannot relate with other women, shim is jealous of other women. Shim is NOT comfortable is shim's skin. That is why the five-year old temper tantrums happen.

  17. I bet he can't push her around. Ireton's most likely like his idol Obama who only puts weak women in high positions because they will fall on the sword for him.
    I like this Chambers lady and I don't even know her. How dare any man order any women to do anything especially a 2 bit peon like Ireton! Go Ms. Chambers.

  18. If this termination occurred as described above, both the city and the mayor are exposed to the possibility of expensive litigation; he may be exposed in a personal capacity also.

    Too bad for the citizens.

    Too early for a recall petition?

  19. so the choice was a gay man or an uneducated bully? guess the lesser of two evils won like always!
    Some choice!

  20. Who is her attorney -- could be a really big payday!

  21. Her settlement sum will make Chiefy Webster's look paltry!

  22. That mysterious laugh in the Government Office Building is John Pick's ghost.

    In person he is laughing his ___ off.

  23. Hey Dr. Freddy --

    Please do to him what he did to her - sauce for the goose . . .

  24. IRETON, You should have used some common sense approach. Remember Dr. Whittington of Somerset County? Had a school named after him and a huge settlement from his court case.

  25. Guess we will find out if the race card trumps the gay card.

  26. So, is Jim-Beau a closet -- racist?

  27. Now I understand why John Pick called the mayor's office the "Romper Room"

  28. Shanie Shields witnessed this? And she didn't yell "racist"?

    Something is wrong here.

    She's called people "racist" for far less.

  29. 3:50 --

    She's Ireton's "sister Shanie" don't forget.

    And sh6'se no doubt jealous of Ms. Chambers on several bases.

  30. Here's another possibility...maybe far fetched, maybe not. Could it be that Jim and Lore cooked up a scheme so that Jim could get what he wanted (lore gone), Lore could get better compensated than she ever could with a severance package, and Shanie (lore's buddy at the GOB) could be there to "witness" a very public spectacle. Everyone would win in their own sick way and the taxpayers would be fooled again...just saying when you are considering all the possibilities...stranger things have happened.

  31. It just that angry little girl trying to come out of Ireton. He is a piece of work.

  32. What rain tax? Thought that was for certain western shore counties.

  33. Dumb & Dumber, Two of the most overrated, unprofessional, arrogant people you'll ever meet. More embarrassment on the leadership of Salisbury.

  34. Anonymous said...
    You can't fire somebody that is on FMLA! That alone is reason for a lawsuit, let alone she's a woman, a black woman at that, open shut slam the door case! This will just help Cropper's lawsuit. We all knew Jim would have a serious meltdown, time was the only question.

    July 18, 2013 at 9:41 AM

    Want to bet on that! Ask the guy who was recently let go from the fire department.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Guess we will find out if the race card trumps the gay card.

    July 18, 2013 at 2:57 PM

    It's rapidly approaching that way.

    Who would have ever thought that "gay" people was a class of people who needed "rights?"

  36. Anonymous said...
    So, is Jim-Beau a closet -- racist?

    July 18, 2013 at 3:22 PM

    To answer your question? Yes I have been in his circles when his true colors have come out.

  37. And the " Great American Experiment " continues to crumble...

  38. Wait until Obammy hears about this!


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