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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Today's Survey Question 7-16-13

Do you believe President Obama is adding more racial tension in America by challenging the the George Zimmerman outcome?


  1. Absolutely! Need to add Holder to the list!

  2. Absolutely and he is doing so intentionally. The old "divide and conquer" move.


    He has a history of that.

  4. I didn't hear him challenge the outcome?

  5. Obama Crooked MotorsJuly 16, 2013 at 10:09 AM

    Of course he is, it's part of his plan. And he has 2 comrades alongside - Holder and Sharpton.

  6. YES! And believe me people are not going to stand for this forever.

  7. Yes, and the fact stands he has no business even commenting other than to say the jury spoke and in this country we must respect a jury's decision. He went above what is proper for someone at the federal level. But this should come as no surprise. His total and utter incompetence is forever shining though. This product of affirmative action has no clue his place nor the responsibilities of his position. The federal departments under him are running amok similar to the way the majority of the black communities are running amok. This in no coincidence.

  8. And that State Prosecutor who should be fired

  9. 10:04 - He is challenging the outcome by not condemning further waste of government resources by the DOJ on its witch hunt trying to find what the FBI said a year ago is not there.

    It's a shame we don't have a President who acts Presidential instead of pitching his bias into non-presidential issues.

  10. Yes, that takes all the negative attention off of him for a while...you are not hearing about the expensive tax-payer vacation media...amazing tactic.

  11. A question not even worth asking
    We all know the answer

  12. 1000% fueling blacks to riot and be angry at the system and to hate the republican/conservative party.

  13. Yes he is and he just needs to quit opening his mouth.

  14. Yes he did 10:04. Not ever mentioning Zimmerman's name he clearly came out and said that people don't have a right to defend themselves. Read the whole entire statement. It' there plain as day and even a 3rd grader could get the message.

  15. 3 yrs left. Omg are we in trouble?

  16. Civil rights mean civil rights for all people not just blacks. Did anybody scream for civil rights charges against OJ. Does not GZ have civil rights as well? Obama should not be involved in this at all. He should just continue to do what he does best, go on vacation!

  17. Yes and if history repeats itself it will not turn out good. Obama has a history of everything he touches turns to crap-healthcare, Egypt, Libya, shovel ready jobs, Solandra and so on.
    He's already proved just how dumb he is in regards to the way the federal government even works. No surprise here though as he is the poster child for failed affirmative action.
    The Justice Dept doesn't handle individuals who may have committed civil rights violations. It is tasked with handling governments accused of the violation. It's the FBI that handles this when an individual is accused such as Zimmerman.
    Anyone who believes for one second Obama is a college grad much less a law school grad is unbelievable naïve. There is just no way unless they graded him on a major curve. It's actually kinda of funny the way an imbecile can get elected pres.

  18. Obama is no better than Sharpton, Jackson, Holder, all race hustler's

  19. He hasn't challenged the the jury's verdict:

    “I know this case has elicited strong passions,” the president said. “And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken.”

    If Obama really cared about leading the U.S.A., he would say:

    "After examining the evidence, the Sanford Police Department decided there was not enough evidence to charge George Zimmerman. After much media publicity and activist pressure, the decision was subsequently made to charge Mr. Zimmerman. After examining the evidence, a jury decided that Mr. Zimmerman was not guilty. The jury has vindicated the Sanford Police Department, and affirmed their original decision not to charge Mr. Zimmerman. The jury's verdict should be respected. Let me be perfectly clear. There is no reason for people to continue to use this most unfortunate incident to promote a racially divisive agenda. There is no reason for people to continue to use this unfortunate incident as an excuse for criminal acts of rioting and violence."

    Unfortunately, if you haven't figured it out by now, that's not who Obama is. Sharpton, and the others are useful tools to Obama's political agenda by keeping racial tensions stirred up.

  20. Obama is a racist and I really think he really wants to destroy this country. Al Sharpton Jesse Jackson are adding fuel to fire also. It as sad that white people are targeted and all thought to be racist. The news never wants to cover when a black person commits a crime against a white person.They have made a big deal about the zimmerman case just by listening to the liberal media and the no good Obama. Obama is really doing a great job at dividing this nation


  21. He and his administration have set
    us back 40 yrs !!

  22. 11:16 Your statement reflected how the President should have commented and would have been a class act for him to do. Problem is, this President has no class. He just continues to "stir the pot" and cause more tension. That is the way a community organizer operates.

  23. The Hispanic community has responded to Obama's reaction to the trial outcome.They will not vote predominately Democratic again because of how the AFTERMATH of the trial has gone.They were satisfied with the trial results.

  24. yeah, because showing sympathy for the parents, advocating for getting all the facts surrounding the issue, and calling for everyone to respect the jury's decision is highly divisive rhetoric.

  25. most definitely!

  26. in his own words DUH!

  27. 2:05-You don't base the tone and context of a statement on just a few select parts. That's disingenuous. He ended his statement blaming guns and that means he's still blaming Zimmerman for using his Constitutional right to own a gun just in case he needs it for self defense and the jury for their ruling.

  28. From what I am reading here...this is beginning to look more like the 60s than the present. But without leaders like Martin L. King..there will be race wars. Pray that level heads will prevail.

  29. Obama's middle name is racial tension. he's been working at this for many years; even before he was prez. community organizers are trained to do this. this is how they extort from lenders, etc. low life, slime...

  30. where is the the prez?????NOWHERE to be found.

  31. It's all a test of the "Stand Your Ground" movement, I for one intend to do so.., let's just see how many more Trayvon's there'll be at Obama's urging.
    There have already been numerous muggings and beatings in anti-gun areas of the state.., how y'all like those MD gun laws now? Maybe if you get your a$$ pounded enough some sense will be pounded in, too.

  32. Things I have learned,
    #1 Neighborhood watch groups will now be less effective.
    #2 If you are watching your neighborhood - you had better be sitting in your house with your gun.
    #3 Law enforcement is in much more danger than they are compensated for and no longer can count on cooperative citizens.
    #4 Sitting on a jury is a lose/lose proposition and I want no parts of it.
    #5 Even when the jury speaks it holds no value in the minds and hearts of haters.
    #6 Haters will always hate.

  33. Is the Pope Catholic?
    as Mark Levin remarked in his book "Ameritopia" ...we are now "..living in a post constitutional America."

  34. ABSOLUTELY! Its his hidden agenda to institute martial law.

  35. By all means, YES, It's over get over it......This wasn't race...

  36. i think obama should jump off a building head first

  37. Out of chaos, order. The motto of the new world order scum. BHO is their little puppet.

  38. The Hispanics should be upset. Obama has declared war on them. Don't know where all the Whitey stuff is coming from. Zimmerman is for the most part Hispanic. This is of no consequence either way. He was found innocent by his peers. The haters and racist will always be racists and haters.
    Our so called president has again failed to lead.


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