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Sunday, June 09, 2013

U.S. Gives Saudi Airlines ‘Unrestricted’ Access to American Skies

The United States and Saudi Arabia have signed an Open Skies agreement that will "permit unrestricted air service by the airlines of both countries between and beyond the other’s territory."

The agreement means Saudi airlines may fly from any point in the kingdom to any point in the United States, and that U.S. airlines may fly from any point here to any airport in Saudi Arabia.

The deal was signed May 28 in Jeddah by U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia James B. Smith and Dr. Faisal bin Hamad Al-Sugair, Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Director of the General Authority of Civil Aviation.



  1. Told you Joe this 6 months ago the government was doing this.

  2. But they wannna tap our phone lines. You know, to prevent terrorism.

  3. Exactly 9:38 if they hadn't let the terrorists and people with terrorist tendencies in the country to set up shop and not assimilate we wouldn't need the Government to turn to Soviet Union political tactics. The problem is the liberals have fallen into the political bandwagon riding the tails of the Communists now in power and they are using the false pretense of terror to eliminate their political opposition.
    So, Saudi's here are a bad thing as are Community organizers in power.

  4. just what we need. glenn beck is warning everyone regarding the caliphate. you can make fun if you want, but it's to Your demise. so far his predictions have come true. I try to weigh all things people predict and line it up with scripture. I don't follow someone blindly, but we must wake up from this horrible slumber and take the blinders off.

  5. Now they can drop the bombs from their own planes

  6. It is all so the Bush family members can go from Texas to Saudi Arabia non stop.

  7. Now we have a LEGAL pipeline for illegal immigrants (and terrorists).

  8. 7:30.. that is so funny! I had to laugh out loud!

  9. Remember when the great one bowed to the King? He didn't do that for nothing! This was in the making when he took office.

  10. OMG Scary Muslims again. Saudi Arabia has been a better Ally to us then Most Countries in the world. I can tell you first hand that the Media most defiantly paints the wrong picture of the kingdom, and the region for that matter.

    1. 12:46. Wasn't it the Saudis who let bin laden live out the remainder of his natural life in their country?

  11. How STUPID will we get? the Saudi regime (and thats what they are...) practice, preach, and TEACH the most violent of Islamist views. Kill any and all Jews. Kill any and all infidels. And their half-assed, whack, bloodthirsty made-up and fake diety will bless them with virgins in heaven. I wonder -- are they allowed to set them on fire in heaven, too?


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