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Sunday, June 09, 2013


Petition asks Congress to investigate, prosecute offensesWatergate investigator Bob Woodward of the Washington Post compares Barack Obama to Richard Nixon. Members of Congress say it’s about time to consider it. Rock legend Ted Nugent says Obama’s constitutional violations make him eligible. And even Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin has called for Obama’s impeachment.

Now you can join a petition that calls on Congress to immediately investigate the “unconstitutional and impeachable offenses” of Obama.



  1. I am in "Petition Overload" these days. Everybody seems to have one, then I get emails begging for money. A vote is a vote and should cost nothing. Send me that one and I'll ignore the rest.

  2. Hurry impeach the crook before he does anymore harm to our country.

  3. Impeach the crook before it is too late and he does more damage to our country.

  4. 7:25 PM

    The petition IS free

  5. I signed it...did not cost me anything...I would pay to get this guy out of office. It just gets worse everyday for me. Are you better off than five years ago? I am just so disgusted...

  6. If the liberals and Socialists hadn't infiltrated the media in America we would never have had the likes of Barak Obama on the political scene. Had they told the truth about him instead of the fraudulent version of him, you know, the Communist Grandfather that raised him, the Communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis, role models like Saul Alinsky and the Ayers family of anti American communists, The law license fiasco, The racist college activism, the ghost presence at Columbia,extreme drug use, etc... America would have never voted for his lies. He's done the exact opposite of what he said he would do on nearly every issue and people are so hung up on the Cult of Obama they don't even care. Fools. The man is a fraud.

  7. Sorry to say that before anything could possibly come to fruition another "Bozo" will have taken his place. God Bless America.

  8. Praying this happens

  9. 11:21 PM only in America. The Cult of Obama is the reason we have Gay Marriage in Maryland and rapidly passing in other states. So called conservatives have even fallen for it's OK to be Gay mantra that they voted for gay marriage. Kinky sex and porn is also the reason. There are so many swingers performing with wife and spouse swapping and threesomes. There are many men that want the threesomes as well meaning one woman and 2 men. Gross if you ask me. This was the opportunity to support homo marriage since they were already soft on it.

  10. Wait...you're saying conservatives can't be kinky? I was about to join the conservative party until you said that...lol

  11. Obama Crooked MotorsJune 7, 2013 at 6:28 PM

    FLOODGATES OF LIES ARE OPEN. This administration can't hold it down any longer and we the People may see the light called The Truth. When the ship starts sinking, all the DEMOC-RATS will start jiumping off. And its already happening. I say Impeach Now.

  12. he'd have to remain in office because of vp...just like clinton did. he'd be a lamer duck.
    just do it!

  13. First black president, never happen, they would riot in the streets.

  14. You'd never get the Senate to go along...Maybe after 2014...

  15. Anonymous said...
    First black president, never happen, they would riot in the streets.

    June 9, 2013 at 10:19 AM

    Why do you idiots keep calling him a black man and the first black president. Does that make you feel good saying that?

  16. Why do you idiots keep calling him a black man and the first black president. Does that make you feel good saying that?

    June 9, 2013 at 7:09 PM

    Neither of which is totally true.


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