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Sunday, June 09, 2013

Holder: "Fatigue" Could Compel Me To Step Down

Facing cries for his resignation from Republicans in Congress, embattled Attorney General Eric Holder shed some light Thursday on what might compel him to step down from his post as the nation's top law enforcement officer, citing "fatigue" - and the sense that he has accomplished his goals - as two factors that could weigh on his decision to stay or go.

Asked at a Senate committee hearing by Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., when he might reach a "tipping point" and conclude that he cannot continue to effectively lead the Justice Department, Holder said, "The tipping point might be fatigue - you get to a point where you just got tired."

Beyond that, he said, "There are certain goals that I set for myself and for this department when I started back in 2009. When I get to a point where I think that I've accomplished all the goals that I set, I will sit down with the president and we will talk about a transition to a new attorney general."



  1. Please, do leave.

  2. I'm tired of him...does that count? Please...retire now...and that goes for the rest of them...

  3. Trying to save face. Whatever you say holdout, just get out.

  4. For the Democrats to publish this in the media tells you, "the heat is on", somebody is getting close to the truth and the big dogs are about to sacrifice Holder, less they become known. It's a snake pit, maybe they'll turn on one another.

  5. THEY all need to GO, NOW!!!

  6. It is tiring trying to weave that tangled web of lies.

  7. Accomplish Goals.. How many goals can one person have with regard to destroying the Constitution. Hasn’t he done enough damage already? He should be tried for treason.


    Just more of the continued (no longer three) 4 Branch of Government incestuousness.

  9. 8:31am right you are and so should his buddy

  10. 8:31 He should be tried for treason, but won't be. He will get a nice six figure retirement, courtesy of the FWT reduction in our paychecks.

  11. Obama Crooked MotorsJune 7, 2013 at 12:01 PM

    FATIGUE? Is that new word for LIES & LIES ON TOP OF OTHER LIES. And now when exposed, Holder likes to leave and retire to another cushiony government job somewhere. No, how about bringing charges for key role of smuggling weapons to mexican drug cartels in operation Fast & Furious? "Why Does It Matter Now. Its been Sooooo Long Ago". NOT.


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