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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Report: Obama Family's Africa Trip Will Cost $60 To $100 Million

You may not be able to tour the White House because of the spending increase slowdown from sequestration, but the Obama family can tour Africa for the small sum of $60 or $100 million.

President Barack Obama will hold bilateral meetings with leaders in Senegal, South Africa, and Tanzania between June 26 and July 3, and the wife and kids are going along for the ride.
The Obama family vacation will include air transportation for 56 vehicles, among them 14 parade limousines, trucks carrying bulletproof glass to install at hotels, and two ambulances: one for dealing with biological and chemical contaminants, one with x-ray equipment.
Adding to the costs are 100 Secret Service Agents for the first three cities on the itinerary, 65 agents at the fourth, and 80 to 100 more to guard the Obama family 24/7. 

Further, a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier functioning as a hospital comes with the package, and fighter jets will patrol the area 24/7.



  1. I guess he is scared! If I were him I would be scared!

  2. Oh this makes me so $%*(^ mad. I swear people cannot afford to eat, make house payments, car payments, are losing their jobs and this family just takes off and spends OUR money like they worked for it. Sickening. Stay home or better yet, go over there and stay there!!!!!

  3. The man is out of control and Congress doesn't have the balls to do anything about it.

  4. This trip is to help him find his original birth certificate.

  5. Most of the People who voted for him do not work so they are not losing out on money.

  6. We are saving money because Obama doesn't need an interpreter like he does when visiting Martha's Vineyard.

  7. Wouldn't it be nice if any of us could afford a vacation at even a fraction of that cost?

  8. he and his family should be flying commercially and using their own dime for the trip. Why all these vehicles? Is he taking the extended family back to their homeland? It should be a one way trip!

  9. If they both would stay there permanently, I would mind paying that bill.

  10. Loose cannon ... I mean Loose Assault Cannon. His voters will be watching the coverage on their Big Screen Food Stamp TVs.

  11. Sickening news. Thank you for publishing the facts, even though most of Owebama's supporters will not care what he does. The end of his term can not come soon enough.

  12. We can only pray they wont come back to u s ever

  13. Worth every penny if they just stay over there.

  14. Please tell me why any American would find a need to go to Africa? Why? Africa? I think this is a trip for Obama to show off to the Africans.

    How can any intelligent American vote for and support an illegal alien who goes by the name of Barack Hussein Obama? Because they are idiots!!

  15. Hey, you asked for it, you got it! Toyota.

  16. His support comes from voters that don't pay taxes in the first place so they really don't care.

  17. Is he the first president to ever do this? he answer is no.

  18. I have to say this trip is WAY OVER THE TOP. BUT if u believe only people on foodstamps with no
    Job voted for him.....think again

  19. Anonymous said...
    Is he the first president to ever do this? he answer is no.

    June 16, 2013 at 5:19 PM

    Was the economy THIS bad, did we have THIS much debt, was unemployment THIS bad, THIS many wars going on and others getting ready to start, THIS many scandals, THIS many liars in office GETTING CAUGHT, THIS many rights being taken away and abused, while some unknown other president went on yet another taxpayer funded trip?

    I hope you can see the difference.

  20. Rush says, are we going to make it through the rest of Obama's term? Well, we probably will but, we're going to be in such pitiful shape as a country it'll be generations before we recover. Your children and grandchildren will be the ultimate victims of this demon.


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