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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Third-Graders Introduce Obama At LGBT Pride Event

Nine year-old twins Zea and Luna introduce President Barack Obama at the White House's LGBT Pride Month celebration Thursday, June 13.GO HERE to view video.


  1. We are so doomed

  2. who would ever believe? this man is reprehensible.

  3. This is just plain wrong.

  4. Obama endorsed child abuse on display here.

  5. Finally hanging around people with his on IQ.

  6. The man is a pervert to expose these young children to homosexuals.

  7. As God has gracefully blessed our country sine the days of our Founding Fathers, so will He in-bless it for our countries immoral acts and disobedience towards Him.

  8. I wonder if Jim ireton is planning the same thing!

  9. I think it so wrong to expose innocent children to this sick and perverted lifestyle. It is already bad enough that the president flip flopped on his stance of what he definded as a traditional marriage as a man a woman. Now he is going around brainwashing the youth. Homosexuals are going to a place that is hot all the time. It is just so morally wrong. In nature you dont see to animals of the same sex chasing each other around.

  10. To each his own, but leave the kids alone. Do we have 3rd graders announcing strippers at the canton? 3rd graders at an event based on sexual preference. 3rd graders and sex? Really?

  11. Worst president EVER.June 16, 2013 at 3:12 PM

    When Oscama allows sharia law in this country do the Dems realize that the first thing they are going to do is WIPE OUT the Lesbian and gays and transgenders OUT????

  12. I'm just sorry I wasted those few minutes of my life watching that crap!

  13. This happens when most of their educations isn't about politics and is extremely bias, The world war books in history classes makes it seem like the US single handily stopped WWII and WWII, It makes it as the other countries did very little to win while all the countries lost more and did more because the US enters at the last moment of both wars as it is ending or coming to a close.


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