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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Caterpillar Drops Boy Scouts Support Over Gay Ban

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (AP) -- Caterpillar Inc. is no longer giving money to the Boy Scouts because the organization discriminates against homosexuals, a spokeswoman for the Illinois-based heavy equipment manufacturer confirmed Thursday.

The company's move wasn't directly tied to the recent Boy Scouts decision to continue to bar homosexual adults from roles within the organization while allowing openly gay children to be scouts. Instead, spokeswoman Rachel Potts said, the company decided to cut off funding while reviewing a request for $25,000 that came in last year from a local group in Illinois.

That decision was never announced publicly or communicated to the Boy Scouts of America, only to the local group, she said. But she added that the Boy Scouts' policy that continues to bar homosexual adults from working in the organization is "discriminatory."



  1. I applaud them.Companies should not be funding sin!

  2. 11:13 I take your a liberal?

  3. Thank you Caterpillar Inc. for taking a stand.

  4. 11:23
    A liberal would be happy that Caterpillar is no longer giving them money since they won't let adult homosexuals in. Maybe I read it wrong. It is a bit confusing.

  5. Buy Cat!
    Take your young boys out of that scout group. To tolerate is to accept as they do not need to be exposed to or recruited to gay by a fellow scout. If you speak out against the perverted among us liberals forget about the first amendment and try to make it a hate crime.
    It is not okay to be gay.
    It is not normal behavior.
    It is a deviant proclivity that the few are trying to mainstream as ordinary, normal and healthy.
    I do not know why it has become such a fad to expose oneself as psychologically and/or genetically deficient but it should be considered a behavioral trait that needs treatment and modification simply because it defeats the laws of nature and the survival of the other quality traits that homosexuals possess. It has upset the balance of human evolution creating a sharp increase in the proliferation of the lesser evolved, less intelligent and less capable of our species, all of which traits are hereditary and passed from generation to generation.
    LOL! I digress... Buy Cat, let the lgbt community support whats left of the scouts.

  6. That's okay Cat. There are plenty of other heavy equipment manufacturers out there to supply the world with their wares. We don't need you THAT badly.

  7. The story makes mo sence.

  8. Caterpillar is not donating because the Boy Scouts do not allow homosexual leaders. Caterpillar supports twisted perversion.

    1. Finally, a comment with clarity. Talk about comprehension problems, this thread is a testament to dumb! Thank you 7:45am. I also understood the story, but was floored by the comments, that definitely define the reader/commenter in this case. For those of you that re-read this story, Caterpillar is Pro-Queer and are dumping the Boy Scouts because they refuse to give adult queers access to young boys, like all queers drool over. The good guys are the people representing the Boy Scouts of America because they are NOT judging children/young boys that may have a predisposition to homosexuality, but instead, are keeping known queer male perverted adults out of the boy scouts. Caterpillar SUCKS like the QUEERS they support.

  9. Some people on here need reading comprehension. The cut off the Boy Scouts because they believe gay adults leaders SHOULD be allowed.

  10. I gather from this article that cat SUPPOTS gay rights !

  11. BSA national leadership have earned a demerit badge in Knuckling Under.

    The number of boys who might actually be scouts and homosexuals is very small. Historically scouting participation drops as other teenage interests rise (cars, sports, dating, jobs, etc.). The net effect would be very, very few scouts displaced by the historical policy.

    Most of the clamor I saw came from young adults who had been scouts and chose later to embrace homosexuality.

    BSA should understand that this is just the first round. The next step will be pressure to permit openly homosexual adult leaders.

    CAT just disgraced themselves by getting involved. Instead of the D-9 I was gonna buy, I'm gonna use a shovel and rake on the garden.

  12. should be called the "gay scouts". no parent would let their child be surrounded by gay children in this atmosphere. heaven forbid a queer leader.
    this will turn the organization into a bunch of queers' in time.

  13. CAT is NOT where its at!!!!!

  14. There is a way around this issue. Just form another name for the scouts and don't apply for a tax exemption status. There will enough private donor support to run the organization.

  15. I for one wont by any product that supports homosexuality. Homosexuals are sick and perverted and are on a rampage to destroy america.

  16. Yellow isn't that great of a color anyway

  17. The age most attractive to pedophiles is 9 year old boys according to past criminal records. It was hard enough raising a son years ago. I feel sorry for mothers and fathers with limited time and resources today. You really can't trust strangers to parent..it requires family.

  18. "We need to go buy a CAT loader" Said no gay person, ever.

    Why do they care?

    I don't even understand the BSA backlash. It is already rampant in BSA, why not make it ok? Oh, that's right... those closet, church going fathers would have to "come out". Can't have that now.

  19. Gerald, retired Detroit copJune 17, 2013 at 10:30 AM

    The Boy Scouts are already reworking their requirements for certain badges. For your wood carving you have to make a sex toy. For cooking you have to learn how to make a quench and a soufflĂ©. For Knot tying you have to learn how to do Bondage special Knots. Camping you have to learn how to sleep on your belly…..Hiking while holding hands, swimming without trunks, signaling using a safe word..They are adding Quilt making, regular sewing, cake decorating, flower arrangements, Jewelry making, Hostess essentials, Fashion design, Hair and makeup, ect…….


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