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Sunday, June 02, 2013

Regal Cinemas Raising Ticket Prices 4% Because You’re All Still Gonna Pay

Thanks to innovations like 3D and IMAX (or IMAX-ish), going to see a movie in theaters is an experience that a home theater really can’t match, even if a home theater has the benefit of comfier seats and no obnoxious strangers. The bosses of Regal Cinemas, one of the chains that have consolidated Americans’ away-from-home movie experience, understand this. So they’re going to raise ticket prices some more.

Talking to investors at the Barclays Global Technology, Media and Telecommunications Conference, Regal execs explained that ticket prices are going up 3-4% for regular old two-dimensional, regular-screen movies. That isn’t where the real money is coming from in the theater biz today, though. Regal’s own RPX ginormous screens let them add on a $5 upcharge from customers. 3D movies on regular-size screens increase prices by $3.50, and the chain can charge $6.50 more for admission to an IMAX film.


  1. I just wait for it to come out on DVD

  2. I have not been to a movie theater since 1992 and don't miss it. Watch movies at home. No need to see them in the theater with rude people.

  3. Get use to it people. Prices are going up everywhere since businesses can't make it anymore. Supply & demand. If you want to go to the movies, then you are going to pay for it. If not, no problem!

  4. dittos to 9:10.

  5. Yeah havent been to the movies in about 2 yrs and dont miss it one bit.

  6. Wanna bet ? (we're still gonna pay)

  7. This raise in price will not affect our family. We don't go to movies, have dropped Directv, and getting rid to cellphones as well. We are going to a calmer lifestyle as we don't have the money for all the extras anymore. We really haven't missed too much with these deletions. We have more time for each other.

  8. My solution is to reserve movie going to special occasions.As much as I love going to the movies they will be even more special if I go less.

  9. No thanks, I watch their movies online, for free, a week before Regal even has it. Thanks though.

  10. 11:15-I tried that,but I could not capture the big screen experience on an 80 inch screen.

  11. I watch everything online.. sometimes before it even comes out in theaters....I just hook the laptop to the 60" and with the surround sound its just like being at the movies....free.. owell... Regals wont get any of my money


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