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Sunday, June 02, 2013

The Power In Salisbury Is Owned By The Council President

For far too many years we have watched the drama unfold between the City Council and the Mayor. You might have the opportunity to see that change quite a bit over the next 2.5 years.

During my campaign I shared with many that I'd like to rid of the Mayor's position and go to a Town Manager form of government. Meaning, the Council President would be more like your Mayor. 

There were a couple of reasons I wanted to go that route. For one, the Mayor's position just doesn't pay enough to gain the interest of a true professional. I also believe you'd get rid of the drama we've all seen for far too many years in Salisbury.

I happen to believe Jake Day shares some of the same interests and could help lead Salisbury in that direction. There is legislation passed years ago allowing the voters to take it to referendum. I personally believe this would be in the best interest of Salisbury. 

I know many of you think Jake Day and Jim Ireton are a team. That just isn't true. Jake has a more business friendly common sense approach and what many don't realize is the fact that Jake actually has more power as Council President than the Mayor. 

As long as we stay away from  corporate welfare, Salisbury could become a lot stronger economy wise. 
Now, if we can just stay away from the above display unmanned in the foyer of the GOB and actually do the proper marketing for the City we might head towards a more fast track recovery. 

Giving away EDU's for Downtown Parking Lot projects might gain the interest of local developers, (I happen to believe it won't) it will not encourage outside interest. Again, I said during my campaign that Mayor Ireton was going to encourage subsidized housing on those parking lots and even in the last Forum Mr. Day challenged me openly by supporting the Mayor and saying he knew nothing about subsidized housing units. Mr. Day, giving away EDU's IS a subsidy, therefore this IS Subsidized Housing. 

All that aside, let's give Mr. Day some time to see which direction he chooses to go. After all, he has the power, (as Council President) and support of the business community. There may be a bright light at the end of the tunnel after all. Time will tell.


  1. Speaking of downtown. If you put subsidized housing there you might as well kiss downtown goodbye. It has happened in too many locations already who have attempted.

  2. Subsidized housing turns into a slum....plain and simple....

  3. You have got to be kidding. Jake Day used every unethical dirty trick in the book to discredit Debbie Campbell and willingly licked Iretons boots to get elected. She obviously was in on the prearranged question sham of a debate, if he has such high morals why did he go along with it? Perdue bought him the city council seat and payback is a new housing facility for low wage workers financed by the taxpayer.

  4. This guy is just another wolf in sheeps clothing.Anybody that was bought by special interest groups and is a liberal democrat just like that homosexual mayor.This guy is another person we all have to keep an eye on.

  5. You're right, there won't be corporate welfare, it'll be gov't welfare. That's the way it is. Jake has zero private sector experience, and still talks up the friggin memorial garden as an "accomplishment". If that's all you've got going for you, you've got nothing.

  6. I think that if the Salisbury residents cared for "their" town these issues would have been dealt with years ago. No one here gives a sh*t which explains the low voter turnout and low morale in the area.

  7. Day does not have any experience, he has no business background to stand on, and he certainly has no ethics or morals. He is a bought and paid for slug and butt kisser and nothing else. He has never accomplished anything on his own power and he never will. He only wants the title so he can add to his over inflated resume. The guy is an idiot.

  8. I dunno why.(power in the council pres.) That was NOT the case with the former council president. Teeth & nails were required for anything ordinary, much less extraordinary.

  9. 1:02, you left out the reason for the give-a-care level...RENTALS! No one can own anymore & 85% rentals versus 15 % is the reason no one cares. Nothing can be done.
    Why would renters care? So the slumlords decide the vote...against the ones who care.

  10. The vote was FIXED!, imo.

  11. Anonymous said...
    1:02, you left out the reason for the give-a-care level...RENTALS! No one can own anymore & 85% rentals versus 15 % is the reason no one cares. Nothing can be done.
    Why would renters care? So the slumlords decide the vote...against the ones who care.

    May 30, 2013 at 7:25 AM

    I have done some calculations and research and it is actually more like 95% rentals in Salisbury. You can deny these figures. Look at all the large apartment buildings, townhouse, condo's and duplexes popping up every where because of the groaf pays for groaf building in the metro core. I would bet a dollar to a doughnut that these large apartment buildings are only counted as one unit. It's called deception.


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