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Sunday, June 02, 2013

Police Dogs Trained To Spot Terrorists May No Longer Come Into Contact With Muslims After Complaints

What’s the point of having dogs in the subway that are intended to sniff out explosives if they can’t come in contact with the group of people most likely to be carrying the explosives?A report for the Transport Department has raised the prospect that the animals should only touch passengers’ luggage because it is considered “more acceptable”.

In the Muslim faith, dogs are deemed to be spiritually “unclean”. But banning them from touching passengers would severely restrict their ability to do their job.

The report follows trials of station security measures in the wake of the 2005 London suicide bomb attacks. In one trial, some female Muslims said the use of a body scanner was also unacceptable because it was tantamount to being forced to strip.



  1. WHY are we KowTowing to these forms of life (OK I'm stretching it a bit) that generally according to the later teachings in their own holy book want to kill us!

    Wake up America!

  2. This is absolutely ABSURD!! I agree with 6:06 pm!

  3. My dog really doesn't care what your religion, gender, race, or the nature of your government. He has not been trained to sniff anything but he will sniff his butt. However he has been trained to attack under one command by me or my wife.

  4. We should NOT be considering their feelings in the least. They want to kill as many Americans as possible. To even think of not scanning them, or letting the dogs sniff them and their belongings is doing a dis-service to all law abiding Americans. If muslims don't like it, go back to their own country and kill each other.
    Muslims offer nothing but trouble and terror.

  5. Dogs are deemed to be unclean because Mohammed didn't like them. Dogs can sense EVIL.

  6. You really do not to fly into the United States, so, just don't fly here. Leave. Go to YOUR country. How hard is this to understand? Maybe we should train pigs, they have better noses. I'm tired of your s*it. You are not here to tell us what offends you, you are a guest who seems to not like the accommodations. That's cool, we really don't care. Goodbye! Have a nice trip.

  7. Piss on them...

  8. Dogs have a easy time picking out Muslims because they don't bathe. They smell like camel dung. Muslim women are so respected by Muslim men, that they walk 10 yards in front of their husbands. Yep, you guested it, because of land mines.

  9. Have a camel do patrol...people Better start Waking the Hell up in America look at Europe ...

  10. The solution is simple. Beat down any fool that supports Muslims in America. Islamists, no matter what brand, are the most barbaric, brutal, ruthless people on the planet.
    We learned in WWII the only way to defeat such inhumanity is to be more inhumane. It is the dichotomy of war.
    To right injustice you must be more unjust.
    The practical application of this means eliminating the political correctness, pandering to, and promotion of Islam in America the exact same way today's police officers are unleashed on criminals and citizens that violate the law. No mercy.
    Our country simply cannot tolerate
    Islam, it's radical beliefs and denigration of humanity. There is no argument for the liberals in the crowd that cry about collateral damage as there are no innocent Muslims. Their aim is a worldwide Islamic caliphate or total domination of world Government and religious philosophy.
    There is no middle ground for liberals as what Muslims promote and aim to achieve flies in the face of liberalism.
    You're either for it, or against it.
    Our Government has tried to buy them, pander to them with lip service, allowed them free reign within our borders, none of which has worked. The time has come to change the strategy.
    We have the power. Unfortunately liberals do not have the will to fight for anything that means anything. We saw the liberal cowardice during Vietnam with their unwillingness to defeat Communist expansion. Now, they've TURNED Communist and are running (ruining) America!

  11. "They" can be damned! What about my beliefs? Esp. the one that says you must profile for the betterment of our society.

  12. When in America you follow America rules.
    Muslims like to strap bombs to their bodies, so they MUST be checked by the dogs. If they don't like it, there are plenty of Mulim countries across the water for them to live in!!

  13. ok maybe we ought to train pigs to do it then!

  14. 7:16 The dogs, more than likely, sensed mohammads boy touching, and tried to stop it. So, he declared dogs unclean, so he could continue his child love.

    We need to stop the PC BS, racial profiling is NEEDED to end crimes, or at least put a cap on it.


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