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Sunday, June 02, 2013

'Gay' Activists Want Much More From Boy Scouts

Bill revokes tax-exempt status unless homosexual adults allowed
The historic vote by the Boy Scouts of America’s National Council Thursday to allow openly homosexual youth in the program but exclude homosexual adult leaders has left people on both sides of the issue unhappy.

California Democratic state Sen. Ricardo Lara says that despite the vote, he will continue to push a resolution that would revoke the BSA’s tax-exempt status “to ensure that discrimination in any form does not exist – not in our state, not on our dime.”



  1. Why don't those people go stay with their own kind, and leave longstanding organizations alone? Let them start their own homo scouts.

    What the heck is wrong with these idiots?

  2. Such a slippery slope, lubed by liberals.

  3. Come out the closet Ricardo.

  4. I knew this crap would happen!


    Ban all gays from the Boy Scouts of America.

    Tell the gay scouts and leaders to start their own national organization; but they can't use any of those 3 words or any play on them when they name their organization.

    Now, everyone has cake. Some only get chocolate, though!

  5. such a shame. less than 10% of the population out to destroy a private organization that has been around longer than most of you on this blog.
    the boy scouts, as we know them will be no longer.

  6. Boy scouts were never about being gay. It's not on their motto, it's not in their book. It's never been there. Look it up.
    So, you are gay and want to start an organization of gay men and boys to go out canmping in the woods? FINE! Go do it!
    Don't look to the BSA for help or underwriting. Just name it appropriately, and leave our name out of it.

  7. They want access to the children STOP tolerating these perv's.

  8. These sick homosexuals already have a group called North American Man/Boy Love Association you can wiki it. These sick people really need help. The government ought to keep their nose out of private organizations.

  9. You know what bugs me more than anything...judgmental people...you can call gays whatever you want and quote whatever bible verse you want...but it is not your job to judge...that's between them and their maker...love the person, leave their sins to their maker.

  10. 9:47 yeah right, that sounds good but, NOT judging and NOT being discriminate has led us to this sickening recruitment and promotion of homosexual culture as if it is righteous and good, wholesome and normal even, while it is in fact vile and despicable. Your acceptance of said deviance in the name of "love" will seriously downgrade your status as a Christian when you get to the pearly gates!
    I told ya, they'll have an oral copulation merit badge in a few years.It will probably be a little rainbow phallus.
    You might as well rename it the boypouts.

  11. 9:47 so I take it you don't judge anyone. You just can't be honest.

  12. the demise of one once wonderful organization.

  13. I like the post that says "let them have their own homoscouts" . That sums it up!

  14. 9:47, and they can leave their love out of the boy scouts. After all, they're NOT needed

  15. Gee I wonder which other tax exempt organizations will get the next bit of scrutiny?

  16. I for one don't want the gay agenda shoved down my throat any more, gay marriage was bad enough, but bsa is a tradition in this country that should not be unhinged..!!


  17. I've said it before. Let them have the whole program. Walk away and start a new secret organization. Their gay boy's club will not make it on it's own.

  18. Anonymous said...
    You know what bugs me more than anything...judgmental people...you can call gays whatever you want and quote whatever bible verse you want...but it is not your job to judge...that's between them and their maker...love the person, leave their sins to their maker.

    May 28, 2013 at 9:47 PM

    Look you liberal Kook! Not one person is judging they are stating facts. Did you in your soft heart ever join the boy scouts? What have you done good for your community or this country other than force your liberal views down someone's throat so they can feel guilty about their belief. Homosexuality is a mental illness. Treat it or put them in concentration type camps so they can eradicate themselves.

  19. I was contemplating allowing my son to join the scouts as I did when I was his age. I was struggling with this because of the numerous sport we are involved in, but this definitely secured my decision. I implore every Christian who is currently involved in sports to immediately withdraw their memberships. Those that don't are obviously the weak ones. When your child gets raped by the homosexual scout master you will wish you listened to this advice.

  20. Homosexual adults = predators


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