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Sunday, June 09, 2013

Cheerios Stands By TV Ad Showing Mixed-Race Family

A mom sits at her kitchen table when her grade schooler saunters up with a big box of Cheerios.

"Mom," says the girl. "Dad told me Cheerios is good for your heart. Is that true?"

Cut to dad waking from a nap on the living room couch with a pile of Cheerios on his chest (where his heart is) crunchily cascading to the floor.

The message is in line with the company's Heart Healthy campaign, except this 30-second ad features a black dad, white mom and biracial child and produced enough vitriol on YouTube last week that Cheerios requested the comments section be turned off.



  1. Isn't it really sad that this is controversial in this day and age of the elites putting their new age fuedal system in place. Keep the masses distracted with race, and sexual preference while they rob us blind with corporat to big to fail welfare and fractional reserve banking

  2. Sorry, I don't think those types of relationships are right. Again we have the liberal media forcing something down our throats.

  3. God says not to mix, it is an obama-nation! It produces unnatural offspring! It violates the laws of nature, you don't see Blue-jays mating with Robins, but they are both birds, it is not the right thing to do! This is what is becoming of our once great nation, now a nation of mongrels, misscreatents, malatto's, and who knows what else!

  4. Simple. I will not purchase products that advertise these liberal views, especially if it's inter race or homosexual. I'm not old fashion or a redneck, I just believe it is wrong.

  5. I have no problems with people choosing who they want to spend their lives with. The world is filled with mixed race couples. I have a bigger problem dealing with deadbeats or jihadi terrorists.

  6. Wow folks the commercial is just a reflection of reality. There are lots of mixed race couples.

    1. But with commercials like that the disease will likely spread 6:08!

  7. I really don't care about mixed-race couples. I don't care about homosexual couples. As long as they stay out of my face, I'll return the favor. However, if someone else finds it offensive, who the hell am I (or anyone else) to tell them they are wrong? Everyone is entitled to an opinion - contrary to what a lot of people seem to think these days.

  8. Gerald said...
    God says not to mix, it is an obama-nation! It produces unnatural offspring! It violates the laws of nature, you don't see Blue-jays mating with Robins, but they are both birds, it is not the right thing to do! This is what is becoming of our once great nation, now a nation of mongrels, misscreatents, malatto's, and who knows what else!

    Holy crap you are an idiot... Ever hear of a Labrador Retriever mating with a German Shepard? or a Pug and a Poodle? closed minded morons like you are really dragging my (white) people and party (Republican) down..

  9. Gerald please quote that bible verse from the King James Version


  10. Galatians 3:28

    There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

  11. If you don't stand up for what you believe, then you lose your belief system. I too have stopped buying products, or supporting causes that do not reflect my beliefs.

  12. Gerald what about Adam and Eve ? Are we not all descendant from that starting point? Oh you must have the abridged redneck version. You should actually read the bible before quoting it.

  13. A Liger is half lion,half tiger.does that count?

  14. I have always liked Cheerios.

    Now, I will buy more. Good for them for standing up for tolerance!

    1. That's funny 10:29. I never did like them and now there is no way anyone in my family will try them. In fact I will see to it that any product made by that company will stay out of my house!

  15. 4:58! AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm tired of this crap being shoved down our throats as well!! Also, According to a "them" it's just another notch under their belts and they want one race!!! I will no longer support Cheerios!!!!!! You lost my money!!

  16. 10:36 they want one world religion, one centralized world government, not one race. And to all of the highly educated commenters on this one....boy oh boy. The oldest living human dates back to Africa, do your research. Oh but that would require reading. Start with your bible and listen to gods word, not ignorant man.

  17. LOL, some of you are just too funny. With arguments like these, you claim the majority of Americans are crazy because we don't support your views? ha ha

  18. It must be so nice to not have anything better to worry about that the race of some people in a cereal commercial. I wish I was as awesome as you all. LOLOL

    1. You are 6:08. You posted too!

  19. No where in the Bible does it say not to mix the races. This is why no one can ever quote the passage it allegedly comes from.

    Fact is there are mixed race people in the Bible.

  20. Speaking of crap being shoved down our throats, I have heard the Bluejay Robin logic for over sixty years. If you root your beliefs in the Bible, then you must accept God's perfect design of creation. If, in his Devine wisdom, he made it biologically possible for two beings of different skin pigmentation to reproduce then that was his intent. Stop selectively using God's words to justify your confused value system.

  21. I for one wont be buying cheerio's anymore that commercial makes me sick

  22. I'll continue to enjoy my Cheerios with my many family members and friends of mixed ethnicity. The judgement being thrown around in the name of God is truly disgusting.

  23. To all on here, I saw that commercial a couple of times and thought the message was well done, bright, funny and cute. I never saw the different colored skin tones until this crap was brought up! You people are paying way too much attention to finding fault on others, when you should spend more time on yourselves.

  24. A commercial for cereal is hardly shoving anything down anyone's throat.

  25. Agree 10:59, it's marketing to help mixed race couples identify with Cheerios. If that's the case, then mixed race couples have enough buying power to merit a commercial that targets them. I guess the rest of us will have to decide if they want to buy Cheerios or not.

  26. The sad part these idiots on here don't realize is we are all brothers and sisters in Christ and in science.

  27. No 1:43 the sad part is that Cheerios just plain old suck.

  28. Why should this commercial be an issue? In 50 more years bi racial will be the norm

  29. Anonymous said...
    I have no problems with people choosing who they want to spend their lives with. The world is filled with mixed race couples. I have a bigger problem dealing with deadbeats or jihadi terrorists.

    June 6, 2013 at 5:57 PM
    Yeah buddy, the biggest jihadi terrorist is in the White House and you helped put him there.

  30. Anyone under 40 could care less about this.. You should all be ashamed of yourself


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