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Wednesday, June 26, 2013


The Supreme Court’s historic rulings on gay marriage have people on both sides of the debate responding strongly. As TheBlaze previously reported, the majority of justices struck down a key part of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) this morning — and subsequently also threw out the contentious Prop 8 appeal (read that decision here). As for DOMA, there may be some confusion surrounding what, exactly, was included in the original 1996 law and which parts of the legislation that was signed into law by Democratic President Bill Clinton have been axed.

To begin, the portion of the DOMA law that was ruled against in United States v. Windsor is a provision that denies benefits to legally-married gay couples. Same-sex couples, under federal law, will now, as a result of the ruling, be considered “married.” But before today, under Sec. 7 of the law, marriage was explicitly confined to unions between men and women.



  1. This is one sick country with all these people being forced to accept homosexuality as being normal. Guess what? IT'S NOT!!!

  2. No one is forcing anyone to accept anything. Crawl back into your cave 7:56.

  3. Umm yeah you are shoving it down our throat. Like you like to. I dont care what you are dont force it on me or my kids. Christians cant talk about anything, and we have to listen to you inMoral ass wipes

  4. Communist bucket list:

    16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

    26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

    Two more goals accomplished...smh

  5. 8:38 you sound like you might be a liberal. I agree with you also 9:13 .These homosexuals have gotten worse shoving their sick and perverted thoughts down the throats.of Americans. To me homosexuals seem to hate christians because our loving god and bible teachs us that being a homosexual is wrong. Homosexuals seem to think that everyone should accpect their lifestyle and if you dont they want to name call and say that you are filled with hate. It is not our fault as christians that we cant go against our faith and values to try and pretend to think that lifestyle is ok. I tip my hat off to the CEO of Chic-fil-A the homosexuals tried to boycott a business all because someone stood up for their values and believed that marriage was between a man and a woman. Homosexauls are not christians by any means that is why they target christians who stand up against their lifestyle.

  6. Civil rights has nothing to do with being a homosexual. Homosexuals are wrong and they no they are!

  7. 9:36 AM they no they are

    Written like a real genius.

  8. Homosexuals are disgusting perverts that spread disease and the demise of civilization. Even nature itself shows that the behavior is abnormal. Oh yes, I know, dogs do that sometimes when a female is not available. But that is because a female is not available. These people are lower than dogs. And yes God loves them but not their disgusting sinful behavior. It does not matter that the liberal Supreme court justices say it is okay. They said killing innocent babies was okay. Neither one is okay with God. This country's government is declaring war on God. It (and we) will lose.
    Oh, 11:36 I used spell-check so you wouldn't be offended.

  9. 10:01
    Most of the time dogs do that to show dominance. There are other reasons they do it but it's not sexual unless it involves a male and female combination.


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