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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Matthew Mikowski charged with killing Samuel Cross

A teen is facing second degree murder charges for allegedly choking another teen in Talbot County.

Matthew Mikowski, 17, was charged with second degree murder in connection with the death of Samuel I. Cross, 18, near Bozman-Neavitt and St. Michaels roads.

Cross was found asphyxiated in his car on June 10. The night before, a group including Cross and Mikowski may have used LSD behind Mikowski’s home.

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  1. Lock his parents up too.

  2. @ 8:48am,
    why would you lock his parents up too?

  3. Is there any such thing as a voice of reason any more? Are parents so out of touch with their kids anymore that they no longer can see the signs? EVERY DAY I see teenagers in the news for doing something god awful.Not twenty something,but teenagers.A little perceptiveness and guidance on the parent or guardians part wouldn't hurt.In cases such as this every neighbor and friend knew a problem existed,but the parents were oblivious to it.

  4. That wouldn't have happened if they were smoking weed.

    M. Levy


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