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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Airline Has A Lot Of Explaining To Do After $1.2M Goes Missing During Flight

There’s a reason people handcuff themselves to briefcases full of money (at least, they do in the movies): So those stacks of cash don’t wander off and go missing. To wit: The FBI says $1.2 million in cash disappeared from a Swiss International Air Lines jet that arrived at John F. Kennedy Airport from Zurich, Switzerland, the place we imagine as filled with super secrets banks and streets paved in gold.

It’s not entirely clear when the cash — all in $100 bills — went poof. The FBI said the money was discovered to be missing after the plane had landed in New York, reports the Associated Press.


  1. The airline needed gas money...

  2. 7:32-You beat me to it.

  3. Reminds me of one of the heists in "Goodfellas".....


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