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Sunday, June 09, 2013

BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Deputy Troy Durham v. Somerset County

SOMERSET COUNTY OFFICIALS have been named in a Court Order, Writ of Mandamus filed Monday, June 3, 2013:

Somerset County, the County Administrator and the County Commissioners will have to answer in a Court of Law as to why they are continuing to disobey Court Orders from the Maryland Court of Special Appeals (Case No. 1382 - 19C09013488) ordered AUG 1, 2012 to fully reinstate Deputy Troy Durham after he was unlawfully terminated by Somerset County Sheriff Robert "Bobby" Jones in 2009.

The MD Court of Special Appeals ruled August 1, 2012 that Durham's termination by Sheriff Robert "Bobby" Jones was, "unlawful, unconstitutional, arbitrary and capricious"

A MD Federal Court Jury ruled May 17, 2012 that Durham had been unlawfully terminated by Sheriff Robert "Bobby" Jones "out of retaliation for reporting serious police misconduct and breach of the public trust to government agencies and the press"

Deputy Troy Durham has still not received ANY of his back pay or benefits or his Maryland Certification even though he returned to work for the Sheriff's Office last August (38) weeks ago and was sworn back in as a Deputy Sheriff with the Somerset County Sheriff's Office last October 3, 2012.
Durham has been assigned by the Sheriff's Department to work plain clothes, un-armed, monitoring security cameras in the basement of the Somerset County Courthouse.

Case Information
Court System:Circuit Court for Somerset County - Civil System
Case Number: 19C13016162Title: James Troy Durham vs Somerset County, Maryland, et al Case Type: Other Civil Filing Date:06/03/2013Case Status:Open/Active


  1. Good, Jones just doesn't think he has to follow the law.

  2. Although, I agree that Troy was terminated unlawfully, and should receive everything that the court ordered, there is one problem. He can not bypass his MPTC certification process, by not going back through the academy as required by law. He was separated from law enforcement to long by Maryland laws to just walk back into his position with full certification. He would have been back fully certified if he had started the academy when he was reinstated.

    1. If you agree with "everything the court(s) ordered" then you realize and agree that the court ordered a full reinstatement -- meaning, fully restored back to the original position before being unlawfully terminated. This would include recertification.
      In order for this to happen, the Sheriff would simply write and sign a waiver to the MPCTC to waive all the "new-hire" and/or "re-hire" steps (such as the academy) in order to obey the courts orders. There is also a three-year deadline and that deadline was met in Durham's case: He was unlawfully terminated on Sept 17, 2009 and brought back on Sept 17, 2012.

  3. I hope you can sew them till it hurts.

  4. I don't want an armed uncertified person on the streets. Rules are there for a reason.

  5. 1:27 PM - For him to start the academy when he was reinstated, seems to me like the employing agency would have made sure that was taken care of.

  6. Exactly if it was required by law for Durham to complete the academy AGAIN it would have been up to the Sheriff's office and County to notify the employee....This is another example of the horrible and illegal treatment employees can receive in Somerset "good ole boys" County. Perhaps 60 minutes would be interested.

  7. Bobby Jones needs to take his bottles and go home. This borders on insane to assign this employee to the basement of the courthouse. Durham DO NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS FURTHER illegal employee TREATMENT. Seems to me the county would remember from D. Whittington what it cost our County for illegal employee treatment...Sue the county as well as the Sheriff. You are likely to get more from the County.

  8. Troy Durham is a scumbag he stabbed the sheriff in the back after all he did for him.

  9. FBI is now involved , sorry about that crap.

  10. Anonymous said...
    I hope you can sew them till it hurts.

    June 6, 2013 at 1:30 PM

    I would imagine any size needle you use would hurt.

  11. Anonymous said...
    I don't want an armed uncertified person on the streets. Rules are there for a reason.

    June 6, 2013 at 1:51 PM

    So you don't believe in the Second Amendment and CC permits or is this just a jab at Troy. Me thinks the latter...

  12. Let's not forget how that crooked worthless piece of you know what Mikey Lewis is also behind Troy not receiving his certification back. As chairman of the MPTC certification he has final say. I look forward to the day someone calls Lewis out on just how crooked, worthless and a lair he is. The public and all those that think he is all that their jaws would drop at how he has been able to pull the wool over everyone's eyes and make himself out to be someone he sure isn't.

  13. Anon 4:17, you must be one of the do-nothing deputies who always take up for the do-nothing sheriff. More whistle-blowers in local government agencies should stand up and speak up for truth's sake. It's no wonder citizens don't trust government. They no longer realize they are representing the people paying their salaries - the taxpayers!

  14. I think 60 minuets sounds like a good one to contact myself!!!

  15. The county never learns. Look what they did with the Henderson case. They protected him as long as they could and he finally resigned to prevent being prosecuted criminally. Then they were stupid enough to rehire him again. Henderson screwed up again and had to be removed from employment with the county. The Jones case is even more screwed up, we need commissioners that have a brain, case closed.

  16. Let me get this straight. The County with the aid and assistance of the Sheriff illegally terminated Durham as a law enforcement officer. The MD Ct. of Special Appeals ordered him reinstated with back pay and the County persisted with the sound legal advice of Kirk Simpkins not to pay him. (It's not a County Judgement, make the insolvent Sheriff pay it. Where does the Sheriff's budget come from?) So the County illegally fired him and now refuses to pay him because he hasn't again completed the Academy. The County is benefiting from its illegal conduct! Da! What's wrong with this picture? Does anyone think that it would be possible for Durham to actually complete the Academy? Kirk Simpkins may have some high insurance rates
    when this is all over. Durham is going to win-alot. The County and therefore the taxpayers are going to have to pay all of it. The thing I keep wondering about, what was County Administrator, Sam Boston's conduct in all of this? Was there even an Estate opened following his death? All of this is forseeable. All you need are these good old boys committing an illegal act and a victim who is stubborn like Durham. In this case Durham was backed into a corner. If he wanted to stay in law enforcement, he had no choice but to start the law suits. I can't end this little story without bringing up the fact that Durham filed an employee grievance against the Sheriff, which he had a right to do, and the geniuses elected to the County Commissioners (McCready, Simpkins, Ring, East etc.) instead of sending it to the County Board that is supposed to hear those cases, allowed the Sheriff to investigate himself. No wonder others think there is a problem in Somerset.

  17. Joe you need to keep up with stuff in Somerset County like this so that people know what the hell is going on down there.A pisspoor states attorney and a corrupt sheriff make for a lot of juicy posts.

  18. Go to Facebook and look up Troy Durham for Deputy Troy Durham's current status on this situation.

  19. Why Jones isn't certified?

  20. Is Durham paying his attorney? Word is that Durham is looking for another lawyer and is trying to avoid paying this one.


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