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Sunday, May 19, 2013


Woman indicted for 'unnatural or perverted sexual practice'(ABC2NEWS) — BEL AIR, Md. – Stephanie Mikles was hired in 2009 to be the behavioral specialist for Harford County Schools … but it is her behavior that may very well get her fired and did get her indicted.

The child advocacy center of Harford County began investigating Mikles last year, but did not anticipate finding evidence that would lead to the shocking indictment
According to court records and evidence of still photos, a grand jury indicted Mikles with “unnatural or perverted sexual practice.”

The indictment lacks a lot of detail but does say she had “sexual intercourse with a dog.”


  1. If they term this as unnatural or perverted, why do they allow queers and lesbians to teach?

  2. I'm with you 1:02. I'd have to think all the gays would be in full support of this sick behavior.

  3. I've had sex with some dogs in my day, but they were the 2 legged kind.

  4. where is peta when you need them

  5. Transparency in a PRIVATE meeting???

  6. 1:02 PM - Because dogs can't vote (at least yet).

  7. i told you guys. after the gays had their moment, the beastility and pedophilia folks would start coming out of the woodworks!

  8. Anonymous said...
    If they term this as unnatural or perverted, why do they allow queers and lesbians to teach?

    May 13, 2013 at 1:02 PM

    I agree. Two men having anal sex is very unnatural. It's just a mater of time when the liberals will say it's ok to have sex with animals.

  9. UM BOW WOW UM RUF RUF Who let the dogs out!

  10. 1:02 You're an idiot. Who says it's "unnatural or perverted" for two consenting adults, of the same sex, to engage in sexual activities? Let me guess, "the bible"? Retard. Take your book of fiction to church street, and get you another $5 eastern shore special.

    Having intercourse with an animal is in a league of its own.

  11. I saw her picture and if I was the dog I'd run to the humane society for protection. Wonder if she has had her shots?

  12. She's in Maryland. I'll bet she voted for O'Malley and Obama. Perverts are everywhere. Bet if you asked gays 98% would tell you that they are Democrats.

  13. To all of all that have commented. What can I say? Sometimes you get a box of cherrys and sometimes you get a box of nuts. Why does it matter? Are you hurt are you paying for it? No, I think this is sick. Poor dog. We worry so much about what other people are doing and not enough about we are doing.

  14. 6:29 WHAT? you brain dead liberal. How would you like this pervert counseling your kid on their behavior. The "Why does it matter comment?" comment reminds me of Hillary Clinton. Let me guess, you cant wait to vote for her in 2016.


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