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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Recent Incident

About 20 troopers and city police chased a dodge ram to the car wash by Walmart. One person in cuffs. Male


  1. Cops were coming from everywhere.Even a Fruitland cop responded.Thanks for the heads up.

  2. lmao! 20 cops to catch one guy? wow he must have really been one of Americas most wanted! I just wonder how many other people the cops endangered racing through town?

  3. I'm being told that MT Bank over by Verizon and Ihop was just robbed.

  4. 104pm; and youre the same kind of idiot that would be complaining if the cops did nothing. moron.

  5. Marked MSP & Fruitland PD sped thru Salisbury via Rt.13 at dangerously high speed.
    No way crime was that important to potentially endanger the lies these two put in jeopardy with their reckless dhigh-speed driving

  6. WTF is going on in Salisbury Howz that LOW crime working out MAYOR???

  7. Anonymous said...
    lmao! 20 cops to catch one guy? wow he must have really been one of Americas most wanted! I just wonder how many other people the cops endangered racing through town?

    May 13, 2013 at 1:04 PM

    Obviously a cop hater!!

  8. Anonymous said...
    Marked MSP & Fruitland PD sped thru Salisbury via Rt.13 at dangerously high speed.
    No way crime was that important to potentially endanger the lies these two put in jeopardy with their reckless dhigh-speed driving

    May 13, 2013 at 1:21 PM

    Salisbury fire trucks do it every single day and multiple times a day chasing ambulance calls when they aren't needed just to increase their call volume to justify their jobs. I don't hear you complaining about that. What do you think will happen to you if one of those marked fire trucks speeding through town hit your little car!

  9. LOL typical liberal response. Blame the police for the actions of the criminal. GREAT JOB PD!!! Some people do appreciate you and the risks involved.

  10. He appeared guilty of something and he had a tail light out.

  11. Obviously a cop hater!!

    May 13, 2013 at 2:02 PM

    Gee, I wonder why. It couldn't be all the laws the cops break or the number of people they kill. It couldn't be their godlike attitudes. It couldn't be their lies, cover-ups, conspiracies. No it couldn't be any of that.

    There might be a couple of good cops left, but until they start cleaning up the bad ones in their midst, they will be lumped right in with them.

    Clean up your messes boys and get some of that grime off your badges. THEN maybe people will not think you are the enemy that you are. They are bringing you down right along with them. Is that what you want?

  12. Dumb Criminal! robbed the bank across from State Police and right near the Chick fil a (cops are always there)! Did it at lunch time LOL !!!!

  13. Good job, officers! Good job! And THANK YOU!

  14. not a cop hater just tired or seeing the gestapo terrorize average citizens again and again!
    It's all about raising revenue for the government it is no longer about protecting and serving! So just keep raping the public since you are obviously a cop or married to one and that's how your derive your lively hood!!


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