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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Traveler From Saudi Arabia Arrested At Detroit Metro With Pressure Cooker

Detroit — Federal agents have arrested a Saudi Arabian traveler who arrived at Detroit Metropolitan Airport with a pressure cooker, a key component used in the Boston Marathon bombings last month.

Hussain Al Khawahir appeared for a brief hearing at 1 p.m. in federal court on charges he allegedly used an altered passport and lied to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agent about the pressure cooker.

It was unclear Monday whether his arrest is terrorism related or a misunderstanding. But the prosecutor handling the case is Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathan Tukel, who prosecuted the terror case against underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.



  1. Tie him to the next plane back to the Islamic capitol.

  2. We can ban all kinds of chemicals and gadgets but we can't ban Muslims.

  3. Does anyone actually cook with these anymore?

  4. Oh he knows what he's doing 10:22. He's setting up a lawsuit and with the money he will buy real weapons.

  5. Maybe he was just getting ready to cook a goat, but then again maybe all that ALLAH ALLAH ALLAH AKABAR chanting spooked the authorities. But lets give him the benefit of the doubt (tongue in cheek).

  6. 10:18
    I'm not sure about people cooking with them but I know my mother in law uses them to can things from her garden.

  7. When's the last time you saw her pressure cooker 3:33. You never know.

  8. 6:04
    Last weekend and all 3 of them were sitting in her basement where they are always stored. The only threat she would be is if you tried to take them from her lol

  9. I would never do that 6:40. She may need them someday when our guns have been confiscated.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Does anyone actually cook with these anymore?

    May 14, 2013 at 10:18 AM



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