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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mayor Ireton Following The Lead Of Former Mayor Barrie Tilghman

When you have a staff who does not and cannot respect you as Mayor/Boss, what do you do. Well, the answer is quite simple. You let people go and fill those positions with "Yes Men" who will do and say whatever you like.

Mayor Ireton's horrible behavior at MoJo's a few months ago was the final straw for many. Most of the Department Heads have seen enough and are jumping ship because they simply cannot work with a maniac for Mayor. 

When you have someone working for you like Lore' Chambers, like her or not, she has the experience to fill in John Pick's shoes, especially in an interim position. If you don't want to hire her for the job, at least let her do what she's been paid for and trained for over all these years. 

What does it say when your second in command isn't appointed! "Yes Men" will do whatever the Mayor says. If Jimmy wants 500 affordable housing units Downtown, well, with his rubber stamp Council, perhaps now he'll get it. When Jimmy wants to override the Liquor Board so he can take back riverfront parking lots and sell them off to his developer friends, perhaps now he'll get it. 

Clearly former Department Heads saw that an Albero Administration would have moved the City forward and the Ireton Administration will only head us down the same failure path of Barrie Tilghman and they bolted. 

Barrie Tilghman did the same thing years ago. She got rid of all the quality people working for the City. Anyone who seemed to disagree was removed and "Yes Men" were put in their place to do whatever she liked. Hence why I stated if elected I'd entertain rehiring those people who had been terminated for the good of the City.

Ireton hired Rick Hoppes to become the full time Fire Chief. Ireton accepted a BS NON ACCREDITATION DEGREE from an ON LINE COLLEGE that isn't recognized by ANY College in America. You didn't read that in the Daily Times. You didn't hear about that on WBOC or WMDT. Your local media covers up such stories and endorses a clown and asks, please give this immature Mayor without ANY business background another chance. 

I have read so many stories over the years about people in high places buying these degrees and getting caught. Interesting how no one has said a word about Jim's new "Yes Man" in the SFD. 

It's my understanding you've seen nothing yet. Ireton is restructuring the City Staff. I hear Lore' Chambers might fill the position of Jim's Downtown Revitalization Advisor, or whatever he calls it.

Ireton/Obama/O'Malley, what's the difference. Liberal jackasses screwing the taxpayers and the sheeple do absolutely nothing about it.  


  1. HOW is that legal, An online accreditation don't mean SH/T,How do fellow FF feel about a Un-educated incompetent Boss???

  2. What happened at Mojo's?

  3. I certainly agree that the taxpayers are just sitting back taking whatever the elected liberals throw at us. When will people wake up and do something about it? Everyone talks about the problems but know one does anything about it. If we were stupid enough to RE-elect Obama, O'Malley and Ireton I suppose we deserve what we get. I would suggest electing conservatives in the future if you want any change at all.

  4. Anonymous said...
    HOW is that legal, An online accreditation don't mean SH/T,How do fellow FF feel about a Un-educated incompetent Boss???

    May 17, 2013 at 7:19 AM

    They took Fat Hopeless over another Jeff Simpson. Simpson was out to get most everyone and Hopeless is out to get a few. Simpson used Salisbury as a stepping stone and Hopeless using Salisbury for an esteemed title he didn't deserve. Both men are low life classless acts.

  5. Joe and 8 AM, just what you propose that we do? I didn't vote for this fool and do not like what is happening in this city, but I'm only one person, what do I do to change all of this???? Please answer.

  6. The tax payers paid for that fake degree that Hoppes claims he has. If Hoppes wasn't so lazy he would have gone to Salisbury University, UMES or Wilmington University. The city paid for his degree so what's the difference. Oh I know, that fake school he "attended" accepts life experience for college credits. Now that is lazy. I have a lot of life experience so why don't they just give me a degree. With Mr. Ireton being an educator himself you would think he would know the difference in fake degrees. Just proves that Liarton is a fake himself.

  7. Is Columbia Southern University A Scam?

    If you are someone who has considered earning a college degree online, whether due to work or family commitments, you may have seen an advertisement for Columbia Southern University at some point and taken a look at what the school has to offer. And since it’s not a well known school, you may have wondered whether Columbia Southern University is a scam. To answer this question it’s necessary to take a brief look at the school, its degree programs, and its accreditation.

    Columbia Southern University was established in 1993 and is based in Orange Beach, Alabama. The school only offers online degree programs. There is no physical campus where classes are taught in person. The school offers online degree programs in fire science, criminal justice, business administration, organizational leadership, information technology, human resource management, and occupational safety and health. Degree programs are available at the associate’s, bachelor’s, and graduate level.

    The Litmus Test For A Legitimate University

    The best way to tell if an online college or university is a scam is by evaluating its accreditation. The gold standard of collegiate accreditation in the United States is known as regional accreditation. There are six regional accrediting agencies that are tasked with evaluating colleges and universities in their geographic areas to make sure they meet minimum academic standards.

    A college or university only needs to be accredited by one of the six agencies. Before we go any further it is necessary to point out that Columbia Southern University is not accredited by any of the six regional accrediting agencies.

  8. anonymous 8:18, I'm not so sure there's anything that can be done.

    Perhaps IF the three women who were in the bathroom at MoJo's came forward and filed charges against the Mayor, he'd be arrested, charged and possibly removed.

    I have been asked by a lot of people to please stick around in Salisbury and run again, no way. To those nay sayers, at least I was man enough to run for office. At least I, (unlike Mayor Ireton) went door to door campaigning on a daily basis and NOT just when WBOC or WMDT were there to film it.

    I told all of you during my campaign, I only experienced SEVEN people that flat out told me they were voting for Jim Ireton, SEVEN. I've been in business for many years and I've had thousands of employees. Don't think for a second that I can't read people. The pulse of Salisbury was exactly as was stated to me in Jim's alleged spoof phone call. The people cannot stand Jim Ireton, yet somehow he won?????

    My opinion is, unless it's a perfect storm or unless a certain special interest group of people want you elected, you're not getting elected, period.

    Even local media find the final numbers very hard to believe. All I can tell you is, with electronic voting machines, your never going to truly know who won or lost. In the mean time, you have a problem, don't you.

    You have a Mayor in office who is completely out of control. He has mental issues, outbursts, depression and has turned on his very close friends since he was a child. We tried to offer you a better solution. We offered common sense solutions that would take a lot of work but the end results would have been the best Salisbury had ever seen. Think about it. Name me ONE item on my platform any one of you disagreed with me on, just one. I've stated this before and no one has ever come back with one.

    Start attending Council Work Sessions and Meetings. Get involved. Express your opinions right here on SBYNews.com. After all, this is the reason I started the Blog. Don't rely on just me. Your voices need to be heard.

  9. The majority of hard working taxpaying voters here, unfortunately are the minority as homeowners VS renters in Salisbury. Even IF 100% of homeowners voted for what we know is right, we are still out numbered 4 to 1. Salisbury is not a good place to buy a home, period.

  10. wow not much of a mayor. Not much of a teacher... I did not vote for him nor would i. i have seen what kind of teacher he is...

  11. A black female with a PhD who has been sitting in the second position as ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR for several years was passed over by a white male with a few useless certifications who supervises only about a half dozen employees with a very minimal budget. Just because Mr. Stevensen is a nice guy doesn't mean that he is the best person for the job. If Lore Chambers has "no clue" then she should be eliminated from her position immediately.

    The position of City Administrator or City Manager is a very high ranking and powerful position and requires someone with great knowledge. What Ireton has done is borderline illegal and might be a loss for the city if litigation occurs.

    Proves that Jim Ireton has a hatred for women and possibly a manlove for the code enforcement guy.

  12. When you get these liberal neighbors to open thier eyes to what hes doing instead of voting liberal to have all these things liberal want.they do not care what he does as long as what they want is tollerated...

  13. Joe, I had a long conversation with Jim at the Salisbury Festival regarding the last Election. His word were very clear he is concerned you will run again to 2 years. I say go for it!

  14. This is what happens when you put a homosexual in office. They do not think like a rational person would.

    They have a screw loose from the get go.

  15. What can we do, Joe? Everyone voted for you and Campbell, but the vote counters had finished their count before the election started. We no longer have a say in the "election results".

  16. I'd holler "RACISM" if I were Lore! (Isn't that what shamie did?)

  17. I thank God I don't live in Salisbury, but I do watch what goes on with pained amusement.

    This personnel situation is VERY, VERY odd. It says in the paper that Ireton plans on sending 3 names to cit council -- including Chambers!

    Then why not make her the interim city administrator since she was already the assistant city administrator?

    Is Ireton trying to give her a case with the ACLU or EEOC or whatever it is that handles discrimination cases? Like he gave Webster a disability handout to get rid of him?

    From out here in the Boonies, it looks like you have serious personnel scams going on in your city government.

  18. I'll say it again, with all due respect,

    Do you really believe the majority of citizens voted for a gay Mayor?

    Do you really believe the majority of citizens voted for a $19,000,000.00 a year rain tax while ALL other Eastern Shore communities told O'Malley to go pound sand?

    Do you really believe the majority of citizens voted for 500 affordable housing units and agreed to sell all of the parking lots in Downtown Salisbury?

    Do you really believe the majority of citizens voted for a lockout ordinance that allows the Chief of Police or the Mayor to shut down any residence or business after 2 calls over a two year period?

    Ireton wants those riverfront parking lots next to Market Street Inn and Brew River. He wants an excuse as to how he can get them and over ride the Liquor Board, especially after what happened at MoJo's.

    To those who believe I am bitter after the election, your wrong. It's a $25,000.00 a year job and believe me, I can't think of any one who will want to run in 2.5 years from now. The City will be so screwed up by then I doubt it will ever come back.

    But for those special interest groups along the way, what do they care! Most of them don't live in the City anyway and couldn't care less what happens down the road.

    The headaches aren't worth it. If you think for a single second that Jim Ireton is actually happy about being Mayor again, let me remind you of what he said just over a year ago.

    I asked him at the Salisbury Festival if he was going to run again. He told me he can't afford a mortgage and a car payment while being a part time teacher and the mayor at the same time. He then said, if I get the EDU's from linens of the week and the 500 affordable housing units on the parking lots Downtown, I won't run again. If I don't get it before the election I probably WILL run again.

    OPEN your eyes Ladies & Gentlemen! Jim isn't in this for the good of the people. He's in it for those housing units and what it may bring.

    I, on the other hand, enjoyed the challenge. I enjoyed meeting the thousands of people along the way. I enjoyed allowing those who never met me the opportunity to actually get to know who I am and what I stand for. It was a win/win for me and a win/win for Salisbury News as well.

    I'll say this as well. Ask around. Ask people who they voted for and I think you'll be amazed at the answer. I know that the majority of homes I went to the people told me they do not like Jim Ireton and they would not vote for him. I'm talking more than 90%.

    I'll add, did you know the Mayor and Council changed the election laws only a little more than a year ago. Oh, not even the PRESS covered this story. Did you know that they changed the rules so IF there was a TIE in the primary, all three candidates would then run for the General Election? NO, you didn't know that. NOW, do you find it at all damn interesting that the FIRST year out of the gate in the very next election there was a tie, assuring Shanie Shields a win. Take Cynthia and April's numbers and put them together. If one of them had dropped out, Shanie would have lost in a big way. Yeah, you don't hear anything about that either.

    Life goes on and you have to deal with it. My life moved on, I have no regrets.

  19. Tilghman was the Hitler in her time as Obama is in his time.
    Ireton is just follow the leader , Hitler , Obama and Tilghman.

  20. Joe, Lore filled in for months while Pick was out battling prostate cancer. I am not sure if she was "officially" the acting administrator, but in real terms that is exactly what role she filled. I have no idea why Ireton would not make her the acting. Perhaps it is Jim Ireton WHO SEES COLOR!

    I expect a lawsuit against the city for this. Thanks Jim. You racist turd.

  21. The people that voted for Joe were the ones that had common sense. The ones that voted for that scumbag homosexual no good mayor. That is what you idiots get a do nothing screw the taxpayer moron. The liberal idiots that voted for Ireton bend over and take it. When will the liberal Jackasses wake up.

  22. What is the difference in interim and acting? Why is Stevenson called the interim city administrator and Hoppes was called the acting fire chief? In my opinion they are both actors and could win an Emmy since they fooled so many people.

  23. Most employers will not hire or promote anyone with an online degree that isn't Regionally Accredited.

  24. The names were flipped. If you voted for Albero... Ireton got the vote. If you voted for Campbell... Day got the vote.

  25. Agrees with 11:25 all those liberals do like Ireton does bend over and take it lol.

  26. Why would anyone with a PHD sit around for years as an assistant small town manager? With a real PHD people can earn some real money in the real world and not put up with the silly politics in a hick town like Salisbury.

  27. Anon 11;26 & 11:29 a.m. friggin idiots.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Anon 11;26 & 11:29 a.m. friggin idiots.

    May 17, 2013 at 12:49 PM

    Why? And where is 11:26?

  29. Anonymous said...
    Joe, Lore filled in for months while Pick was out battling prostate cancer. I am not sure if she was "officially" the acting administrator, but in real terms that is exactly what role she filled. I have no idea why Ireton would not make her the acting. Perhaps it is Jim Ireton WHO SEES COLOR!

    I expect a lawsuit against the city for this. Thanks Jim. You racist turd.

    May 17, 2013 at 11:17 AM

    I happened to be standing in a small group with Ireton at Mojo's recently and someone made an off color comment about a black person that walked in the door and Ireton cracked up laughing. That's a fact Jack.

  30. A long time employee of the city was just forced out of the fire department and Ireton allowed this to happen. Now this to another city employee with experience and qualifications? Ireton and his puppets must go.

  31. Speaking of Rick Hoppes and the fire department why are fire crews allowed to self dispatch their fire engines on ambulance calls? Does anyone know how much these unnecessary responses cost tax payers? These fire crews also spend a lot of time at Super Giant and Food Lion. Why don't they buy their lunches and dinners on their own time like everyone else has to. Bring you lunch from home.

  32. "...and 99% of non-compliant cases are successfully prosecuted in District Court."

    I just randomly checked Tom Stevenson in the Judiciary case search and found that only 3 out of 14 cases were prosecuted. That is not the 99% that Jim Liarton fabricated in his press release. I'm not a mathematician, but that appears to only be 21% and not 99%. Jim Ireton is nothing but lies and all his press releases are nothing but fluff. It's there, check for yourself.

  33. Another 4 years of a do nothing group elected by local idiots and rich.

  34. 5:29 PM In my town engines are not self dispatched, but are required by regs to be at many scenes requiring ambulances. And our paid firemen and EMTs work mostly 3 24 hour days so packing a lunch is ludrecious. We do not expect our guys and gals to wait three days to eat. There are many days they are plenty busy and are unable to eat their meals in a timely manner.

    It is great to hear Salisbury personnel purchase locally. Good job guys.

  35. May 17, 2013 at 7:08 PM

    Do you really expect someone to believe this lie you just posted. It's people like you that give Farmin a bad name. No where in this country does any firemen and EMT's work most three 24 hour days. Have you ever heard of the Fair Labor Standards Act? Please cite the regulations that require fire trucks to chase ambulances. Also please name the town and the fire department so we can look into your claim ourselves. If you don't respond to the post we will know that you are a typical lying farmin trying to justify you actions and your jobs.

  36. Anonymous said...
    5:29 PM In my town engines are not self dispatched, but are required by regs to be at many scenes requiring ambulances. And our paid firemen and EMTs work mostly 3 24 hour days so packing a lunch is ludrecious. We do not expect our guys and gals to wait three days to eat. There are many days they are plenty busy and are unable to eat their meals in a timely manner.

    It is great to hear Salisbury personnel purchase locally. Good job guys.

    May 17, 2013 at 7:08 PM

    Guess what? This isn't your town!

  37. Maybe appointing the guy instead of the gal was a way to get you people to defend her, something you didn't do before.

    Not criticizing, just pointing out that many of you are coming to her defense.

    Ireton has something up his sleeve. She gets the job, he gets what he wants. She doesn't, he gets her a discrimination deal but he gets her out and gets his fair-haired boy in.

    The council gets put in the position of hiring a guy without the college degree, making the Hoppes flap seem like just that, or hiring a woman people have a problem with and not hiring "the nice guy."

    Maybe he hires the third person found by the consultant and he shafts both current employees. Some say hire from within, others think they are both incompetent.

    Something is up with this. Why go to the expense of hiring a consultant to do a national search when he doesn't have to and claims both of these current employees would be great picks?

    In case anybody hasn't noticed, Ireton has had some drama going on with every single person he's put forward.

    Don't you people in Salisbury get tired of that? Or do you just feed on it?

  38. This town is not unique , you must do a lot of ass kissing to get anywhere in a government job. As a matter of fact , there is plenty of time to do the ass kissing , they do very little productive activity.

  39. They need a professional to run Salisbury, someone who's trained, educated and has the experience and meets the required credentials. This is a joke what they're doing now. I smell a major law suit another expense to tax payers.....

  40. 5:29:
    and use that BEAUTIFUL NEW facility we just paid 14 million for?
    I'd like to have that kitchen!

  41. We still don't know what happened at mojo's.

  42. Anon 5:29PM, you should quit writing replies, it just proves what an IDIOT you are!

  43. Anonymous said...
    Anon 5:29PM, you should quit writing replies, it just proves what an IDIOT you are!

    May 18, 2013 at 10:36 AM

    Seriously! 10:36 AM you must be a troll Farmin trying to protect your job. Sorry to offend you if the truth hurts.

  44. The fire department is full of drama queens. Every city article is not about the fire department.

  45. If you think Jim Ireton is not racist ask the minority firefighter/paramedic who left the fire department. Jim knows full well the racism that exists in the city. Ms. Chambers isn't the only employee screwed over.

  46. When does (did) Chambers contact the EEOC?

  47. If I was Lore Chambers I would contact the EEOC immediately. She would be one of several who have contacted the EEOC and that should be a wake up call for the EEOC and Salisbury.

  48. From the press release:

    "Tom Stevenson is an accomplished speaker and has lectured at Lehigh University in PA, Johns Hopkins University in MD and has been featured at numerous Maryland Municipal League conferences."

    Instead of stating the obvious(no degree) he fabricates a distraction by saying Mr. Stevenson is an accomplished speaker at said universities? I don't believe that in the least bit and if so it doesn't override the fact that Mr. Stevenson doesn't have even a basic associates degree whereas Ms. Chambers has a Doctorate degree. What a fake. Reminds me of the press release that was fabricated for his chosen fire chief.

  49. If you've ever worked with Lore Chambers you know why she wasn't appointed the interim administrator. She may have a PhD but it's all book smarts and no common sense. She's walks around with an entitled attitude and treats the people like serfs, expecting them to kiss her ring. Stevenson may not be qualified but even more people would be leaving the City if she were in charge. She's just as bad as Teresa Gardner. Keeping her out of the administrator spot is one of the few things Ireton has done right.

  50. Anonymous said...
    If you've ever worked with Lore Chambers you know why she wasn't appointed the interim administrator. She may have a PhD but it's all book smarts and no common sense. She's walks around with an entitled attitude and treats the people like serfs, expecting them to kiss her ring. Stevenson may not be qualified but even more people would be leaving the City if she were in charge. She's just as bad as Teresa Gardner. Keeping her out of the administrator spot is one of the few things Ireton has done right.

    May 19, 2013 at 9:42 AM

    You just don't get it do you? If she was that much of a problem then she should have been fired. If you had issues with her then you should have filed a complaint, if not then you have no right to complain on here. You hit the nail on the head with her full description, but that doesn't negate the fact that she should have been the one appointed to the Interim City Administrator position. I doubt seriously anyone would be leaving because of her status. She would only supervise dept. heads. The good employees leaving were because of the department head, not the Administrator.

  51. 9:39 May 18, Lets just say it was a good display of Ireton's morality and general character. If enough people had known what happened the election may have gone differently. As usual the local MSM hid the facts and supported a liberal scum bag for mayor.

  52. Anonymous said...
    9:39 May 18, Lets just say it was a good display of Ireton's morality and general character. If enough people had known what happened the election may have gone differently. As usual the local MSM hid the facts and supported a liberal scum bag for mayor.

    May 19, 2013 at 11:23 AM

    Can you explain or copy the actual post you are referring to?? This makes no sense and difficult to follow.

  53. This city is ran by a bunch of uneducated buffoons. The first clue to this statement is the endorsement of the fat green blogger. When he supports you we all know it's a bad deal for the tax payers and voters.

  54. So if Tom Stevenson moves up to Interim City Administrator who is going to move up to Interim NSCC Director? I hope it's not that former BHZ secretary. How do you go from BHZ secretary to Housing Supervisor without any experience, education or credentials? Must be true what they said about the affair.

  55. Lore Chambers came from Neighborhood Services, she was a grant writer. Tilghman promoted her to Asst Administrator, as her token minority. Has anyone considered Chambers might not want the job? If she did, Shanie would have set that race card on fire pulling it out of her pocket so fast. Sit back and watch as Salisbury continues it's decline. Have you read the property transactions lately? Kris Adams is buying properties for more student slum housing. People are leaving and selling their homes for pennies on the dollar just to get out as quickly as possible. Pay attention to what is going on behind the smoke and mirrors. Baltimore on the Shore, that is what we have become.

  56. 10:57 They couldn't fire her without facing a discrimination lawsuit (something they'll probably face now anyway). As for grievances, they are worthless. They've been filed for years and nothing gets done. Look at how many have been filed grievances against Teresa Gardner and nothing ever happened. She's leaving of her own free will after driving out lots of people and crippling morale. Grievances don't work if HR constantly violates employees confidentiality.


  57. "Ireton/Obama/O'Malley, what's the difference. Liberal jackasses screwing the taxpayers and the sheeple do absolutely nothing about it."

    How about Mitchell and Shields??

  58. May 19, 2013 at 12:44 PM

    Speaking of HR that department head is totally clueless and should be named in any lawsuit or EEOC complaint. Jeanne Loyd is a p!ss poor excuse for a HR director. Where did they find that clown? Is she even qualified to be an HR director? Where did they find her? By the way what happened to Lisa Ross in HR and the other lady?

  59. 12:44 is correct. Teresa Gardner had MULTIPLE DEPARTMENT HEADS file grievances against her, but Pick, Chambers and Ireton denied every single one of them. Consider that most of the current department heads have had long careers with the city, but it made absolutely no difference. This Mayor doesn't care about city employees. Hasn't he made that clear yet?

  60. Anonymous said...
    This Mayor doesn't care about city employees. Hasn't he made that clear yet?

    May 19, 2013 at 6:04 PM

    Oh he has made it very clear to me. Wait till you hear my story?

  61. What happened to Lisa Ross, the former HR director and her secretary? They both happened to be female. Why did they leave?

  62. The current Police Chief is a YES women she kisses the mayor's ass all day long, fits right in!

  63. Ross went to SU & offered a job to the other HR person soon after. Teresa helped push them out the door. Ireton then hired the current director who spreads personal information like the town gossip. No one in public works confides in her because they know this to be true. Many people who work in public works have been there for decades. You can't burn several of them without word getting around.

  64. Anonymous said...
    What happened to Lisa Ross, the former HR director and her secretary? They both happened to be female. Why did they leave?

    May 19, 2013 at 8:09 PM

    I heard they both left because of Jim Ireton!

  65. Anonymous said...
    Ross went to SU & offered a job to the other HR person soon after. Teresa helped push them out the door. Ireton then hired the current director who spreads personal information like the town gossip. No one in public works confides in her because they know this to be true. Many people who work in public works have been there for decades. You can't burn several of them without word getting around.

    May 19, 2013 at 10:11 PM

    You are correct about the current director. She and her secretary tell everyone's business and there is no such thing as privacy in the city of Salisbury. I was in there one day recently and they were talking about a fire captain just retiring and then they were asking about his two weeks suspension without pay. Not sure who they were talking about, but the employees waiting in the office did not need to hear that. They were very unprofessional and I know the IT guy heard the conversation as well. They need to be fired immediately.

    1. Ireton will read this and not do anything about it. How many city employees raised red flags both officially through grievances and in places like this? Yet Teresa Gardner was never written up or reigned in. In short, we have a gutless guy playing Mayor. He's either too ignorant, too dumb or too cowardly to even exercise the power of the office he holds. It's sad because many of us own homes here and cannot afford to leave. We're stuck. And for that I'd like to thank Jake Day, the national association of Realtors that backed him, Chuck Cook and the rest of the extreme leftist that supported this guy.

  66. From the Daily Rag:

    "Speaking to reporters, Ireton said the city will hire a consultant to conduct a nationwide search for Pick’s replacement. Afterward, he will submit three names to the City Council, which has final say in the matter."

    Please tell me why we need to hire a consultant for a nationwide search? Why are we wasting time and money on a consultant for a nationwide search? Look at all the nightmares we have seen and had ourselves. Simpson, Recor, Teresa Gardner, the homo fire chief from Ohio, Fredericksen. These people are always someone else's problems that we always get stuck with and they are always trouble.

    If a consultant and nationwide search is needed then why didn't they conduct one when Ireton appointed Rick Hoppes for the positon of fire chief. You can't tell me that Hoppes' resume and application was good from the process 3 years earlier! Personally I think the process in promoting Hoppes was fraudulent. Things change in 3 years and Ireton didn't do a nationwide search for fire chief, but he waits for a new election?

  67. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Ross went to SU & offered a job to the other HR person soon after. Teresa helped push them out the door. Ireton then hired the current director who spreads personal information like the town gossip. No one in public works confides in her because they know this to be true. Many people who work in public works have been there for decades. You can't burn several of them without word getting around.

    May 19, 2013 at 10:11 PM

    Lisa Ross and her secretary were much better than that hag they have in HR now. Her room reeks of cigarettes and she is always coughing on you. She certainly doesn't earn her money and the secretary spend most of her time socializing with other employees from the building. She will also be taking personal calls and make you wait till she is done.

  68. As a tax payer in both the city and the county I would like to know why Jim Ireton is working less than part time hours with the Wicomico County Board of Education and getting full time benefits and retirement. This has been going on for nearly 5 years now and costing tax payers thousands of dollars. He needs to be a full time mayor or a full time school teacher. He is not good at either so I suggest he go back to teaching school full time or cut off the full time benefits while he is working part time for the board.

  69. I heard the fire department just had 6 promotions. I want to say congratulations, but I know in my heart something dirty went on.

  70. Anonymous said...
    Ireton will read this and not do anything about it. How many city employees raised red flags both officially through grievances and in places like this? Yet Teresa Gardner was never written up or reigned in. In short, we have a gutless guy playing Mayor. He's either too ignorant, too dumb or too cowardly to even exercise the power of the office he holds. It's sad because many of us own homes here and cannot afford to leave. We're stuck. And for that I'd like to thank Jake Day, the national association of Realtors that backed him, Chuck Cook and the rest of the extreme leftist that supported this guy.

    May 20, 2013 at 10:07 AM

    All of your comments are right on target. This guy gutless and spineless. He is now promoting and giving raises to people who hated him, people he promised to do something about, people he promised to remove from their positions. He is bending over backwards and kissing their butts. That is a sign of weakness and a mental illness. We already know he has a mental illness due to his lifestyle. A good leader would have cleaned house and brought their own staff in there to promote his agenda or his platform. All this man did was turn his back on many of his supporters. He was fortunate to gain new supporters to win the re-election. I know for a fact he has new supporters, but I think voter fraud played an issue in this election. I know for a fact it was bought by realtors and crooks that have something to gain. This city is nothing, but a ghetto. Jim got elected the first time on the tails of Debbie Campbell. Now look where she is. His 2 opponents! Debbie was not an opponent of Jim's. She was a friend and he turn on her and turn against everything she did. You idiots that think Jim Ireton is your friend think again. He already has the knives in hand ready to put them in someone's back. Be careful, be very careful.

  71. I saw this spineless character at Glenn Avenue school this morning and he looked just like the picture. Poor Jimbeau. I hope he gets fired for incompetence in his job.

  72. Joe, please move this to the top with the other Mayor's post. Please keep it at the top for the past few days so people have time to reply to others comments. Please go back to being like the original Salisbury News.


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