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Friday, May 10, 2013

Maryland Foreclosure Rate Is Seventh-Worst In U.S.

Scheduled residential foreclosure auctions in Maryland increased 199 percent over April 2012, highlighting the state's fast-rising foreclosure rate.

Maryland, which in February cracked the top 10 for highest foreclosure rates for the first time since July 2010, rose to No. 7 in April, according to market research firm RealtyTrac Inc.

There were 1,569 foreclosure starts in April, and one out of every 650 Maryland housing units is now in some stage of foreclosure. The state's foreclosure rate has soared 154.3 percent since April 2012.

Maryland is trending in the opposite direction from the U.S. as a whole. The national foreclosure rate in April declined 23.3 percent from the previous year. One out of every 905 U.S. housing units is in foreclosure.



  1. Maybe because maryland has no jobs. With no money you can't pay the rent.

  2. Way to go o'taxie, will you be sending out an announcement about this as well???????

  3. And Maryland citizens can afford to pay more taxes, but at what cost? Evidently for some the cost is the American Dream of home ownership! It may only be a part of it but for some of us it is only a matter of $20 between bankrupt and staying afloat!! Well Mr. O'Malley must of us have cut going out to eat, cut vacation, cut unnecessary travel, cut extra activities for our children, cut our grocery bill, cut our electric use, etc. What spending have you cut? Oh that's right the citizens have an endless supply of dollars no cuts just tax more, fee more, charge more for services. I use to love Maryland now I won't admit I was raised here!!

  4. At least we're 3rd at something.... Thanks, O'Crappy.

  5. Just wait until these new round of taxes go into effect. The stat of 1 in 650 is likely to go to 1 in 400 or higher.

  6. This is what happens to the money for mortgages

    Makes: 3000 /m
    Taxes: 1500 /m
    Fee : 199.99/m
    Util.: 300 /m
    Total: 1999.99/m
    Mortg: 1000 /m
    Total 4000 /m


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