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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ireton Was Clueless About Public Works Director Quitting

It turns out NO ONE in the GOB was aware that Teresa Gardner was quitting her job. In fact, V-DOT screwed up and let out the press release Salisbury News obtained before they were supposed to release it.

So today Ireton was squirming wondering if what we had published was in fact true. There was a press conference for the new water tower ribbon cutting and Teresa Gardner was nowhere to be found.

Then on WBOC tonight they did a segment on the pollution in the River. In fact, they went so far as to catching the ducks swimming through the crud and then interviewed Ireton who claimed it's all because of all the massive rain we've had recently. Hmmmmm, didn't we say the images were taken today? How many days ago did we have massive rain??? 

It seems Jimmy will say just about anything to try to make himself look better. The bottom line is, he has no clue what his Staff is doing and clearly he could give a crap about the River, yet he swears that it's one of the most important topics in his two campaigns.

His partnership with WBOC is just disgusting as well. Even funnier though is that WBOC will copy just about ANYTHING Salisbury News does that gains a lot of comments. Who's Delmarva's News Leader again Mr. Jahelka?


  1. Joe The health department needs to take a water sample and publish their findings. It would look dirty and test would show how dirty it really is.

  2. And the daily times is reporting that the city will use a fire truck to transfer water to the new tower! Why not let the pipes and gravity do the work, the tanks and hoses on fire trucks are NOT sanitary and are not meant to transfer DRINKING WATER! They pump out of ponds and the polluted wicomico river and now they are going to pump your drinking water into a new tower with the same engine and hoses?! Wake up people!

    1. You are an idiot...the trucks pumps are simply used to increase pressure from the city water line into the tower...there is no hose used. The truck is able to fill the tower quicker than relying on existing city pressure and limiting pressure for the rest of the system.

  3. 8:31 Gravity doesn't pump upward. I highly doubt the tank is even tied into the system yet. The procedure is to fill it and check for leaks. Then add industrial bleach to kill bacteria. Then drain it. Tie it in. And THEN refill with drinking water from the system. Right now that tower is isolated from the system either by not being hooked up or valved off.

  4. WBOC is a joke. It's right up there with the Daily Times.

    WMDT Much better!!!

  5. Wow! What was up with all the city trucks and swarms of reflective vests crawling around the river downtown in the afternoon????


  6. Joe, typically a position as high as public works director will give a notice of a month or more when they leave. Why didn't Teresa do that? She has denied requests to use accrued time off once an employee gives their notice. So I believe that she was attempting to cash out all of her leave before putting in her notice. She has been off quite a bit lately. I wonder how much of it is undocumented sick time?

  7. Ireton's second term will shadow his hero Obama, second terms are when the goose is loose and much backwash is uncovered.

  8. Joe, don't mess with Craig Jelhelka. Ask the people who work for him and do business with him. He'll cut your throat to win.

  9. Very interesting that news items on SBY NEWS show up on WBOC the very next day. Guess their sources are not as good as SBY NEWS! WBOC needs to get rid of Paul Butler - he stumbles over words, has problems with eastern shore community names, and sometimes on the 11:00 p.m. news, I think he has just gotten up from a nap.

  10. Why did WBOC hire Paul Butler back in the first place - he was gone they should have left it at that. WBOC is absolutely useless to anyone living in Salisbury and/or Wicomico County, so I don't know why they don't just take Paul, Steve and whoever else and go on to Delaware and stay there since that's the only news they report on anyway.

  11. I agree about Butler. He can't read a simple sentence without fumbling the words. Is on some drugs or what????

    I guess they needed a token, and he needed a job.

    Notice how the good reporters don't stay at WBOC for long?? There's a very good reason. The only ones left are the best of the worst.

  12. Headline should have simply read:

    Ireton is clueless.

  13. Would you rather watch the glare off "Mister Shiny Head" on MDT? Wholly curmudgeon, Batman!

  14. Clueless in Salisbury, maybe Ireton can get o'taxie to have a movie made here.


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