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Sunday, May 19, 2013

County Council Member Bob Culver Speaks Out On New States Attorney Office

Recently local news outlets have reported a closed meeting held March 18, 2013 by Wicomico County Council regarding the release of attorney/client information and States Attorney office by myself. I would like to clear up all questions.

The meeting that started this entire situation was a closed meeting where during that meeting I asked Mr. Ed Baker, County Attorney, how was someone supposed to challenge a bid if they felt they were not treated fairly. Mr. Baker told the council that there was a process to oppose the bid and that the individuals in question had not done so. Another council member then asked where this process was spelled out because they could not find on our County’s website. Mr. Baker then said it was in a book on Mr. Rick Konrad’s (Wicomico County purchasing manger) desk.

After the closed meeting the next day I explained to the bidder that there is a process to oppose a bid and they would have to go through Mr. Baker’s office to do so. The next day Mr. Baker received a request from a local attorney representing clients and asking how to protest the bid process. Because the exact word “protest” was used by the inquiring attorney that was considered information leaked from a closed meeting. On March 8, 2013 at a regular meeting with the council & executives office it was decided by Mr. Rick Pollitt, Mr. Wayne Strausburg, Mrs. Sharon Morris, Mr. Ed Baker, Ms. Maureen Lanigon, Mr. Matt Creamer & Mr. Matt Hollaway that I had released information that was confidential so a special meeting was held on March 18, 2013 to reprimand me for my actions.

I personally do not feel that the information I gave the bidders of having to go through Mr. Bakers office to oppose the bid was a serious breach of confidentially. Both bidders opposed and challenged the winning bid because in there opinion it did not meet all criteria set forth in the RFP. Mr. Konrad had expressed to both bidders if their specs did not meet the RFP requirements word for word they would not be considered.

I believe when it all comes down to the truth the building chosen was picked before the request for bids even got published in the paper. We were presented plans by the architect hired by Wicomico County showing a date that pre dated the RFP.

The other parties both spent monies on plans and attorneys that in fact were a waste of time and money for all involved. I do not feel this is a good practice and I do not feel that this is how we should treat our constituents, and in the end the tax payers of Wicomico County lose in this process.

The new States Attorney’s office will be a first class building and I have no problem with the location or successful bidder. I only have a problem with the process that was followed.
Bob Culver


  1. You go Bob these backroom deals has got to stop. Remember who voted for you and it sure wasn't Pollitt.Strasberg, Morris, or Matt Holloway. This is nothing more than a witch hunt and you can guess who the witch is.

  2. I'm glad you spoke out to the tax paying citizens. I agree, the backdoor secret meetings and deals must stop. I know I won't vote any of these candidates.

    This council has demonstrated on a consistent basis they can not be trusted nor are they interested in protecting or doing anything too help the taxpayer's.

    I have often wondered why so many want to get on the city and county councils and the only reason is to grease their own pockets. Oh during election time, they tell us how they love their community and want to serve and make a difference and help people thats all a great deal of bull hockey (the lumpy kind). All they want is the connections to better their selves, have their permits approved so they can increase their businesses. It isn't for the taxpayer, unless the taxpayer happens to be a close personal friend then the sky is the limit.

    I propose a radical idea. Eliminate both councils. Other states that are working well use this form of governing and the taxpayer benefits. The people choose, not the councils. Remember us, WE THE PEOPLE??????

  3. "The meeting that started this entire situation was a closed meeting where during that meeting I asked Mr. Ed Baker, County Attorney, how was someone supposed to challenge a bid if they felt they were not treated fairly. Mr. Baker told the council that there was a process to oppose the bid and that the individuals in question had not done so. Another council member then asked where this process was spelled out because they could not find on our County’s website. Mr. Baker then said it was in a book on Mr. Rick Konrad’s (Wicomico County purchasing manger) desk.

    After the closed meeting the next day I explained to the bidder that there is a process to oppose a bid and they would have to go through Mr. Baker’s office to do so. The next day Mr. Baker received a request from a local attorney representing clients and asking how to protest the bid process. Because the exact word “protest” was used by the inquiring attorney that was considered information leaked from a closed meeting."

    This IS a joke, right? No procurement procedure in this country is or should be "closed".

  4. You go Bob, let them all know that we Republicans stick together and it is always the Dumbcats that are always the ones that cause all the problems in Wicomico County.

  5. Matt Holloway and Stevie Prettyman are Republicans, in case you forgot.

  6. Matt Holloway is a buffoon who jumps to Pollitt's tune.

  7. I agree with Culver. A book on a desk, are you kidding me? Tricky Ricky and his stupidity in action again. The corruption in the City and County government is outrageous. Baker is still practicing law, really? Establish an open bid system that is fair and stick with it. Make it public and open to any company to bid. And, award fairly -- not good 'ole boys, behind closed doors, who my friends are-- CRAP. Way to go Culver. Keep these corrupt politicians to a higher standard. Thank you.

  8. Rick Konrad can not be trusted with any job like this. Look what he did (DIDN'T DO) in Fruitland. They took to long getting rid of him.

  9. I am a Democrat and I support Bob Culver 100% on this.

    All he did was serve constituents by getting them a general answer to their question.

    Sample Hughes should resign for suggesting the council has the power to remove a member, for something like this to boot. The PEOPLE or the courts make that decision, woman.

  10. I couldn't agree more. This should NEVER have been a closed meeting in the first place! I ALWAYS go to bid openings when I have a bid in. These things are public matters and need to be out in the open. The question itself is from the public and deserves a public answer. In fact, the next move should be to open that book and copy it to the County website!

    "Leak", my arse!

  11. Some of these people make mountains out of mole hills!!

  12. This explains why gillis Gilkerson got a lot of the work over the years. Good ole boy network.

  13. Does anyone honestly believe that a respected attorney with years of government lawyering would have only used the word "protest" because it was leaked to him by Bob Culver? Bob Eaton has forgotten more about how government works than those sitting on the council currently know. David Moore's presentation was logical too. This is beyond absurd.

    The "fix" was clearly in on this deal - it was obvious from watching the meeting. This is merely two things - a distraction to cloud the real issue and a vendetta being worked by one council member against another - and we all know who she is. Shame on you and the rest of the "click" who is trying to run this county.

  14. Anon 12:21 a.m. is an idiot to say the least.

  15. Welcome to today's politics as usual!

  16. 11:57 PM - considering what they've caved on - RINO's.

  17. No problem Bob. What were you supposed to say? I don't know? Personally, I feel like you did the only thing possible to answer the question of a constituent, and that's who you work for, sounds like the others have forgotten that.

  18. Stevie Prettyman and Matt Holloway are way out of line here. Stevie, we'll never forget what you did with BMS. You both should be supporting Bob Culver and the bidders with questions. The responses by most of the council and the county administrative team sure lead a person to believe ther is something "dirty" going on here. I've never wanted to believe that our city and county governments legislate based on the whims of the "good ole boy" network, but damn if it doesn't look like it may be true. Dishonest politicians seem to be the new "norm." Bob, we need someone like you to help the people you represent and to not be afraid to stand up to these dirty politicians and go public with their dirty little secrets. Thanks Bob, don't let any of them get away with a damn thing!

  19. all these idiots who deserve to be tarred and feathered!

  20. 12:21 Please let us know what Rick did not do in Fruitland? People love to speculate on the internet with no facts!

  21. Anon 10:33 AM Exactly.

  22. Have any of you actually READ the minutes from the closed door meeting? The whole ordeal, according to County Attorney, Ed Baker, was information from a private session was leaked. Several members say it's not the first time. Except for Joe Holloway, everyone, including Ed Baker, feels Culver ran his mouth out of turn. Some feel more was said than admitted to. Below is an excerpt:

    Mrs. Sample-Hughes feels that the conversation went beyond what was discussed. She said that information has been disclosed in the past which was confidential. She would like to see the censure done with a resolution and not allow the person to participate in closed work sessions. Mr. Baker said a Council member can’t be barred from closed sessions. Mrs. Sample-Hughes said this has occurred too often. Mr. Joe Holloway feels that no action is needed. Mrs. Bartkovich feels a private reprimand is appropriate. Mr. Hall said it is unfortunate the Council is here at this place. He said a disservice is done if the State’s Attorney and Judge are upset however he said the real issue is that information that was given in a closed session was given out. He said this does a lot of harm and does not add to the Council’s reliability. He is in favor of a private reprimand. Mrs. Prettyman said information has leaked out before and has eroded the integrity of the Council. She said that possibly Mr. Culver doesn’t understand the Council’s authority. She said if the County Executive is not doing their job the Council has oversight but can’t take over. She said the closed work session was a courtesy to the Council. Mrs. Prettyman said that Mr. Culver is an officer of the body and he has a duty to make sure that things are done correctly. She said he should not betray his team members. Mrs. Prettyman is in favor of reprimanding privately if he would step down as Vice President of the Council and someone else step in and if not she prefers a censure. Mr. Culver said he ran on transparency and if he has done something wrong he apologized however he does not feel that he leaked information. He said he did not disclose private information. He feels that more information about this building would be brought out in the future. He said that he will stand up for the constituents and the people he represents and feels that the lease issue needs more attention. Mr. Matt Holloway said he does not feel there was malice in his disclosure but was only trying to help the citizen. He still feels that keeping private information private is an issue with the Council. He doesn’t want the County Attorney to not want to have any communication with the Council except by writing. He feels that a private reprimand is needed and that today was sufficient and concerns were addressed. Mr. Culver agreed to a private reprimand.

  23. Why is anything regarding a public bid confidential? It is only confidential and discussed in closed meetings because someone is paying one of our outstanding councilpersons under the table a kick back - that way the bid award goes in favor of the "friend" that is the answer. What happened to investigative reporting - oh I forgot, The Daily Times is in the Wicomico County Councils' back pocket. As a taxpayer/property owner in Wicomico County I think they should throw out all the previous bids and start over again, ALL IN OPEN MEETINGS! Certainly looks like the current members of he county council have forgotten that they are elected and can be removed during the next election. Mr. Culver has stood up for what he thought was right and is being treated like the "bastard child" by the other members of the council. Shows Mr. Culver has a spine even though the other 99 percent of the council members are only there to fill their pockets.

  24. Why the he!! does anything have to be private and behind closed doors - now that is really nice. We vote for you guys then you don't want to let us know what is going on. The only one here that I would even consider voting for again would be Mr. Culver. If everything is open and above board, like it is supposed to be, why are you all worried. Shady goings on here and we all know it.

  25. What happened to the concept of open government in Wicomico County?

  26. All of us have heard of council members' names being mentioned as having connections with developers. Bob Culver was not one of those names.

  27. Who do these council people think they represent - themselves??!! This is unbelievable.

    Who cares that Culver told a bidder to contact Baker if they have any concerns - what is so "confidential" about that? It is abundantly clear from reading the minutes that this incident is more about council members not liking each other than any real substance. I bet every one of them has repeated something said in a "closed door meeting". And as far as "closed door meetings" - just what is being kept secret from those who elected you?

    You are all making fools of yourselves - with Prettyman being the head court jester. All of you need to get over yourselves and do the people's business and quit working your own personal agendas. Disgraceful behavior!!!!

    The rest of the council is making Bob look like a hero - at least he owns up to this actions. Not sure the same can be said about the rest of you. Seems like your plan to do him in backfired...there is something to be said for someone who owns up to their actions...something others on the council should learn.

  28. You go Bob, stand up for honesty and the truth. Keep standing strong and working FOR THE TAXPAYING CITIZENS.

    Seems to me the rest of the council members are pointing the finger at you trying to take the heat off them. They all have done backdoor dealings.

    How is it if the fix wasn't in did the plans pre-date the bid????

    What a bunch of cheats and liars. I certainly have lost all respect for them and won't vote for them in the next election period.

  29. Nice work Bob. I did hear a building permit for this new building has already been issued. Very fast turn around. It would be interesting to see when the Permit was applied for. If it was before the Bid was issued , then this really needs to be brought to the publics attention. Keep fighting for us Bob.

  30. We need Bob Culver to stay on, and recall all others. A closed meeting for a bid opening is absolutely unacceptable, and failure to direct an inquiring citizen as to how to find a public law copy would be equally illegal.
    All those supporting the closed session and condemning Bob's actions don't need to be working for the citizens of this county.

    They can all go suck an egg.

    With all respect gone now, how do we trust their decisions they will make tomorrow?

  31. So they didn't want anyone to know how to 'protest' the bidding process? That's why the outline for protesting such bids is in a book on someone's desk and not on the website? Nice

  32. Because Bob is a common sense businessman he will be a target in liberal land Maryland.


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