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Thursday, May 02, 2013

Equality In Gun Control Finally Achieved

According to the Associated Press, new billboards in northern Colorado are controversial for using the fate of the Native Americans as an illustration of the dangers of gun control. The billboards are in the style of a reddit meme and feature a photograph of three men in traditional Plains Indian attire, with the caption "Turn in your arms. The Government will take care of you."

According to the AP, one person condemned the billboard for "making light of atrocities the federal government committed against Native Americans."

Had the journalist or anyone interviewed for this story done any actual research on this matter, he or she would have quickly learned that the billboard is obviously based on a series of memes that have been around for years in various forms, and far from "making light" of atrocities against the Indians, are intended to be deadly serious (for the most part) in their references to the genocidal wars waged against the Indians.

Some interviewed for the piece went on to declare the message of the billboards as "extreme," and it says a lot that pointing out the indisputable fact that the treatment of Native Americans throughout most of American history has been based on deception and murder is considered by some people to be "extreme."



  1. And more has to be done in that genre. Please join the NRA, as they are the forefront in driving for the return of the rights of gun owners. I have been approached by many parallel organizations wanting my membership, but why would I pay 2 if my vote only will count once? Time to back the NRA in the lawsuit against Maryland's restrictive gun laws, and the whole in general. Without them, the 2nd Amendment is going to go. when that happens, we have no teeth, and the gas chambers are next.

  2. My great-grandmother was a full-blooded Cherokee Indian. A beautiful woman. Believe it when I tell you --- Indians still tell stories of being beaten, raped, murdered and marched from forests and hills to barren flatland and told this is where you will live now -- the ones who survived. They were disarmed by force. They weren't even allowed to have a gun to hunt. Only bleeding heart, ignorant and comfortable liberal sissy wankers think the Indians need their protection now from such billboards. The Indians KNOW what they say are true and those billboards do not offend them. Some do, however, find it ironic that the white man is now doing to each other what they did to the Indians, which is take their guns so they CAN'T say no to whatever the latest command is from the latest know-it-all politician. I'd say "take heed", but the ones who will, already have. The ones who won't, will never. Until its too late.


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