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Thursday, May 02, 2013

Wait, What? DHS Under Investigation For Ammo Purchases

The Department of Homeland Security is under investigation for purchasing large stockpiles of ammunition, days before legislation was introduced that would restrict the amount a government agency can legally buy.

The Government Accountability Office is now conducting the investigation into the alleged DHS purchases, which is “just getting underway,” GAO spokesman Chuck Young told US News & World Report.

DHS officials have repeatedly denied stockpiling ammunition, but AP reports claim that the agency plans to buy more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the next four or five years, and has already bought 360,000 rounds of hollow point bullets and 1.5 billion rounds in 2012.



  1. It's about time they looked into it. But the truth is nothing will come of it.

  2. Obama's Brown Shirts will be well armed.

  3. If it's for "training purposes", why are they hollowpoints? And if they are for on the job, why are they hollowpoints, which aren't even allowed on the battlefield?

  4. DHS is totally under control of Obama so you can expect Marshal Law before he is out of office.

  5. NATO requires full metal jacket. Why? It only injures, thus the need for another soldier to drop his weapon to aid the injured. Takes 2 off the battlefield.
    So, DHS just wants to wipe us out, period, I guess.

  6. I just read in the most recent before its news where the US Navy got their first squadren of drones.They are capable of remaining in the air for 12 hours straight.

  7. Anonymous said...
    I just read in the most recent before its news where the US Navy got their first squadren of drones.They are capable of remaining in the air for 12 hours straight.

    May 2, 2013 at 7:49 PM

    Not very good drones they have then. They have drones now that stay airborne 24/7.


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