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Thursday, May 02, 2013

Construction Jobs Up in Maryland

Construction jobs are up 12-percent since this time last year in the Baltimore area, according to a construction industry trade group.

"It's about 7,700 jobs more than we saw at this time last year," according to Ken Simonson, Chief Economist for the Associated General Contractors of America. He said across the U.S., construction jobs increased in 152 out of 339 metropolitan areas between March 2012 and March 2013.

Simonson said many of the jobs are in residential construction.



  1. "...apartment complexes and condos..."= section 8 housing. No good news there.

  2. Article didn't say anything about section 8. Also talked about office and retail construction. Lets quit wishing for gloom and doom and enjoy a little positive news.

  3. Lets quit wishing for gloom and doom and enjoy a little positive news.

    May 2, 2013 at 3:36 PM

    You are absolutely correct. But sometimes it is very hard to keep a positive outlook. Lord knows we need to focus on the good things in life.

  4. Wait a minute. I subscribe to numerous Bid boards, and am educated enough to know by the EEO requirements of the bidders that this is section 8 housing and I stand by my post. I am 2:55, and am bidding jobs every day. If you would like to dispute my allegations, may I suggest you sign up for Bidclerk out of Chicago (they are the most residential friendly bid board out there) for $50 a month and read it yourself! When a 1200 s.f. house and a bought property costs $200k to buy and build, and the banks are unloading the same house every day for $100k in a thousand locations in every town, how do you think the new housing market will be there?

    Please, Idiot of the Day, sit down.

  5. 5:39,you got that right!Also most of the construction projects are tax payer funded projects,not private.

  6. The most recent uptake in housing sales has been brought on by stock companies that are buying up massive amounts of properties for rental artificially boosting the numbers in the stock market. I hate the gloom and doom as much as the next guy but I try to stay informed.

  7. Here's how it is working.Read the post about the 27 year homeowners who were recently were diagnosed with cancer. They owe what on a 30 year mortgage? Now read all about the mortgage modification programs put out there by shiny happy people holding hands. Now continue reading about how Fannie and Freddie are spending $15k a month to keep these folks out of their house even though they have found other financing. I have called the banks who own these foreclosures to see if I can get a house on the cheap. They won't deal with me. They will, however, deal with another bank who will deal with local realtors who will deal with me. (Read 2+ markups here) Meanwhile, Fannie and Freddie are funding a nice little row apartment for you who just lost your homes to rent back to you with or without your Government voucher. These are government funded "jobs" that the shiny happy people are writing about. While all of this is going on, Fannie and Freddie have revved up that old, time worn radio commercial on how to teach our children the value of home ownership, just to sucker in the Young and Dumb into buying their foreclosures at unaffordable inflated prices to start the cycle all over again.
    Now, get up, go to the door, open it up and look outside. Count the shiny happy people holding hands skipping down your "skreet". Count the number of foreclosures on your block while you're up. Now, close the door, come back here, and call me a liar.

  8. should be up a lot more considering all the storm damage. Oh, that's right...the Eastern shore doesn't count...only the baltimore area.


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