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Thursday, May 02, 2013

Delaware Moves From 10th To 5th Among Bicycle Friendly States

League of American Bicyclists ranks Delaware first among northeastern states

-- In honor of National Bike Month, the League of American Bicyclists today released its latest Bicycle Friendly States ranking. In the sixth annual assessment, Delaware achieved a fifth place ranking nationally, while placing number one in the northeastern United States.

"People want to work and live in places they are proud to call home," said Governor Markell. "This shows the progress we've been making to expand trails and pathways, offering more connected workplaces and homes. We're on the road to making our quality of life in Delaware #1 in the country. It's good for families and for businesses who want to grow here."


  1. Painting a decal of a biker on the curb of a busy highway (and spending way too much money doing it) does not a bike path make. Example...Salisbury

  2. Yeah, where is the enforceable lane line? I've been waiting, but I guess winter got in the way.


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