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Thursday, May 02, 2013

Fannie Mae Evicts Family In Foreclosure, Then Installs Armed Guards

On January 16, 2013, just after 5 AM, 12 sheriff's deputies and 10 Portland police officers forcefully evicted the original Portland foreclosure fighters - Debbie and Ron Austin - from their NE Portland home. The eviction was at the demand of the government sponsored and funded mortgage finance vehicle, Fannie Mae.

The family was evicted, but their home is not empty. A force of armed private security guards from McRoberts Security was immediately installed in Debbie Austin's home. The guards have been on 24-hour duty in the home ever since.

Typical cost for private security indicates that Fannie Mae is spending $480-$600 a day, or $15,000 a month on 24-hour armed guards. Since the Austins' January eviction, Fannie Mae has spent nearly $50,000 of essentially public money to keep one home empty.


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