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Thursday, May 02, 2013

Study: Desperate For Attention, White House Reporters Abandon Tough Questions

A groundbreaking new study of White House press conferences over the past 23 years reveals that the events are in a death spiral, especially under President Obama. Reporters, desperate to keep the press conferences alive, have switched to asking easy questions in a bid to coax the president to host more of them, the study says.

Noting that the days when reporters like Sam Donaldson and Helen Thomas pestered President Reagan are long gone, the study in the authoritative journal American Politics Research said that adversarial questions have become rare as presidents have rebelled at them.

"The press want to encourage presidents to hold more of these direct exchanges to benefit their own reputations and media's prestige," said the study provided to Secrets. "The press will be less adversarial in these rare meetings to encourage more of them."



  1. There's no prestige in being known as a patsy. They should ask tough questions. And get answers. Or they should report that the President doesn't hold press conferences.

  2. So the press isn't working for the people...it is working for - the press!

  3. Oh, so now it's limited to what kind of shoes do you wear and boxers or briefs? Is that it? Benghazi of course was just a big nothing. FU.
    Jay Carney lies every day of his life. I truly wonder how these people hang on to these jobs and their sanity at the same time. It is evident that none of them hang on for more than 2 years. That must be the point where they seek mental health care. Presidential press conferences are nothing but a liar's convention, and then the "msm"has fodder for another day of lies and deceit.

  4. Looking for blame? Go in the bathroom and stare in the mirror. The news is a joke today because all of you scramble to soak up whatever crud they spew, as long as it supports your ideological ego. It's true on both sides of the political spectrum. Folks don't go in looking for real information. They want cherry picked facts and a half-baked narrative that entertains them. Meanwhile as long as the Fox New's, Hannity's, MSNBC's, and Chris Matthews continue to get you hyped over nonsense, the country becomes more divided while these guys laugh all the way to the bank.

  5. Let's just face the facts; the president isn't smart enough on any subject other than baseball or golf to answer any hard questions especially if they concern the country's economy or safety.

    Facts speak for themselves and he simply isn't relevant. He may think he is a great comic, however the sad story is he is a joke of a leader and president. I rank him just another slumlord.

    His "people" may think he is the next best thing to sliced bread, but the reality is he is a slave owner to "his people" look what he's done to them.

  6. The never ending pursuit of Benghazi must be taking a serious toll on the families of the deceased soldiers who died in Afghanistan and Iraq.4 Americans as opposed to thousands of soldiers places a higher degree of importance on an embassy than on the battlefield.Out of respect for the thousands it needs to end.

  7. Out of respect for all fallen military, the truth needs to be told. Then and only then can the families have closure and healing.
    They deserve that much respect from this government.


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